Riot did some housekeeping work in the recent Patch 4.04 update to VALORANT. Meta-defining Controller/Sentinel Hybrids such as Viper and Astra were given nerfs to bring them back down to earth for a bit, while Brimstone and Omen received buffs to help them see more use around maps in the meta.

Brimstone is currently sitting at an impressive 42% pick rate and a 69.4% win rate in Bind within the last seven days (ValorBuff). – not bad for an Agent who has been sitting at the bottom of many Controller Agent tier lists for quite some time.
With this in mind, now might be the best time to learn some post-plant Molly Lineups to take advantage of the ability’s long duration and supplement Brimstone’s upgraded Sky Smoke and Stim Beacon.
Brimstone Incendiary
Brimstone’s Incendiary is one of the most powerful Incendiary-type Ability for stalling Spike-defuses and enemy rushes in VALORANT.
Like all other incendiary-type Abilities in VALORANT, such as Viper’s Snake Bite and Killjoy’s Nanoswarm, and KAY/O’s FRAG/MENT, Brimstone’s Incendiary has a standard radius of 5 meters. It is decently priced at 250 Credits and has a decent Equip Time of 1.1 seconds.

What sets Brimstone’s Incendiary apart from every other incendiary-type Abilities in VALORANT is the ridiculous 7-second (minimum) duration in a fast-paced game such as VALORANT, where every single second counts, Brimstone’s Incendiary is without a doubt an insanely powerful stalling tool for both the Attacking and Defending sides.
For comparison, Viper’s Snake Bite only lasts a minimum of 5.5 seconds, and Killjoy’s Nanoswarm only lasts 4 seconds. All the other incendiary-type Abilities are not worth comparing since everyone else’s molly burns out faster than Viper’s and Killjoy’s incendiary abilities.
The decently quick damage it deals towards enemies within its radius (60/second) makes Brimstone’s Incendiary one of the most damaging post-plant incendiary abilities in VALORANT.
Bind A-site – A-Triple Box Post-plant Molly Lineup
Three boxes make a good shield while planting.

Spike plants on Bind’s A-site depend significantly on which lane your team took to get into the site.
If your team took the A-Bath route to get inside A-site, you would want to plant at A-Triple Box. A-Triple Box is the closest plant spot from A-Bath, and it provides decent cover from both A-Tower and Lamps while your team is planting the Spike.
On post-plant, your team will probably play from within A-Baths as it forces the Defenders to push out into the open. The Defenders will try eliminating your team to ensure they can defuse the Spike safely.
Unfortunately for the Defending team, you, as Brimstone, are already at A-Short lining up this post-plant Incendiary to delay the Spike defuse further.
- Get on top of this barrel at A-Short:

2. Stand in the corner on top of the barrel:

3. Look up towards the yellow solar panels:

4. Place the left tip of the middle HUD line in this corner between the solar panels and the dome-shaped machine:

5. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

When done properly, the Incendiary grenade should cover the A-Triple Box area with no problems:

Bind A-site – A-Default Post-plant Molly Lineup
A-Default is a rare VALORANT “default” spot for post-plant play.

Generally, most “default” plant spots in VALORANT are bad for post-plant-play. The problem lies in the safe and secluded nature of the plant spot.
The tradeoff usually goes like this:
Default = Safe and hidden plant= Difficult to defend in post-plant situations.
Open Plants = Dangerously open while planting = Enemies are open while defusing.
Even though the spot to the right side of the Tank is the designated A-Default spot for Bind, it is a relatively open plant spot that can easily be defended from A-Short, Lamps, and A-Baths.
A quick and easy Brimstone Incendiary will make it even more difficult for Defenders to defuse the Spike post-plant.
- Stand on top of the same barrel at A-Short as the previous Incendiary lineup:

2. Turn around and look for this lamp:

3. Place this tip on the HP HUD line in this corner on top of the lamp:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

When done properly, the Incendiary grenade should cover the A-Default area:

Bind A-site – Behind Triple Box Site Entry Molly Lineup
Not a post-plant lineup, but still a great molly to have for site entry.

The area behind the A-Triple Box is a common Defender spot on Bind A-site because of the direct sightline towards both A-Baths and A-Short.
If you do not mind using your only Incendiary charge to clear out the spot Behind A-Triple Box, here’s the lineup for that:
- Stand on top of the same barrel as the previous lineups at A-Short:

2. Turn around, then look for the bottom right corner of this Lamp:

3. Place the left tip of the HP HUD line on the bottom right corner of the Lamp:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

When done properly, the Incendiary grenade should land behind A-Triple Box:

Bind A-site – A-Triple Box Post-plant Molly Lineup from A-Lobby
Alternative A-Triple Box Lineup spot.

For Agents with lineups, it is often best to have at least two variations of the same lineup since there will be times when you will not have access to your favorite lineup spot on the map, turning your lineups into wasted potential.
With this in mind, we gave you an alternative lineup for A-Triple Box from A-Lobby.
- Stand in this corner on top of the crates outside of the Teleporter:

2. Turn around and look towards this tower:

3. Place the right tip of the HUD line between the Sky Smoke and Ultimate Icons in this corner of the tower:

Tip: You will have to line this up with your knife out initially, as the spot on the tower will be blocked off by Brimstone’s arm with his grenade launcher out.
4. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

The Incendiary grenade should cover the entire A-Triple Box area when done properly.

Bind A-site – A-Default Box Post-plant Molly Lineup from A-Exit
Alternative A-Default Lineup from A-Exit.

Following the trend of alternative positions for the same basic lineups, here is a quick and easy one for A-Default from A-Exit.
- Stand in this corner between the wall and the Teleportor door:

2. Turn around and look towards these leaves:

3. Place the right tip of the HP HUD line in this gap between the leaves:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

The Incendiary grenade should land at B-Default with no problems when done properly.

Bind B-Site – B-Default Post-plant Molly Lineup
Tons of other lineups from other Agents land on this very spot.

B-Default is located in the small corner on the front-left side of the on-site tube.
Once again, while this spot is great for planting the Spike, defending it from both B-Garden/Long and B-Hooka can be difficult if the defending team gains control of the B-site.
The B-Default angle forces Attackers to swing wider than ideally needed to defend the Spike – post-plant Attackers will have to expose themselves to the retaking Defenders to see the Spike from B-Long and Hooka.
With this in mind, we can fire off this post-plant Incendiary lineup for B-Default to delay the defuse and swing to check the Spike only when necessary.
- Stand in this corner at B-Teleporter:

2. Turn around and look for this small black line on the wall:

3. Place the leftmost tip of the HP HUD line on the tip of the line on the wall:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

The Incendiary grenade should land at B-Default and cover the entire area when done properly.

Bind B-site – Open plant for Hooka/B-Long Post-plant Molly Lineup
One of the better plant spots for B-site.

If you have read our article on the Best Spike Plant Spots for (All Maps) in VALORANT, we gave our reason why we thought the Open Plant spot on B-site is one of the better plant spots for B-site – Easy direct sightlines from both Hooka and B-Garden on post-plant-play.
Your team should have little problems with post-plant defense assuming you are positioned well inside Hooka and B-Long.
This Brimstone Incendiary lineup is simply the icing on the cake.
- Stand in this corner inside Hooka:

2. Turn around and look towards this corner on the left wall:

3. Place the right tip of the HP HUD line in this corner:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

When done properly, the Incendiary grenade should bounce off of Hooka’s right wall and land at the Open plant spot:

Bind B-site – B-Cubby Site Entry Molly Lineup
Cheese spot for eco rounds and shotgun plays.

Watch out for the B-site Cubby area, as Defenders love to use the B-Cubby area on eco rounds and shotgun buys.
Once you Molly off this spot, get ready if a Defender tries to run away from the Cubby area. It might be best to reserve this Incendiary Lineup when you know the enemy team is on a save round.
- Stand in this corner outside of B-Teleporter:

2. Turn around and look for this square-shaped hole on the upper part of the wall:

3. Place the left tip of the HP HUD line on the upper right corner of the square-shaped hole:

4. Fire Brimstone’s Incendiary:

When done properly, the Incendiary grenade should cover the entire B-Cubby area with no problems:

Bound by Flames
Bind is a fairly lineup-friendly map player should use for more efficient gameplay on both the Attacking and Defending sides.
These Molly Lineups are great to have when playing for post-plant around Bind. While Brimstone’s Incendiary is great for driving out Defenders from cheeky angles, the single charge makes it a very scarce kit that should ideally be used for stalling Spike defuses only. The seven-second Molly duration supports this claim even more.
Learn and master these lineups to ensure the Defending team feels the heat of your post-plant Molly hell.
There you have it! If you liked this Brimstone Molly Lineup guide for Bind, you would probably find this article on The Best Spike Plant Spots (All Maps) interesting! Go ahead, give it a read!