The all new Hot Pursuit Remastered, is the newest racing title from EA. It has a similar architecture to the original, however it has been updated in many aspects like graphics, story, mechanics, etc.

But the most important question is has it improved in one particular way, i.e. have they added steering wheel support. We didn’t have any wheel support back in the days when the original came out.
Has anything changed?
Wheel Support in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered
Even back then people were furious about the fact that there was no wheel support implemented. Need for Speed does have quite a different dynamic to other racing games, which makes it more compatible to be played with controllers or keyboard.
However, that doesn’t mean that it won’t shine by being played with a steering wheel. Let’s talk about everything we know about this topic.
Can you Play Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered with a Steering Wheel?
Unfortunately, there will be no steering wheel support for the all-new NFS Hot Pursuit Remastered. What is further disappointing, is the fact that this decision is final and they won’t be revisiting this topic in the future.
There might be a bright side to this. Like in the past, even though EA didn’t have steering wheel support for many games, they could be played with steering wheel nonetheless.
However, this isn’t anything certain, it has been stated by one community manager for EA on their official site.
Furthermore, this theory has merits. As I’m sure you can all remember Most Wanted and other similar titles working fine with wheels, even though no support was intended.
I know that it’s quite different when you are certain that there is steering wheel support, but we will have to see how things pan out as players start hooking up and trying steering wheels on this game.
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