Biomutant is full of items. There are tons of gearing options, from common rarity to ultimate. However, most of the time the ultimate rarity gear is much harder to obtain, like the Heatzone Suit. Nevertheless, once you know what you need to do, the process is much more straightforward. Read on to find out how to get the Heatzone Suit in Biomutant!

How to Get Heatzone Suit – Biomutant
This has to be done through a quest though. The quest that you need to get to locate the Heatzone Suit is the ‘Heatzone Pingdish’. Once you get the ‘Tune the Pingdish to locate the Heatzone Suit’, make your way to the dish, which is located at Pingdish 6K.
Once you interact with the dish, you will have to solve a puzzle. This is the usual puzzle in Biomutant where you will need to line up and connect the colors accordingly.
Use the middle part to line up the other two colors. Meaning, move the left pipe to a position to where it has yellow on the right. And the last pipe, to a position to where it has white on the left. The middle part doesn’t need to be moved.
Then, once you can move the Pingdish, move it around and keep clicking ‘Use’ until you get a single. Most of the time is on the right.
After that, players will get the exact location for the Heatzone Suit. For reference, it is at Mushimosh Mire, inside the old bunker. Make your way there, and go inside the bunker. Go through the first door on the right, take the next left and keep going straight.
You will go through a couple of hallways until you end up in a room with a yellow locker. Inside, there will be a suit. This chrome outfit is the ultimate Heatzone Suit in Biomutant.
Like I said, it is chrome and it has an interesting esthetic. Plus, it is quite a rare outfit, which means there is room for upgradability in the future.
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