Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every Hisui Pokemon to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Additionally, various people will request help from the player in the form of requests. One of these requests is Request 48, titled ‘The Taste of Home.’ This guide will teach you how to complete ‘The Taste of Home’ request.
The Taste of Home
To unlock this request, the player must first receive the ‘A New Mission’ mission which is the ninth mission of the game. After quelling the Lady of the Ridge Liligant’s frenzy, the player must go back to Commander Kamado and report the player’s success.
After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! Head to the row of houses in the middle of Jubilife Village, enter the middle house on the left (assuming the player is facing the Galaxy Hall), and there you will find an old man in purple gray clothing named Floaro. Talk to Floaro, and he will tell the player that he needs some help making friends with his Eevee.
Floaro will then say to the player that Canala, his granddaughter, brought the Eevee home the other day, and he wants to be on good terms with it. He will then tell the player that he has realized that the best way to win the Eevee over is by giving it treats.
Floaro wants to make a special snack from his hometown, but as some of the ingredients for this snack do not grow in Hisui, he has found a few local berries and other ingredients that will be great alternatives. Floaro will tell the player that he needs three stalks of Hearty Grains, two Hopo Berries, and one Razz Berry. Then, just like that, The Taste of Home Request has started!
To complete this request, the player must bring the ingredients, three Hearty Grains, two Hopo Berries, and one Razz Berry, to Floaro to create a snack for his Eevee. Now it is time to find some ingredients!
Hearty Grains can be planted on the ground or after destroying haystacks in the Crimson Mirelands. To obtain Hearty Grains from haystacks, the player would need the help of your Pokemon. Aim and throw one of your Pokemon to a tree, then your Pokemon will come out and strike the tree to harvest the Hearty Grains. The selected Pokemon will also gain experience in helping out.
Many Hearty Grains are planted around the swamps at Golden Lowlands in the Crimson Mirelands.
Heart Grains can also be obtained after catching or defeating Pokemon, specifically Budew, Roselia, Yanma, and Yanmega.
Alternatively, it is possible to purchase Apricorn for 200 Pokemon Dollars in the Craftworks by talking to Anvin (after it is added to his wares).
To obtain some Hopo Berries, the player can obtain them from trees with blue-ish green leaves and yellow berries in these zones: Crimson Mirelands, Coronet Highlands, and Alabaster Icelands. However, it is more common in the Crimson Mirelands. To get Hopo Berries from the blue trees with yellow berries, the player would also need the help of your Pokemon.
Hopo Berries can also be obtained after catching or defeating Pokemon, specifically Abra and Kadabra.
Alternatively, the player can purchase Hopo Berries from the Gingko Guild Merchants for 300 Pokemon Dollars. However, it is worth mentioning that the items that the Gingko Guild Merchants sell are not the same, so that purchasable items may vary.
As for the Razz Berries, the player can obtain them from trees with blue leaves with yellow and orange berries in these zones: Crimson Mirelands, Cobalt Coastlands, Coronet Highlands, and Alabaster Icelands. Out of all these zones, the player can find a lot of Razz Berry trees around Aipom Hill at the Cobalt Coastlands. To get Razz Berries from the blue trees with yellow and orange berries, the player would need the help of your Pokemon.
Razz Berries can also be obtained after catching or defeating Pokemon, specifically Happiny, Eevee, Glaceon, Leafeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon.
Alternatively, the player can purchase Hopo Berries from the Gingko Guild Merchants for 500 Pokemon Dollars. However, as mentioned above, the Gingko Guild Merchants sell items that are not the same, so purchasable items may vary.
After obtaining three Hearty Grains, two Hopo Berries, and one Razz Berry, head back to Floaro, still in his quarters in the middle houses of Jubilife Village, and talk to him. He will then ask if you are happy to give these ingredients to him. If you are, you can give them to Floaro by selecting “Sure, here you go!” on the prompt.
After that, he will then start creating the snack for his granddaughter’s Eevee. Once the snack is all done, Floaro will also give the player some. Next, Floaro will taste it and realize that it is just fine, but it is not the same as the muffins from his hometown as he remembers them being moist and having a nice and delicate flavor.
He will then apologize to the player for all the trouble the player went through to gather the ingredients, and he will say that the snack he made is not enough for his granddaughter’s Eevee to like him. However, his granddaughter’s Eevee will start to call on Floaro, to which he will oblige by giving it some of the muffins he made.
Then, the Eevee will jump for joy as it loves Floaro’s muffin so much, and he will be very happy. Floaro will then thank the player and start to call the muffins Jubilife Muffins, to which he will give the player the crafting recipe so the player can craft some. Finally, the player will be rewarded with five Exp. Candy S, for your efforts.
Now that you have completed ‘The Taste of Home’ Request, you can now try to complete other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ‘em all!