Can You Play Rogue Company Without PS Plus?



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

Rogue Company has impressed a lot of gamers since its release. It features a very unique battle system with drastically different mechanics than the other similar titles out there.

Can You Play Rogue Company Without PS Plus?

Because we have seen a lot of games going completely free, it’s natural to ask whether or not Rogue Company be completely free, or will you need PS Plus to play this game?

Playing Rogue Company Without PS Plus

ps plus rogue company 2

Like I said above, publishers and developers keep on giving us titles that are completely free. This hasn’t been seen a lot in the past, so it is a pleasant surprise.

Games nowadays, are more inclined to get revenue by other means. This includes microtransactions and DLCs, which means that they’re more focused on customizations and expansions.

Rogue Company does have the above-mentioned things like, microtransactions and expansions. So, with that said, we come to the question whether you can play Rogue Company without a PS Plus?

You’ll be happy to know that Rogue Company is completely free, and can be played without a PS Plus!

That’s all well and good, but considering there will be a lot of microtransactions and expansions, are there any downsides to this?

Cons of Rogue Company Being Free To Play

Well, fans of this genre and this game have been quite enraged in the last few months. While having a completely free, perfectly-developed game is all good, it has spiked some controversy that it has become pay-to-win.

The game features a lot of Rogues and weapons which you can buy with coins that you have grinded for, or you can pay a little bit of cash to get some competitive advantage compared to other players.

rogue company ps plus 2

Now, it is fair to mention that this “advantage” might become insignificant because it only allows you to get certain items and Rogues faster than other players.

Technically, after a long while playing the game, a lot of players would have already acquired those characters.

So, weighing in the pros and cons proves that this game has far more pros and the advantages you get with paying real money become insignificant.

For now, and with the current architecture that the game has, you get a pretty sweet game for free. However, for the future we don’t know how things will pan out, so we will have to wait and see.

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