Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in the old times in the Pokemon world at a time when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the land of the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every species of Pokémon from the Hisui region to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Additionally, various people will also ask for help from the player requests. One of these requests is Request 29, titled ‘The Search for Bitter Leaves.’ This guide will teach you how to complete the ‘The Search for Bitter Leaves’ request.
The Search for Bitter Leaves
To unlock this request, the player must first receive the “Arezu’s Predicament” mission (the eighth mission in the game), where the player must quell the Lady of the Ridge Liligant’s frenzy.
After that, you can now start this request! The player can do that by heading to the center road of Jubilife Village, and there you will find a woman dressed in green and holding a broom near the houses on the left side (if you are facing the Galaxy Hall) named Shinon. Talk to her, and she will ask for your help to fetch a plant for her because she needs to take some medicine. She will then describe the plant as having three leaves and bitter enough to make someone dizzy. However, as she does not know where it grows or how to find it, she will refer you to Anise of the Medical Corps. Then, just like that, the request was started!
After your conversation with Shinon, head to the second house from the south on the houses on the right side of the center road (turn on guidance on your Missions & Requests to help you locate the house better). Inside the house, you will find an old man and woman sitting on the floor. The old woman is Anise, whom Shinon referred you to. Talk to Anise, and she will tell you that the three-leaved plant that Shinon is asking you about is a Pokemon that can be found in the Crimson Mirelands. She will then say that it may shock Shinon if she finds out the plant she is looking for is a Pokemon, so Anise will ask you to bring it to her first.
To complete The Search for Bitter Leaves request, the player must catch and bring Anise the Pokemon with three leaves, and the Pokemon that Anise refers to is a Petilil! Petilil can only be found in the Crimson Mirelands, specifically in Cottonsedge Prairie and Holm of Trials, all day and under weather conditions. The player can catch a Petilil by battling it and then weakening it before throwing a Poke Ball, by distracting it with food by striking a Poke Ball from behind, or by simply throwing a Poke Ball at it, which would be even more effective if the Pokemon is unaware. It is important to point out that you will not be able to get the Petilil back once you give it to Anise, so catch one or a few for yourself.
After catching a Petilil, head back to Anise still on the second house from the south on the houses on the right side of the center road. Talk to Anise and select the Petilil on the prompt. After that, Anise will ask the Petilil if it would share a few of its leaves. Then, Shinon will enter to follow up on her request from the player, but instead, she will be startled because of the Petilil. As it now seems like you have been discovered, Anise will then explain to Shinon than the Petilil is just sharing its leaves so she can make their medicine. Shinon will then be in disbelief that the ingredients came from the Pokemon, and, as she is scared of Pokemon, she will say she will not make the medicine anymore. Anise will then tell Shinon that she is scared of Pokemon because she does not know anything about them and that her not knowing them should worry her more than the unknown. Anise will then point out that the Galaxy Team created the Survey Corps to know more about Pokemon and that Shinon should not have their efforts go to waste. Shinon will then decide to slowly get over her fear and start getting to know the Petilil you caught. After that, the player will be rewarded with three Fine Remedies and five Hopo Berries for your efforts.
Now that you have completed the ‘The Search for Bitter Leaves’ request, you can try to complete other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ‘em all!