Classes and jobs are just one of many ways players can customize their gameplay experience in Final Fantasy XIV. It’s one of the reasons why the game has remained one of the most popular MMORPGs despite tough competition.

One of the best aspects of FFXIV compared to some RPG models is that players can freely switch between available classes and jobs. This feature allows players to rank up towards their preferred class whenever they want.
If you want to try out another class, you’re in the right place. This article will explain the intricacies of classes and jobs and how you can change your class in FFXIV.
Difference Between Class and Job
Each character in the game is given a class or a job. This might be somewhat peculiar to players with experience in other MMORPGs that predominantly use class differentiation as the only progression metric. However, in FFXIV, players start by selecting one of the available classes, roughly sorted in disciplines and combat positions, then choose their jobs later when they level up the class.

In-game, players can swap between their unlocked classes by changing their equipment to match the intended class. Swapping is only available outside of combat and any dungeon instances. For example, equipping a Bow will change your class to Archer. Every class and job has a weapon class associated with it.
There are nine starting classes, eight of which are available for new players. Each class evolves into a specific job (or two), locked behind a few levels and quests.
- Gladiator – a tank Disciple of War, becomes the Paladin job at Level 30, uses Swords and Shields
- Marauder – a tank Disciple of War, becomes the Warrior job at Level 30, uses Greataxes
- Arcanist – a ranged magical DPS Disciple of Magic, can become either a Summoner (ranged DPS) or a Scholar (healer mage) job at Level 30, which use Books, but Scholars unequip Soul Crystals
- Thaumaturge – a ranged magical DPS Disciple of Magic, becomes the Black Mage job at Level 30, uses Staves or Scepters
- Archer – a ranged physical DPS Disciple of War, becomes the Bard job at Level 30, uses Bows
- Lancer – a melee physical DPS Disciple of War, becomes the Dragoon job at Level 30, uses Spears
- Pugilist – a melee physical DPS Disciple of War, becomes the Monk job at Level 30, uses Fist Weapons
- Rogue – a melee physical DPS Disciple of War, becomes the Ninja job at Level 30, uses Dual Daggers, not available to new players
- Conjurer – a healer Disciple of Magic, becomes the White Mage job at Level 30, uses Canes or Wands
Players can freely swap between their chosen classes, and therefore jobs, by going to their respective class guild after reaching Level 10 in their starting class. Their class progress will stay even after switching to another class, but they’ll have to change back if they want to level it up afterward.
Apart from the starting classes, which evolve into predetermined jobs, there are also crafting and gathering classes that use a completely independent system. Players can take up these classes by going to the respective guild and speaking to the receptionist to start the first class quest.
FFXIV evolved after a while, with developers adding more jobs, but not classes, in later patches. Since these jobs are not connected to any particular class, players are allowed more freedom when choosing their intended job.
However, these jobs don’t come without requirements. They usually have more stringent level requirements, but any class or job can unlock them. Additionally, these jobs require the player to complete certain quests before they become available.
Here’s a list of additional jobs and their requirements or specifics:
- Astrologian – a healer job that requires Level 50, uses Star Globes
- Dark Knight – a tank job that requires Level 50, uses Greatswords
- Machinist – a ranged physical DPS job that requires Level 50, uses Firearms
- Samurai – a melee physical DPS job that requires Level 50, uses Katanas
- Red Mage – a ranged magical DPS job that requires Level 50, uses Rapiers
- Gunbreaker – a ranged physical DPS job that requires level 60, uses Gunblades
- Dancer – a ranged physical DPS job that requires level 60, uses Throwing weapons
- Blue Mage – a ranged magical DPS job that requires level 50, is a limited job and uses the Rainmaker weapon
FFXIV How to Change Class to Astrologian

Astrologian is available if you’ve purchased the Heavensward expansion. To become an Astrologian, you need to be at Level 50 with any class or job. You also need to unlock Ishgard via the main questline up to, and including, “Before the Dawn.” Then, visit Jannequinard at “The Pillars” (X: 15.2 Y:10) to start the Astrologian job quest. The job automatically starts at Level 50 when completed.
Astrologians need to use Star Globes. Equipping one as your weapon of choice changes your job to Astrologian immediately and unequips any incompatible gear.
FFXIV How to Change Class to Samurai

Samurai jobs become available to Level 50 players who have obtained the Stormblood expansion. You need to talk to an NPC in the zone named “Ul’dah – Steps of Nald” to start the Samurai questline and get the job by completing it.
A samurai’s weapon of choice is the Katana, so equipping any Katanas in the game switches you to a Samurai when unlocked.
FFXIV How to Change Class to Warrior

Warrior is one of the jobs unlocked with the starting classes. If you’re not already a Marauder (the prerequisite form of the Warrior), you need to change your class to Marauder and level it to 30. Wyrnzoen at “Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks” will give the quest that uplifts a Marauder into a Warrior.
Since Warriors and Marauders use Greataxes, equipping one will switch your class and job to Warrior (after Level 30 and when unlocked).
FFXIV How to Change Class to Red Mage

Red Mages are unlocked by getting Level 50 in any class or job and purchasing the Stormblood expansion. You’ll need to speak to an NPC in “Ul’dah – Steps of Thal” and obtain the Red Mage starting quest “Taking the Red.” After completing it, equipping a Rapier will switch you to a Red Mage as long as you’re out of combat or dungeons.
FFXIV How to Change Class to Bard

Bards are an advanced form of the Archer class, which is somewhat confusing if you’re new to the franchise. The quest-giver to advance Level 30 Archers into Bards is Luciane and can be found in “New Ludania.” Like Archers, Bards use Bows as their signature weapons and need them equipped to stay in that job.
FFXIV How to Change Class to Rogue

Rogue is one of the only classes that new players can’t choose. However, getting any starting class to Level 10 unlocks all other classes, including Rogue, and allows you to enter the Rogue’s guild in “Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks.” The NPC named Lonwoerd will give you the first Rogue quest and your starting Dual Dagger weapons.
The Rogue’s weapons are Dual Daggers weapons, so equipping them changes your class to Rogue or your job to Ninja when you have unlocked it.
FFXIV How to Change Class to Black Mage

Black Mages are a job associated with the Thaumaturge class. A Level 30 Thaumaturge can become a Black Mage by speaking to Yayake in “Ul’dah – Steps of Nald” and finishing the quest given to the player as a result. Like Thaumaturges, Black Mages can carry Staves or Scepters to use in combat, and unequipping them removes the job.
FFXIV How to Change Class to Blue Mage

Blue Mage is the first limited job available in FFXIV. This job is tailored for a single-player experience, allowing the player to become a jack of all trades with unparalleled power. However, it can’t be used in story quests, PvP, or duties requiring preformed parties.
To become a Blue mage, you need to have a Level 50 class or job and finish the “The Ultimate Weapon” quest in the main storyline. After that, speak to Zealous Yellowjacket in “Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks” and equip the Rainmaker weapon to switch to that class. This job starts at Level 1 and levels to a maximum of Level 70, unlike other jobs with 80 levels.
Get Classy in FFXIV
With plenty of jobs to choose from and more on the way in upcoming patches, players can customize their gameplay at any point outside of combat and dungeons. Just equip the job-specific weapon after finishing the prerequisite quest, and you’ll be good to go.
What is your favorite job or class in FFXIV? Let us know in the comment section below.