Apex Legends Mobile: Eyes in the Sky Crypto Limited-time Event Guide



John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.

Complete all the challenges to get an exclusive Crypto skin.

Apex Legends Mobile: Eyes in the Sky Crypto Limited-time Event Guide

The Eyes in the Sky Event is a limited-time event in Apex Legends Mobile that runs from 8/24/2022 until 9/7/2022 (UTC +8)

The event is simple – players must complete several challenges in-game to earn Challenge Points and unlock four exciting event rewards.

We have listed all the challenges you need to complete, how many Challenge Points you can get from completing them, and the rewards you can get for completing the Eyes in the Sky challenges in this guide.

Eyes in the Sky Challenges

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The Eyes in the Sky limited-time event features six challenges players can complete through various methods in-game.

Here are all six challenges and how to complete them:

As Crypto, Bloodhound, or Wraith, complete ten matches in Battle Royale mode. 20 Challenge Points
As Crypto, Lifeline, or Mirage, complete ten matches in Hack Mode. 15 Challenge Points
Use Crypto Bangalore or Caustic’s Finisher 2 times in a single match in Battle Royale mode. 15 Challenge Points
As Crypto, Pathfinder, or Gibraltar, kill 15 enemies in Battle Royale mode. 20 Challenge Points
Use Crypto, Bloodhound, or Lobba’s Ultimate 7 times in Battle Royale mode. 15 Challenge Points
As Crypto, Octane, or Lifeline, deal 2000 damage in Battle Royale mode. 15 Challenge Points

The good news is that you don’t have to complete any of the challenges above in one session, as the game will automatically count every completed instance for each challenge. And, if you complete multiple challenges in one game, those will all count towards each challenge when applicable.

For example, if you used Crypto in one game and managed to complete one match, used Crypto’s finisher once, and killed five enemies all in one Battle Royale match, then all of these will count towards your progress in the first, third, and fourth challenges. Simple right?

Eyes in the Sky Rewards

Completing all the challenges in the Eyes in the Sky limited-time event will net you 100 Challenge Points in Apex Legends Mobile.

Players can earn their first reward in the form of 50 Flux as soon as they get their hands on 30 Challenge Points. The next reward is the Elite VIP account badge at 50 Challenge Points, while at 80 Challenge Points, you can get 3000 Season 2.5 Currency. Finally, you will be awarded the exclusive Skeletal Surveillance Crypto Skin after successfully completing all the challenges.

Eyes on the Prize

The challenges will take some time to complete since some will require you to complete an entire Battle Royale match which could take anywhere from 20-40 minutes each. Since the Eyes in the Sky Crypto limited-time event will only run for a few short weeks, make sure you try to complete as many challenges as possible to unlock the Sky Surveillance Crypto Skin.

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