Crusader Kings 3: How To Marry



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

Marriage is one of the indispensable parts of life. Marriage, which is one of the most important moments in people’s lives, also means the beginning of a new era. The developers of Crusader Kings 3 also added the marriage to the game as a mechanic. This means that you can marry someone in the game as a king.

Crusader Kings 3: How To Marry

Let’s look at how to marry in Crusader Kings 3.

How To Marry In Crusader Kings 3

Marriage is always in an essential position for countries in history. When we look at history, states can establish alliances through marriage. At the same time, they can claim rights over the other land by marriage. These have taken place in history and are situations that most countries and empires have encountered.

You can witness such situations by getting married in Crusader Kings 3. Follow the steps below to make meaningful progress in world domination by getting married:

Step 1: Click the ruler tab.

how to marry crusader kings 3 step one

Step 2: Press the “Find Spouse”.

how to marry crusader kings 3 step two

Step 3: Select the person you want to marry and click on it.

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Step 4: Press “Send Proposal” button.

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It’s that easy. Now you have to wait for the response to your proposal. In addition, there are a few points to be aware of when getting married. The first is the possibility that your marriage proposal will be accepted. Your marriage proposal is unlikely to be accepted for some people, and if you propose to them, it will probably not be accepted. Instead, it is better to offer people who are likely to accept your marriage proposal.

Second, it is the possibility of a child from the marriage. If you marry a person with a high probability of bearing a child, your number of heirs will increase, which is suitable for your country’s long-term administration.
Finally, marriages affect relations between countries in Crusader Kings 3 as in history. You can see this on the page of the person to whom you will propose.

Always keep in mind that your marriage can adversely affect your relations with some countries. Also, by getting married, you can ally with other countries. When you pay attention to these points, marriage will become an event with significant returns in world domination for you.

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