Traveling on foot can be slow and tiring, and not everyone has the time to walk from town to town. In Final Fantasy XIV, in-game creatures are known as “Mounts.” With a Mount, you can move around much faster than on foot, even taking to the skies.

However, with almost 200 of them in the game, talking about them would take too long. So, we narrowed it down so you can learn how to unlock some of the most popular Mount options in the game.
Unlocking Mounts
There are multiple ways to get Mounts in FFXIV, and some are only available through purchasing subscriptions. Others are drops from bosses or reputation rewards.
Here are most of the ways to get Mounts in the game:
- Complete quests;
- Purchase from specific shops;
- Completing achievements;
- Clearing trials on particular difficulties;
- Acquire from seasonal events;
- Spending real money in the Mog Station or other places;
- Getting top 100 placements in the game’s seasons;
- Beating dungeons;
- Crafting;
- Participating in time-limited campaigns;
- Buying the Collector’s Edition of the game;
- Recruiting friends;
- Opening chests;
- Promotional events.
Some Mounts are extremely rare due to how difficult it is to obtain them. An example is the Chocorpokkur, which players could only get from the Lawson X FFXIV promotional event in Japan in late 2020.
However, every Mount in the game is permanent, as long as you fulfill the unlock conditions, purchase them, or get lucky in trials.
How to Get a Chocobo Mount?
The Chocobo is Final Fantasy’s mascot, and to no one’s surprise, you can get one as a Mount in FFXIV. However, that is not the start of obtaining your cute Chocobo. You need to reach Level 20 when the game asks you to join one of three Grand Companies.
Instead, the journey of getting your large bird Mount goes like this:
- Join one of the Grand Companies in FFXIV.
- Once you do, you get a quest called “The Company You Keep.”
- Complete this quest and others to earn your Grand Company’s currency.
- Pick up the “My Little Chocobo” quest.
- Earn 200 Company Seals.
- Visit your Grand Company Quartermaster.
- Buy the Chocobo Issuance from them.
- Follow the quest marker to the city’s local Chocobo Stable.
- Obtain the Chocobo Whistle.
- Use the Chocobo Whistle.
- Name your personal Chocobo.
- From now on, you can summon it for speedy travel in Eorzea.
“My Feisty Little Chocobo” quest allows you to train your loyal creature to fight. Trained Chocobos even have roles such as DPS, healer, or tank. Chocobos can even receive combat training later, especially when you reach Level 30.
As your first Mount and a famous mascot of Final Fantasy games, the Chocobo is worth the hype. However, there are many more Mounts to obtain and choose from in the game.
How to Get a Dragon Mount
While many Mounts in FFXIV look like dragons or have draconic features, the closest to these mythical beasts are the seven Gwiber Mounts. All of them are rewards from Shadowbringers Extreme bosses.
Here is the list of Gwibers and their respective trials.
- Diamond Gwiber – The Cloud Deck (Extreme);
- Emerald Gwiber – Castrum Marinum (Extreme);
- Fae Gwiber – The Dancing Plague (Extreme);
- Gwiber of Light – The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme);
- Innocent Gwiber – The Crown of The Immaculate (Extreme);
- Ruby Gwiber – Cinder Drift (Extreme);
- Shadow Gwiber – The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy (Extreme);
To get these Gwibers, you must play each trial’s Extreme version. What is more, none of these Gwibers are guaranteed drops from the trials.
For the Diamond Gwiber, you need to collect 99 Diamond Tokens and buy a Diamond Gwiber Trumpet. The shop is at C’intana in Mor Dhona, and once you get the Trumpet, summoning the Diamond Gwiber becomes possible.
The Fae Gwiber is obtainable the same way, but sometimes, the game is merciful and lets you get one randomly. However, the chances of getting them are low.
In the case of lucky drops, you get the Trumpet right away, and you can summon the Gwiber with it immediately. Even so, you will likely have to farm the trial many times.
Gwibers are flying Mounts that usually travel much faster than ground-based Mounts. In specific locations, however, there are flight speed limits. However, most of the map is free of limitations, allowing you to blitz through the sky to your heart’s content.
After the lengthy farm for all seven Gwibers, you can play a quest named “The Dragon Made.”
How to Get a Flying Mount
Flying Mounts are only available after progressing through Heavensward’s story sufficiently and beating the “Divine Intervention” quest. After that, you will receive your first flying Mount, a Black Chocobo. You get its Whistle first, along with an Aether Compass.

Unlike ground Mounts that can go anywhere, flying Mounts are confined to flying in compatible areas. These places will have Aether Currents, paths where flight is possible.
To fly in an area, you must unlock all of them within the location. The process is called Attunement, and some Aether Currents are locked behind story or side quests. Such Currents are orange in color in the menu.
Other Aether Currents are found using the Aether Compass and traveling to the location. In the menu, these have a green color instead.
After you finish attuning yourself to all of the currents in an area, you can summon your flying Mount and take to the skies.
The other flying Mounts are all unlockable from purchases, achievements, or other sources you can find on the list above.
In the past, it was possible to make all Chocobos fly by playing the “I Believe I Can Fly” quest. It involved speaking to an NPC named Priorfaix, who would instruct your bird. Training your Chocobo and exposing it to long-forgotten instincts would have given it the ability to take flight.
At the end of the quest, you received a Flyer Shaffron that allowed your first Chocobo to fly permanently. However, this quest has long been retired from the game after Patch 5.3 was released. Nowadays, players would fly using Black Chocobos and other Mounts instead.
Additional FAQs
Can You Buy Mounts in FFXIV?
Yes, you can buy Mounts. Some are available by spending in-game currency, while others are purchasable from the Mog Station for real money.
How Do I Get My Chocobo to Fly?
The first Chocobo you get can’t go airborne, but the Black Chocobo can. To fly, you must attune yourself to all of an area’s Aether Currents. There are many of them to unlock before flying to a location is possible.
Can You Increase Mount Speed?
With the help of Enhancements I and II, your Mounts can fly or run faster in certain areas. Depending on the area, players must buy Riding Maps or complete quests to gain speed boosts. Most sites have two levels of Enhancements, while the 5.0 regions only have one as writing time.
A Trusty Mount
Large birds, clouds, and dragons are Mounts players can obtain in FFXIV. With these trusty creatures, roaming around the large overworld becomes exceptionally convenient. You do have to work hard on getting Mounts and unlocking Aether Currents, but doing so saves you a lot of time in the future.
What is your favorite Mount in FFXIV? Do you have a particularly rare Mount? Please tell us in the comments section below.