How to Play Apex Legends Mobile on PC


John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.


Play the mobile version of Apex Legends Mobile on PC or Mac OS.

How to Play Apex Legends Mobile on PC

Apex Legends Mobile’s controls were supposedly built from the ground up and optimized for use on touchscreens. However, unlike other battle royale games on iOS and Android, Apex Legends Mobile needs a few more on-screen buttons for Legend abilities. The result? A cramped-looking HUD with tons of buttons floating around the screen.

Aiming properly on a game controller versus a mouse already feels like a handicap for most people. Aiming with your fingers is even more of a challenge, especially on a relatively tiny 6-inch screen.

So what would happen if you could play a mobile-based battle royale game on your PC?

Android Emulation on PC/Mac OS

The great thing about Android is that its code is open-source, which means developers can easily create various types of software on the platform.

Android apps are usually written and developed on PC, Mac OS, or Linux machines, so Android apps are tested on any operating system by using emulators before the devs officially release their software.

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These very same emulators can be used to run Android apps on your PC, Mac OS, or Linux computer like you normally would on an Android phone or tablet.

You have probably pieced together the puzzle by now. You can run games such as Apex Legends Mobile on your PC, Mac OS, or Linux machine through an Android Emulator.

These Android Emulators are a godsend for Android gamers who do not have a competitive mobile phone they can use to play the latest and greatest games available. PC, Mac OS, and Linux computers are generally more powerful than mobile devices, so emulated Android apps on PC, Mac OS, or Linux should run smoothly.

How to Download and Install Android Emulator

Fortunately, downloading, installing, and running your favorite games on an Android Emulator is pretty simple. We have selected BlueStacks 5 as our Android Emulator of choice for this guide, thanks to its minimal CPU usage and easy-to-use interface.

  1. Download BlueStacks 5 from the BlueStacks website:
bluestacks how to play apex legends mobile on pc

2. Install BlueStacks 5 on your PC or Mac OS:

bluestacks install how to play apex legends mobile on pc
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3. BlueStacks 5 should launch automatically after installation:

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4. Done!

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How to Install and Play Apex Legends on BlueStacks 5

  1. Click on the Play Store icon to launch the app:
download playstore how to play apex legends mobile on pc

2. Sign In to your Google Account:

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3. Search for “Apex Legends Mobile” in the search box:

search how to play apex legends mobile on pc

4. Install Apex Legends Mobile:

install how to play apex legends mobile on pc

5. Launch Apex Legends Mobile:

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Note: If you encounter this window, click on the “Back” arrow key to close it:

emulator how to play apex legends mobile on pc

Import Controls Configuration for Mouse and Keyboard Control

To use a mouse and keyboard to play Apex Legends Mobile, you will need to manually configure each on-screen button to correspond to a specific keyboard and mouse button.

We have mapped a basic mouse and keyboard control layout for you to try out. Feel free to change out any buttons to your liking.

  1. Download this controls CFG file from Google Drive.
  2. Click on the Game controls button.
keyboard how to play apex legends mobile on pc

3. Click on “Controls Editor.”

controls install how to play apex legends mobile on pc

4. Click on “Import”:

import install how to play apex legends mobile on pc

5. Navigate to the controls CFG file you downloaded earlier. Import it to BlueStacks 5:

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Apex Legends Mobile on PC/Mac OS/Linux

It is ironic to be playing Apex Legends Mobile on PC when you can play the full PC version on Origin or Steam. Nevertheless, if you specifically want to play Apex Legends Mobile on PC/Mac OS/Linux, then, by all means, go for it.

Of course, playing a mobile game on a computer using a mouse and keyboard poses an unfair advantage in terms of competitive gameplay in Apex Legends Mobile. So it remains to be seen what Respawn Entertainment will do to balance this out.

For now, enjoy smooth high-FPS Apex Legends Mobile gameplay on your PC/Mac OS/Linux computer!

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