Cyberware is hard to come by in Cyberpunk 2077. It all depends on what kind of cyberware you are looking for. In other words, the rarer the cyberware, the less chance you have of finding it worldwide and at Ripperdocs. A specific ripperdoc in Japantown will sell you some legendary immune system cyberware for your build. However, you might need to increase your street cred before buying legendary cyberware.

This specific ripperdoc will sell you several pieces of legendary cyberware, especially for your immune system.
Where to Buy Legendary Immune System Cyberware – Cyberpunk 2077
A few ripperdocs will sell you some legendary cyberware, but it is unclear whether the ripperdoc’s stores reset or change each day.
Nevertheless, there is a high possibility that you will find the cyberware “Cataresist” and “Pain Editor.”
To get these items, you will need to travel to Westbrook. There are many ripperdocs here, but you’re looking for one in Japantown.
If you’re having trouble finding which one, this is his exact location:

Pain Editor
This one is definitely of higher value, which means its price is also higher. This particular item will set you back a whopping 28,000 Eurodollars. At the moment, it’s not clear whether you can find this item anywhere in Night City.
On top of its high price, you will also need 16 Cool to equip this item. The Pain Editor will reduce all incoming damage by a hefty 10%.

This hybrid body will protect your body from inside and out. It’s relatively cheaper than the Pain Editor. It’s only half of its price.
However, that doesn’t mean that this item is half as bad. On the contrary, it does give you a good buff. It will increase all resistances by a whopping 35%. You will also need 16 cool for this item, like the Pain Editor.
Overall, these items are good for many of the builds you might be going for!
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