Add the Poro Gun Buddy to your Gun Buddy collection in Valorant.

Gun Buddies are cool accessories to add to your favorite guns in Valorant. These accessories come in various colors and shapes; sometimes, Gun Buddies can have a cool prismatic effect.
You can get most Gun Buddies in the game by progressing through the Battle Pass or purchasing featured Skin Bundles. There are, however, Gun Buddies that you can only get through a special event.
The Poro Gun Buddy is one of those gun Buddies. This quick guide will show you how to get the Poro Gun Buddy in Valorant.
What is the Poro Gun Buddy?
The Poro Buddy is a limited-time Gun Buddy released in November 2021 as part of the RiotX Arcane Event. You can get the Poro Gun Buddy for completing missions in the said event.

Poros are magical creatures that you will find in the game Legends of Runeterra. The Poro Gun Buddy features a greyish-blue Poro with brown antlers that you can equip on your gun of choice in Valorant.
There are currently 338 Gun Buddies in Valorant, each with a unique design, color, and animation.
How to Get the Poro Buddy?
You can get the Poro Buddy by completing missions in the World of RiotX Arcane event. You can do this by logging into the RiotX Arcane and participating in the RiotX Arcane event.
After you log in with your Riot Games account on the RiotX Arcane website, you will be taken to a browser game where you have to navigate to Killjoy’s lab.
Once you’re in Killjoy’s lab, go through the dialogue with Phoenix, then make your way to the next floor where Killjoy is. Talk to Killjoy and complete the dialogue with her, then make your way downstairs and access the note on the small crate next to Phoenix. After interacting with the note, go up to the second floor again, then talk to Killjoy again.
Complete the new set of dialogue with Killjoy, then talk to Jett. Like Killjoy, just breeze through the dialogue with Jett, and you’ll eventually have to talk to Yoru.
Yoru are the last Agent you must talk to to get the Poro Buddy in Valorant. After you talk with Yoru, the Gun Buddy should be in your Valorant account.
Can you still get the Poro Buddy in Valorant?
Unfortunately, you can no longer get the Poro Buddy in Valorant. You could only acquire the Gun Buddy through the RiotX Arcane event from November to December 2021.

Except for Weapon Skins, there is no way to purchase other in-game cosmetics, such as Gun Buddies in Valorant. If you want to get the Poro Buddy in Valorant, you must wait for Riot Games to add the ability to purchase past cosmetics in a future update.
Arcane-exclusive Buddy
You could get multiple exclusive cosmetic items in the RiotX Arcane event in November 2021. Unfortunately, you can no longer acquire any of the cosmetics featured in the event, as these were exclusive to the event only.