How can you become the strongest Viking in Valhalla? Your weaponry makes the biggest difference!

In order to practically speaking, destroy your enemies in Valhalla, you will need the best weapons to battle powerful foes!
Thankfully, you can get your own Mythic weapons to use, using this guide. We will outline the most powerful and best mythic weapon locations for you to obtain!
Now, keep in mind that some of these might need an upgrade at the Blacksmith. Not many of them will be Mythic when you find them, but can be easily upgraded to that rarity at the forge, and it’s a very small price to pay for such weapons.
Best Mythic Weapon Locations – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
We will show you the map locations, but we won’t go into detail on the exact spot of obtaining these weapons. I’m pretty sure that would take all the fun out of it.
Also, in Valhalla it’s really straightforward to find loot and wealth because of the vision system. Using it will pinpoint the closest loot, wealth, and other points of interest.
Let’s start this off, here are the most powerful and unique Mythic weapon locations in Valhalla:
Aella’s Bardiche

- Location: Jorvik Theatre, Jorvik
- You don’t have to battle any enemies to get this wonderful two-handed monster of an axe.
- As your health gets lower, the axe will increase its speed, sort of like rage. It will be faster than many other one-handed axes in the game when you are very low on health!
- It will have to be heavily upgraded at the Blacksmith though, so keep that in mind.
Fyrd Axe

- Location: Forest Rest, Jorvik
- This one has one perk and one perk only – Critical Strike. It’s astonishing how much the crits from this axe will hurt once upgraded.
- Similar to the first axe that we showed, this one also increases a perk on health depletion. That is increasing the critical chance on lower health!
Spinning Death

- Location: Trading Post, Jorvik
- The Spinning Death might be your favorite here. You will cause so much mayhem with the spinning blade on the front of your weapon.
- All in all, it’s very unique to use and has an interesting perk, where it drops a Fire Bomb after heavy finishers.
- That might be a downside as well, because finisher perks are not really that useful, they’re more fun, but not that strategic.
- There will be some heavily armed guards at this location, so be careful.
Saggittarius Bow

- Location: Multangular Tower, Jorvik
- The most beautiful bow you can get is the Saggitarius bow! It looks like it was made from the gods of Valhalla. It has a slick and modern look to it , unlike the other ones you will find.
- The perk for this bow is the second selling point for it. It has a perk of increasing speed when hitting weak points.
- As you hit weak points, your speed will get to the point where you can spam as much as possible!
- At the location will be some enemies, but not that many, you could easily take them down.
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