Black Ops: Cold War Lost Connection to Host | How To Fix


Jon Torres

Writer and Storywriter


All new Call of Duty games are subject to a lot of criticism. It’s a very famous franchise and errors and bugs must be at a minimum. However, players keep experience lost connection to host when trying to launch Cold War.

Black Ops: Cold War Lost Connection to Host | How To Fix

Along with other similar fatal crashes and errors, Treyarch has been working day and night to mitigate server-related issues. On the bright side, at least in-game bugs haven’t been many.

Nonetheless, until this gets patched, we have found a fix for lost connection to host for Black Ops: Cold War.

Fix Lost Connection to Host – Black Ops: Cold War

Unfortunately, the developers haven’t provided a fix or any additional information about this issue. What they did was, they told us that they are aware of the connection issues and are working on fixes.

Thankfully, the wide-spread community of Cold War players have come together and found the fix to this problem.

There are two methods to fix lost connection to host in Black Ops: Cold War:

Restart and Start as Administrator

  1. Restart your PC.
  2. Once booted-up, start Battle.Net as Administrator.
  3. Launch the game.

Connect Blizzard account to Activision

  1. Open up the Activision website.
  2. Login.
  3. Connect your Blizzard account.

Try these two methods and see what works for you. For the majority of the community, these fixes work.

If the issue is still persistent then you the problem might be from your end. Because this is a connection issue, try to disable, enable your connection, restart your router, or switch to Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable depending on which one you have tried before.

However, even if that doesn’t work, the consider contacting Activision’s live support. You will surely be transferred to a technician which will help you solve the error. Good luck!

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