How to Level Up Fast in Valheim



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. Outside of work, she streams video games with friends and creates clips and videos about PC games on YouTube.

Since Valheim has a huge progression curve, so much work needs to be done to level. Valheim has some mechanics and systems that are unorthodox and not ordinary compared to other games. Take, for example, the leveling system. There isn’t a character level in the game. Instead, you will face challenges leveling up individual skills and abilities.

How to Level Up Fast in Valheim

This is unorthodox, as I said, but it seems as though it is much better than what we’re used to from other games. Leveling your skills in this game is tough, but we have some tips!

How to Level Up Fast – Valheim

When you die in Valheim, you lose a bit of progress, levels, and experience. And because there are many powerful creatures that you will face, chances are you’re going to do a lot of it.

Now, for those who want the quickest way to level up skills in Valheim and aren’t bothered by getting their hands dirty, you can do it with cheats. But it isn’t that difficult for those who want to do it the old-fashioned hardcore way.

Here is what you need to do to level up fast in Valheim:

Find a Big Rock

Find a big boulder of a rock somewhere in any biome. This rock is important because you can level up much of your skills on it.

Build a Shelter

Next, you need to level the ground around the rock as much as possible. Make sure you level it around it to build a mid-size structure around it. You can use this template:

Screenshot showing how to level up fast in Valheim

After that, you need to do just that – build a structure that is shelter-like. Make walls and roofing for this building, and inside, ensure you have a campfire and a workbench. The rock needs to be in the middle of the hut.

Ensure that your roof doesn’t have any holes, as well as your walls for this structure. And most important, place flooring around the rock and cover the whole hut.

You will also need to make a chimney for the fire so you don’t choke inside the building.

Rested & Resting

This will ensure that you have two buffs – rested and resting. Combined, these buffs will give you as much as 400% Stamina regeneration (most importantly, if you want to level up fast)!

So, all you need to do now is hit the rock with anything you want to increase your skill for – axes, swords, etc. When you spend all of your stamina, it will regenerate at lightning speeds.

You can also make a jumping station and place a floor piece directly above your head to cancel the jump. This way, you will jump twice as much in one minute. All that is left to do is rinse and repeat!

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