How To Fix Blazing Sails No EXP Bug


John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.


Is there a fix for the No EXP Bug in Blazing Sails?

How To Fix Blazing Sails No EXP Bug

Players have reportedly been unable to receive EXP in their matches in Blazing Sails, leaving many newer players disappointed and frustrated in the pirate-themed Battle Royale game.

Many of these players have turned to the Steam Community and Reddit to express their frustrations about the No EXP Bug in Blazing Sails, and, unsurprisingly, many players have been experiencing the same issue for a few days now.

Is there anything you can do to fix the No EXP Bug in Blazing Sails? Read on to find out.

How to Fix the No EXP Bug

Unfortunately, you can do nothing to fix the No EXP Bug in Blazing Sails. This is the problem that lies in the game and its servers.

A screenshot showing EXP gained in Blazing Sails.
Image Credits: SimpleCat (YouTube)

The devs have reportedly turned off XP progress in Blazing Sails for now after a sudden influx of players coming from Epic Games caused the XP mechanic to malfunction. You will have to wait for a fix to arrive for the game via a future update to start gaining progress and XP in Blazing Sails again.

The good news is that the devs have acknowledged the issue and are working on a hotfix build. It should fix the No XP Bug and other Blazing Sails issues tied to Items and DLCs. You can still play Blazing Sails with your friends without any problem. You just won’t get any EXP for your matches.

Related: Blazing Sails: How To Play With Friends

Is the Blazing Sails No EXP Bug Epic Games only?

Blazing Sails players on Steam and Epic Games report the same No EXP Bug. Thus, there’s no difference between Steam and Epic Games regarding in-game progression.

A screenshot of a land gameplay in Blazing Sails.
Image Credits: SimpleCat (YouTube)

Many players are already raising their pitchforks against Get Up Games, as these players have reportedly won multiple Battle Royale games in Blazing Sails in the past few days but received no EXP whatsoever for their efforts.

Final Thoughts

Blazing Sails is going through a rough patch right now as the free Epic Games promotion brought in an unexpected influx of players that supposedly broke the game’s EXP progression mechanic.

You’re likely not gaining any EXP despite winning and playing many matches in Blazing Sails. Still, there is nothing you can do to fix the issue yourself. You’ll have to wait for the devs to figure out the problem and release an update in the near future.

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