Ace Review [Final Fantasy:Brave Exvius]


Matt Baker

Writer and Storywriter


Unit Ace 5

Ace Review [Final Fantasy:Brave Exvius]


[easytable]Max Rarity, Skills, Future Proof, Stats, Equipment, Trust Master, Overall

6★, S, S, S, C, A, S+[/easytable]

[easytable]Rarity, Job, Origin, Gender, Family

5★ – 6★, Agito Cadet, FF Type-0, Male, Human[/easytable]

Trust Master Rewards – Acceptance: Special Ability – MP +20%, MAG +30%

LevelXP requiredTotal XPUnlocked itemsRewards
210001000Poke Ball x10
320003000Poke Ball x15
430006000Poke Ball x15
5400010000Gyms, Potions, RevivesPoke Ball x20, Potion x10, Revive x10, Incense
6500015000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incubator
7600021000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Incense
8700028000Razz BerryPoke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x10, Lure Module
9800036000Poke Ball x15, Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x3, Lucky Egg
10900045000Super PotionsPoke Ball x20, Super Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
111000055000Poke Ball x15, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
121000065000Great BallsGreat Ball x20, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
131000075000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
141000085000Great Ball x10, Super Potion x10, Revive x3, Razz Berry x3
1515000100000Hyper PotionsGreat Ball x15, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
1620000120000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1720000140000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1820000160000Great Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
1925000185000Great Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x5, Razz Berry x5
2025000210000Ultra BallsUltra Ball x20, Hyper Potion x20, Revive x20, Razz Berry x20, Incense x2, Lucky Egg x2, Egg Incubator x2, Lure Module x2
2150000260000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
2275000335000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
23100000435000Ultra Ball x10, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
24125000560000Ultra Ball x15, Hyper Potion x10, Revive x10, Razz Berry x10
25150000710000Max PotionsUltra Ball x25, Max Potion x20, Revive x15, Razz Berry x15, Incense, Lucky Egg, Egg Incubator, Lure Module
26190000900000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
272000001,100,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15
282500001,350,000Ultra Ball x10, Max Potion x15, Revive x10, Razz Berry x15


5★ 6★
Unit Ace 5 1 Unit Ace 6


General Thoughts

Ace is a 6-star character based around dealing Magic Damage. His stats are spread out in a very good way giving him decent coverage over most major areas that a magic user needs.

Now the big thing to note about Ace is a lot of his skills are a random chance on their effect. He’s basically a roulette character with you depending on luck to get the best outcome.

Attack Hand gives several different options of the kind of damage it’s going to deal. Burst, Super Burst, Mega Burst, and Giga Burst are all possible outcomes to his Attack Hand.

Each one has an AoE effect and raises in damage the higher level of attack you get. Same goes for his Support hand skill lending Short Burst, Long Burst, and Mega Stop.

Support hand is a single target attack that casts different levels of Stop on one enemy. The higher the level the stronger the attack.

His skill Wild Card is a good one to use once obtained. It deals magic damage with a 2.5 multiplier and negates 2 damage to the caster for 2 turns.

His final skill Spirit Hand is another roulette type skills. having the choices MP Charge, MP Super Charge, and MP mega Charge.

Each one recovering different amounts of Ace’s MP depending on the level you get. So it can either be extremely helpful or somewhat useless depending on the situation you’re in.

Ace’s limit burst is Jackpot Shot which deals Magic damage with a  4.1x multiplier and ignores SPR 50% to one enemy.

Ace’s downside comes with his equipment and attacks. Like a lot of characters, his armor could be better and leaves him in vulnerable places. But his random chance to some of his skills can be a turn off to a lot of people making him only so good in the long run.

Verdict:  If you’re okay with the roulette effect on his skills then he’s definitely good to use.


Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits LB Drops Exp. Growth Pattern
5★ 2692 119 91 90 113 96 5 2 4
6★ 3500 155 119 118 147 125 5 2 6

Maximum Stats Increase

5★ 300 50 20 20 20 20
6★ 450 75 30 30 30 30


Ace is neutral to all elements and status ailments.

Learned Abilities

Min Rarity Level Icon Name Effect MP
5★ 22 MP 30 MP +10 MP +10% 30
5★ 43 Draw Attacks Attack hand Randomly use:
50% chance to use Burst: Magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies
30% chance to use Super Burst: Magic damage (2.2x) to all enemies
15% chance to use Mega Burst: Magic damage (2.5x) with ignore SPR (10%) to all enemies
5% chance to use Giga Burst: Magic damage (3.2x) with ignore SPR (25%) to all enemies
5★ 58 Draw Attacks Support Hand Randomly use:
70% chance to use Short Burst: Stop (30%) for 1 turn to one enemy
20% chance to use Long Burst: Stop (30%) for 3 turns to one enemy
10% chance to use Mega Stop: Stop (30%) for 5 turns to one enemy
5★ 64 Def 20 SPR +20% SPR +20%
5★ 80 Triple Slip 1 Triple Slip Negate 3 damage taken for 2 turns to caster 16
5★ 1 Devotion Devotion Increase LB gauge fill rate (200%)
6★ 21 Draw Attacks Life Hand Randomly use:
70% chance to use HP Charge: Recover HP (40%) to self
20% chance to use HP Super Charge: Recover HP (70%) to self
10% chance to use HP Mega Charge: Recover HP (100%) to self
6★ 52 Atk +20% MAG +30% MAG +30%
6★ 72 auto-refresh Auto-Refresh Recover MP (5%) per turn during battle
6★ 82 Draw Attacks Wild Card Magic damage (2.5x) to one enemy and negate 2 physical damage taken for 2 turns to caster 26
6★ 100 Draw Attacks Spirit Hand Randomly use:
70% chance to use MP Charge: Recover MP (30) to self
20% chance to use MP Super Charge: Recover MP (75) to self
10% chance to use MP Mega Charge: Recover MP (120) to self

Learned Magic Abilities

Min Rarity Level Icon Name Effect MP
5★ 3 Firaga 1 Fira Fire magic damage (1.4x) to all enemies 9
5★ 11 Firaga 1 Firaga
Fire magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies
5★ 30 Thundaga 1 1 Thundaga Lightning magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies 20

Limit Burst

Rarity Name Effect
5★ Jackpot Shot Base: Magic damage (2.7x) with ignore SPR (50%) to one enemy
Max: Magic damage (3.65x) with ignore SPR (50%) to one enemy
6★ Jackpot Shot Base: Magic damage (2.9x) with ignore SPR (50%) to one enemy
Max: Magic damage (4.1x) with ignore SPR (50%) to one enemy


Ace can equip Dagger,Rod, and Throwing weapons and 4 armors

[easytable]Weapons, Armors

Short SwordRod1Throwing,Hat 1ClothesRobe 1Accessory 3 [/easytable]


Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5★ 4 Black Magic LV. 7
6★ 4 Black Magic LV. 8


Rarity Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Material 4 Material 5
6★ Rainbow Bloom(20) Prismatic Horn(10) Fairies Writ(10) Calamity Writ(5) Divine Crystal(5)


A young man who appears in the tales of a world divided into four nations that individually control their own unique Crystals. Ace was taken in at an early age, and has since been raised as a cadet to become Agito, the legendary savior or saviors. As an Agito Cadet he trains with Class Zero at the Akademeia, and wields a deck of magically infused cards as his weapon. Although he may appear cool and collected, he can be quite rash when overcome with emotion. Ace refers to Arecia, who heads Akademeia’s Sorcery Division, as “Mother.”

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