Though the Court of Owls have been hyped up as the main anatgonists of Gotham Knights, the game is still bringing back some familiar rogues from Batman’s gallery including Clayface and Mr. Freeze.

One other character coming to the game is Harley Quinn, and thanks to IGN, we have a look at how this Harley is different and how this could be the most dangerous version of the character. Watch this:
As explained in the clip, we’re now dealing with an ‘older, wiser’ Harley, which is not just a capable fighter, but a master manipulator as well. We don’t know exactly what she has planned for Gotham, but she has managed to gather followers who will attack you when you go up against her.
I have to say, the story for her new design is pretty interesting, and we get a look at all the different takes before they decided to stick to her heart-shaped face paint. Take note, this is a Harley that has been the Joker’s sidekick, and has also been on missions with the Suicide Squad; with Batman gone and his protégés stepping up, Harley thinks it’s her responsibility to become the ultimate nemesis for the bat-family.
For all this new character work on Harley though, I am curious on what happened to Poison Ivy in this timeline. After all, Ivy is Harley’s endgame in a lot of other iterations of the character.
Catch Gotham Knights when it launches for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC on Oct. 25.