Mass Effect Legendary Edition is all the installments of the Mass Effect franchise, into one bundle, but reworked, with new graphics, important mechanical changes, but most importantly the same story. So, the story that we have all fallen in love with, but in a better setting. But those that use 21:9 monitors, can they finally enjoy Mass Effect on this resolution? Well, we have set out to find out whether you can play Mass Effect Legendary Edition on an ultrawide monitor, or 21:9.

Can You Play Mass Effect Legendary Edition on an Ultrawide Monitor 21:9?
It is reasonable that there is such an interest about this. All games haven’t exactly done what was necessary to transition to this resolution. So, is the new remastered bundle of Mass Effect any different?
Yes, now you can play Mass Effect Legendary Edition on an ultrawide monitor, more specifically, a 21:9 resolution!
What many did to mitigate for the fact that Mass Effect doesn’t have a 21:9 native resolution back in the day, is they used mods, which tweaked the config and ini files of the install, so that they can play the game Fullscreen.
On top of that, software applications like Flawless Widescreen were used, if you weren’t particularly tech-savvy to mod the game.
Nevertheless, for now, the implementation of this native resolution is the main vocal point in the community. For Mass Effect 3 mostly, players were pretty vocal about the necessity of more resolution options. Yet, changes or implementations of new resolutions didn’t happen.
No matter what the issues were back in the day, thankfully, they aren’t present anymore. With the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, most blockbuster titles were overshadowed. Not to name any names, but Resident Evil Village.
Jokes aside, this has brought a new light to the Mass Effect franchise, and brough both new players and old ones back in the action. Apart from a few hiccups at launch for Xbox One users, this game is everything that BioWare promised to deliver!
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