Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every Hisui Pokemon species to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Additionally, various people will also ask for help from the player in the form of requests. One of these requests is Request 55, titled ‘Poor, Peckish Piplup.’ This guide will teach you how to complete the ‘Poor, Peckish Piplup’ request.
Poor, Peckish Piplup
To unlock this request, the player must first unlock the Coastlands Camp in the Cobalt Coastlands, which can be done by completing the ‘Setting Up the Coastlands Camp’ request (the 46th request in the game). The player may need to reset the map for the request to appear, which can be done by returning to Jubilife Village and then returning to the Cobalt Coastlands.
After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! To do that, head to Tombolo Walk, which is on the southeasternmost part of the Cobalt Coastlands (southeast of the Coastlands Camp in Sand’s Reach), and there you will find a woman in a green kimono named Maris with a Piplup. Talk to Maris, and she will tell the player that it seems like the Piplup she found is so hungry that it can barely move, and she tried to give it some food, but it would not take a bite.
She will then say that the Piplup took some interest in Plump Beans, but it still would not eat them. After the player suggests crafting something for the Piplup, Maris will realize that if they make the Plump Beans extra tasty, the Piplup will surely eat it. She will then say to the player that Bean Cakes will surely do the trick, and she will ask the player to make one for her. Then, just like that, the ‘Poor, Peckish Piplup‘ Request has started!
Before the player can craft Bean Cakes, you must first have the crafting recipe. The crafting recipe for Bean Cakes can be purchased for 1,000 Pokemon Dollars from Anvin in the Craftworks in Jubilife Village.
To craft Bean Cakes, the player would need one Plump Bean and one Cake-Lure Base. It is now time to find some ingredients!
Plump Beans can be found on the ground or by destroying leaves in the following zones: Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands (the piles of leaves can only be found in this area). To obtain Plump Beans from the piles of leaves, you would need the help of your Pokemon. Aim and throw one of your Pokemon to a pile of leaves, then your Pokemon will come out and strike the pile of leaves to harvest the Plump Bean. The selected Pokemon will also gain experience in helping out.
It is worth mentioning that the player can find a few Plump Beans in between Aipom Hill and Crossing Slope in the Cobalt Coastlands.
Plump Beans can also be obtained after catching or defeating Pokemon, specifically Chatot, Murkrow, Spheal, Sealeo, and Whiscash.
Alternatively, it is possible to purchase Plump Beans for 200 Pokemon Dollars in the Craftworks (after it is added to his wares) by talking to Anvin.
Cake-Lure Base cannot be found in the overworld and can only be purchased from the Galaxy Member in any Base Camps, Choy in the General Store in Jubilife Village, and Anvin in the Craftworks in Jubilife Village. It is possible to purchase Cake-Lure Base for 100 Pokemon Dollars in these locations after adding it to his wares.
After obtaining the necessary items, head to the Craftworks in Jubilife Village, Crafting Workbench in any of the Base Camps, or access the Crafting Kit if you have the items in your satchel. In the Key Items of the players, Satchel and craft the Bean Cake for Maris!
Once the player has a Bean Cake, head back to Maris and the Piplup, still on Tombolo Walk in the southeasternmost part of the Cobalt Coastlands, and give her the Bean Cake. After that, Maris will let the player feed it to the Piplup, to which the Piplup will be very excited and take the Bean Cake from the player’s hands. After the Piplup eats the whole Bean Cake, it will sit down in satisfaction, and Maris will comment that it has quite the appetite.
Maris will then say that she has liked the Piplup, and she does not think it is safe for the Piplup to wander around, so she will take the Piplup back to Jubilife Village to take care of it. Finally, Maris will reward the player with five Razz Berries and three Hyper Potions for your efforts.
Now that you have completed the ‘Poor, Peckish Piplup’ Request, you can now try to complete other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ‘em all!