Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every Hisui Region Pokemon to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Various people will also request help from the player. One of these requests is Request 83, titled ‘Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow.’ This guide will teach you how to complete the ‘Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow’ request.
Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow
To unlock this request, the player must first unlock the Hisuian Braviary as a rideable Pokemon which is part of the ‘The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra’ Mission, the twelfth mission in the game where the player must quell a frenzied Noble Hisuian Avalugg. Additionally, the player must first encounter and catch a Vulpix to add it to the player’s Pokedex.
Vulpix can only be found west of Veilstone Cape or north of Castaway Shore in the Cobalt Coastlands, and the Vulpix can be found in this location at all times of the day and in every weather condition.
If you decide to distract the Vulpix with food, it is worth noting that Vulpix’s preferred foods are Springy Mushrooms, Hearty Grains, and Plump Beans.
Additionally, suppose you decide to battle the Vulpix before catching it. In that case, it is important to mention that Vulpix is a Fire-type Pokemon which means it has a weakness to Ground-type, Rock-type, and Water-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Bug-type, Fairy-type, Fire-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, and Steel-type moves (not very effective).
After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! To do that, head to the Galaxy Hall and proceed to Professor Laventon’s room on the left side of Captain Cyllene’s office. In Professor Laventon’s room, you will find a blackboard behind Professor Laventon himself. On this blackboard, there are a few requests that the player can take on. Read what is on the blackboard, and the prompt select ‘Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow’ request. And, just like that, the ‘Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow’ request has started!
According to the request description, a member of the Security Corps and from the Alola Region named Keeka has some peculiar Vulpix named Keokeo, and he has a request about them. To complete the ‘Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow’ request, this is what the player must do:
First, head out of Professor Laventon’s office and the Galaxy Hall, go to the Front Gate on the northeast of Jubilife Village, select the Alabaster Icelands, and go to the Snowfields Camp.
Upon arriving at the Snowfields Camp in the Alabaster Icelands, just a little bit north of the Base Camp and Professor Laventon, you will find a man in Security Corps clothing named Keeka. Talk to Keeka, and he will tell the player that his Keokeo (his Vulpix) wandered off to play, but they have not come back yet, so he will ask the player to help him find them. After confirming with Keeka on the prompt, Keeka will explain that back in the Alola Region, Vulpix is called Keokeo.
Then, suddenly, one of the Vulpix will appear, and Keeka will tell the player that this white Vulpix is what the Keokeo or Vulpix from the Alola Region looks like. As they are as white as snow, Keeka will tell the player that finding them all by himself would be very difficult, and five of them are still missing. He will then tell the player to find them and to come back and that the player can find the remaining Alolan Vulpix playing around the Avalanche Slopes.
Next, head to the Avalanche Slopes, on the southwest part of the map of the Alabaster Icelands. There is no required order of finding the Alolan Vulpix, and the player can find them in these locations:
- One of the Alolan Vulpix can be found on top of a small mountain-like rock formation a little bit northeast of the Avalanche Slopes (refer to the map below for better guidance). Press the A button to interact with it, and it will return to the Keeka in the Snowfields Camp.
- Another one of the Alolan Vulpix can be found on top of a cliff on the southeastern part of the Avalanche Slopes (refer to the map below for better guidance). Press the A button to interact with it, and it will return to the Keeka in the Snowfields Camp.
- Another Alolan Vulpix can be found near a rock on the ground level slightly west of the last Alolan Vulpix (refer to the map below for better guidance). Press the A button to interact with it, and it will return to the Keeka in the Snowfields Camp.
- Another one of the Alolan Vulpix can be found near the edge of a cliff on the southwestern part of the Avalanche Slopes (refer to the map below for better guidance). Press the A button to interact with it, and it will return to the Keeka in the Snowfields Camp.
- Another Alolan Vulpix can be found on top of a cliff near the edge of the map on the southernmost part of the Avalanche Slopes (refer to the map below for better guidance). Press the A button to interact with it, and it will return to the Keeka in the Snowfields Camp.
After finding all the five missing Alolan Vulpix, head back to Keeka, still in the Snowfields Camp of the Alabaster Icelands, which is on the southernmost part of the map, and talk to him. Keeka will thank the player as all the Alolan Vulpix are back with him, safe and sound. Finally, Keeka will reward the player with one Exp. Candy L, for your efforts. Additionally, one of the Alolan Vulpix will take a liking to the player, so Keeka will also give the player an Alolan Vulpix!
Now that you have completed the ‘Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow’ Request, you can now try to complete other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ’em all!