Hey Final Fantasy friends!

In this article, we’re going to go over the FFXIV Fishing Leveling Guide (up to level 80). I’m first going to address some tips and things to note when pursuing fishing that some people may not be aware of.
If you’re interested, we have a FFXIV Mount Guide as well!
Let’s get started!
One thing to note: this article is over 9,300 words long, so feel free to use the quick buttons below!
Lvl. 1-9 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 1-9 Leve Quests
Lvl. 10-19 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 10-19 Leve Quests
Lvl. 20-29 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 20-29 Leve Quests
Lvl. 30-39 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 30-39 Leve Quests
Lvl. 40-49 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 40-49 Leve Quests
Lvl. 50-59 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 50-59 Leve Quests
Lvl. 60-69 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 60-69 Leve Quests
Lvl. 70-80 Advice & Fisher Quests
Lvl. 70-80 Leve Quests
Things To Note
Getting Started
- Try to get your Fisher class to it’s level cap (level 80 at the moment) before challenging the Fishing Log. This is for the simple fact that you’ll be able to take advantage of better gear and newer skills.
- Certain fish only bite at specific times or during certain weather conditions. At times, you may have to look up when you’ll be able to find them.
- Bait that is only available from scrip vendors are usually always priced high on the marketboard. Be sure to have a lot of Gil on hand or be ready to farm Gatherers’ Scrips.
Time & Weather
- A window is a period of time where applicable conditions are met, allowing a fish to bite. This is affected by in-game time (Eorzean Time) and in-game weather. If the time window is not up or the weather conditions are not met, you will not be able to catch said fish.
- Weather conditions lasts for 8 Eorzean hours.
- An Eorzean hour is approximately 3 minutes in real life time.
Fishing Stats & Bait
- The Gathering Rate affects your success in reeling in a fish. Perception increases the odds that a fish will be HQ. In some cases, if a fish is large, you will never have a perfect chance of catching it.
- Certain fish have a minimum Gathering value. If you don’t meet this minimum value, your catch rate will be 0%.
- Lures are reusable and can be used to catch fish repeatedly. But, they can get lost.
- There are two kinds of bait for fishing: consumable and reusable. Reusable bait can be used again after catching a fish (as long as you always hook it) and consumable bait cannot be reused.
Time Limits
- The game will give you a 50 minute time limit at any fishing hole. After that, it will give you a message that reads “The fish sense something amiss”. You won’t be able to fish at the same spot until you reset the limit. To reset it, just cast your line at another location (you don’t have to catch anything) and return.

FFXIV Fishing Leveling Guide
Now that we’ve noted those things, let’s move on to the FFXIV Fishing Leveling Guide!
If you haven’t joined the Fisherman’s Guild yet, you can go speak to N’nmulika at the Fisherman’s Guild in the Limsa Lower Decks (X7, Y14).
Lvl. 1-9 Advice
Personally, I believe in saving Leve Quests for higher levels since they are more beneficial that way. But if you can’t stand being a low level or you’re trying to grind it out to level 10, go for it!
Your next Fishing Quest won’t unlock until level 10. If you want to grind, the Nym River (Middle La Noscea X17, Y14) with Moth Pupa and Crayfish Balls is a good spot to rack up some XP. Another good spot is Summerford (Middle La Noscea X14, Y15) with Pill Bug or Goby Ball.
Level 1-9
Main Fisher Quests
Lvl 1: My First Fishing Rod
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 5 Lominsan Anchovies to Sisipu.
- To Catch: You can find these right outside the Fisherman’s Guild using Lugworm or Pillbugs.
- 150 XP
- 115 Gil
- Hempen Dalmatica of Gathering
Lvl 1: Way of The Fisher
- Issuing NPC: N’nmulika • Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Speak to Sisipu.
- 100 XP
- 0 Gil
- Weathered Fishing Rod & 99 Lugworms
Lvl 5: Bigger Fish To Fry
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Harbor Herrings to Sisipu.
- To Catch: You can find these right outside the Fisherman’s Guild using Lugworm or Pillbugs.
- 1,148 XP
- 0 Gil
- Maple Fishing Rod & 99 Crayfish Balls
Lvl 1-9: Leve Quests
Lvl 1: Soup To Guts (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Wyrkholsk •Location: Red Rooster Stead (Lower La Noscea X31, Y20).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Merlthor Gobies to Unsynwilf.
- To Catch: Limsa Lower Decks (X7, Y12) or Limsa Upper Decks (X10, Y11) using Lugworm or Pill Bugs.
- 10,920 XP
- 10 Gil
- 12 Lugworms Or 12 Moth Pupa
Lvl 1: Adventurer’s Relish (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Wyrkholsk •Location: Red Rooster Stead (Lower La Noscea X31, Y20).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Lominsan Anchovies to Unsynwilf.
- To Catch: You can find these right outside the Fisherman’s Guild using Lugworm or Pillbugs.
- 10,920 XP
- 10 Gil
- 12 Lugworms Or 12 Moth Pupa
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests identical to those above from the same NPC with Malm Kelp and Finger Shrimp.
Lvl 5: Splendor In The Glass (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Wyrkholsk •Location: Red Rooster Stead (Lower La Noscea X31, Y20).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Harbor Herrings to Unsynwilf.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: You can find these right outside the Fisherman’s Guild using Lugworm or Pillbugs.
- 28,431 XP
- 50 Gil
- 12 Lugworms, 12 Moth Pupa Or 12 Pillbugs
Lvl 5: Yummy In The Tummy (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Wyrkholsk •Location: Red Rooster Stead (Lower La Noscea X31, Y20).
Objective: Deliver 3 Sea Cucumbers to Unsynwilf. - *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to Moraby Bay (Lower La Noscea X26, Y25) with Pill Bugs or Rat Tail.
- 28,431 XP
- 50 Gil
- 12 Lugworms, 12 Moth Pupa Or 12 Pillbugs
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (3,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- Cloud Cutlet: Deliver 3 Ocean Clouds (Catch in: Summerford – Middle La Noscea X14, Y15) with Pill Bug bait.
- They Taste Just As Pretty: Deliver 3 Coral Butterflies (Catch in: Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14) with Pill Bug bait.
Lvl. 10-19 Advice
Swiftperch (Western La Noscea X34, Y32) is a nice location for this tier for Leve’s and grinding between level 10 and 16. Just bring some Pill Bugs and Rat Tails. Fallgourd Float (North Shroud X21, Y24) is a solid place to gain fast XP as well between level 11 and 18. Bring some Bloodworms and Midge Baskets and you can catch anything in the hole!
Murmur Rills (North Shroud X26, Y25) is a great way to level up between level 15 and 20.
Your next Fisher Quest won’t unlock until level 20, so try to hang out in some of these spots until then. Leve Quests are good options as well (preferably Lvl.15 Leve Quests since they give you double the XP of a level 10).
Make sure if you’re grinding to catch fish near your Fisherman’s level. For example, if you’re a level 12 Fisherman, try to catch fish near level 15. It will give you significantly more XP than a level 5 fish.
Level 10-19
Main Fisher Quests
Lvl. 10: The Princess And The Fish
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 1 HQ Princess Trout to Sisipu.
- To Catch: These can always be found in The Mourning Widow (Lower La Noscea X24, Y23), West Agelyss (Middle La Noscea X20, Y17) and Nym River (Middle La Noscea X17, Y14). Bring some Moth Pupa or Crayfish Balls.
- 5,899 XP
- 289 Gil
- Amateur Fishing Rod & 99 Bloodworms
Lvl. 15: Every Fish Has a Silver Lining
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 5 Navigator’s Daggers to Chuchuroon.
- To Catch: These can be found in Brewers Beacon (Western La Noscea X30, Y30) using Rat Tail bait.
- 15,120 XP
- 382 Gil
- Elm Fishing Rod & 99 Rat Tails
Lvl. 10-19 Leve Quests
Lvl. 10: The Fertile Incandescent (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Swygskyf •Location: Quarterstone (Western La Noscea X34, Y31).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Harbor Herring to Q’molosi.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to Cedarwood (Lower La Noscea X34, Y17) with Pill Bugs or Goby Balls.
- 54,594 XP
- 100 Gil
- 12 Bait (Varied)
Lvl. 10: Brain Candy (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Swygskyf •Location: Quarterstone (Western La Noscea X34, Y31).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Pebble Crabs to Q’molosi.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: You can find these in Cedarwood (Lower La Noscea X34, Y17) with Spoon Worm.
- 54,594 XP
- 100 Gil
- 12 Bait (Varied)
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (6,000 XP higher) from the sam NPC:
- Just Add Water: Deliver 3 Tiger Cod (Catch in: Cedarwood – Lower La Noscea X20, Y38) using Spoon Worm.
- Fish By Many Other Names: Deliver 3 Moraby Flounder (Catch in: Swiftperch – Western La Noscea X34, Y32) using Pill Bug or Goby Ball.
Lvl. 15: Crab Life By The Horns (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Orwen •Location: Skull Valley – Aleport (Western La Noscea X27, Y27).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Helmet Crabs to Fupepe.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to The Brewer’s Beacon (Western La Noscea X30, Y30) with Rat Tail.
- 114,129 XP
- 150 Gil
- 12 Bait (Varied)
Lvl 15: The Moral Of The Coral (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Orwen •Location: Skull Valley – Aleport (Western La Noscea X27, Y27).
- Objective: Deliver 3 pieces of White Coral to Fupepe.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: White Coral can be difficult to catch, but I’ve found using Rat Tails in Swiftperch (X34, Y32) can bring success.
- 114,129 XP
- 150 Gil
- 12 Bait (Varied)
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (12,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- The Deepest Cut: Deliver 3 Razor Clams (Catch in: Skull Valley – Western La Noscea X25, Y27) with Rat Tail.
- My Own Private Shell: Deliver 3 Rothlyt Oysters (Catch in: The Brewer’s Beacon – Western La Noscea X30, Y30) with Rat Tail.
The *Single* Leve’s also provide 1 Venture as a reward option.
Lvl. 20-29 Advice
Leve Fish
Head on down to the Yugram River (Eastern Thanalan X25, Y22). For Black Eels (Leve), use Butterworm between 5 PM & 9:59 AM (Eorzean time). For Yugr’am Salmon (Leve), use Honey Worm or Stem Borer’s. Black Ghosts can be found at Goblinblood (South Shroud X27, Y21). You can catch these by mooching from an HQ Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish.
Oakwood is also a popular fishing spot. I suggest using Crow Fly lures here for the 20’s fish. Try not to spend too much time here after level 25. At level 22, you’ll learn a skill called “Release“. This skill allows you to release a fish you caught without storing it in the current fishing session.
Between level 25 & 28, consider spending some time at Burnt Lizard Creek (Southern Thanalan X21, Y15) or The Silver Bazaar (Hammerlea – Western Thanalan X15, Y29). They’re not great spots, but 25-28 doesn’t have many great spots.
Once you reach level 28-30, Ceruleum Field (Bluefog – Northern Thanalan) will be the go to spot for a little while for grinding. Make sure you bring some Chocobo Fly Lures or Syrphid Baskets.
Besides that, your next Fishing Quest won’t be until level 30. So, spend some time in these spots and get all the XP!
Level 20-29
Main Fisher Quests
Lvl. 20: A Fish In Hot Water
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 5 Warmwater Trout to Chuchuroon.
- To Catch: If you use Crow Fly lures in the Oakwood area (Upper La Noscea X13, Y24), you should have no problem finding them.
- 28,420 XP
- 470 Gil
- Initiate’s Fishing Rod & 15 Floating Minnow’s
Lvl. 25: A Game of Cat & Fish
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 1 Shadow Catfish to Sisipu.
- To Catch: To find Shadow Catfish, it will be slightly trickier. Head to Fallgourd Float (North Shroud X21, Y24). The best strategy is to use Moth Pupa bait to catch an HQ Striped Goby. Mooch the Striped Goby and you should be able to find a Shadow Catfish fairly easily.
*Mooch is a skill you get at level 25. It allows you to bait smaller or HQ fish to lure in larger fish (like the Shadow Catfish mentioned above).
- 47,600 XP
- 557 Gil
- Yew Fishing Rod & 99 Bass Ball
Lvl. 20-29 Leve Quests
Lvl. 20: Food Chain Reaction (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Nyell •Location: Silent Arbor – Quarymill (South Shroud X25.5, Y20.3).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Faerie Bass to Daca Jinjahl.
- To Catch: Head to Oakwood (Upper La Noscea X13, Y24) with Butterworm or Crow Fly’s.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items
- 164,943 XP
- 200 Gil
- 3 Varied Lures
Lvl. 20: Blind Ambition (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Nyell •Location: Silent Arbor – Quarymill (South Shroud X25.5, Y20.3).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Dark Sleepers to Daca Jinjahl.
- To Catch: Take a trip to the Upper Hathoeva River (South Shroud X18, Y19) between 3 PM and 9:59 AM Eorzean time with Butterworm or Floating Minnows.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- 164,943 XP
- 200 Gil
- 3 Lures (Varied)
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (20,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- Sounds Fishy To Me: Deliver 3 Copperfish (Catch in: Fool Falls – Upper La Noscea X9, Y20) with Crow Fly.
- The Long and The Shortcrust: Deliver 3 Black Eels (Catch in: South Shroud X18, Y19) with Butterworm between 5PM and 9:59 AM Eorzean time.
The *Single* Leve’s also provide 1 Venture as a reward option.
Lvl 25: Fishing 101 (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Nyell •Location: Silent Arbor – Quarymill (South Shroud X25.5, Y20.3).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Dark Bass to Daca Jinjahl.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Take a trip to the Yugr’am River (Eastern Thanalan X25, Y22) with Floating Minnows or Stem Borer’s.
- 297,891 XP
- 250 Gil
- 3 Lures (Varied)
Lvl. 25: The Truth Will Set You Free (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Nyell •Location: Silent Arbor – Quarymill (South Shroud X25.5, Y20.3).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Five-ilm Plecos to Daca Jinjahl.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Go to Goblinblood (South Shroud X27, Y21) with Floating Minnows or Bass Balls.
- 297,891 XP
- 250 Gil
- 3 Lures (Varied)
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (33,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- A Shocking Soirée: Deliver 3 Black Ghosts (Catch in: Goblinblood – South Shroud X27, Y21). Catch an HQ Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish and mooch it.
- A Watery Web Of Lies: Deliver 3 Yugr’am Salmon (Catch in: Verdant Drop – East Shroud X20, Y21) with Bass Ball or Chocobo Fly’s.
The *Single* Leve’s also provide 1 Venture as a reward option.
Lvl. 30-39 Advice
For level 30, The Juggernaut (Eastern La Noscea X17, Y32) isn’t a bad spot to grind for a little while. Spend some time at Moondrip (Western Thanalan X17, Y6) too. It’s a great spot for the earlier 30’s.
Ceruleum Field (Bluefog – Northern Thanalan X16, Y20) is the go-to in this tier for grinding until about level 35. Surprisingly, there’s loads of Grip Killifish here. Hang out here and you’ll rack up the XP.
Your next Fishing Quest won’t be until level 40, so once you reach level 35, head to the Sagoili Desert (Southern Thanalan X12, Y35) with some Sandleech. Once you’re close to level 40, pay a visit to The Nail (Whitebrim – Coerthas Central Highlands X16, Y21) with some Wildfowl Fly.
The Leve Quests in this tier are scattered, but at an average of 500,000 XP a piece, I think they’re worth giving a shot at least once if you’re having trouble.
Level 30-39
Main Fisher Quests
Lvl. 30: Like Fish Passing In The Night
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 10 Fullmoon Sardines to Tocktix.
- To Catch: To find Fullmoon Sardines,head to South Bloodshore (Eastern La Noscea X32, Y34). If you use Spoonworm and fish between 6PM & 6AM (Eorzean time), you’ll find them.
- 81,510 XP
- 639 Gil
- Staghorn Fishing Rod & 99 Spoon Worms
Lvl. 35: A Fish Out Of Water
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 1 Desert Catfish to Tocktix.
- To Catch: Head to the Sagolii Dunes (Southern Thanalan X27, Y37). Use either Sand Gecko or Sand Leech bait and you’ll have no problems finding them.
- 163,020 XP
- 639 Gil
- Horn Fishing Rod & 99 Honey Worms
Lvl. 30-39 Leve Quests
Lvl. 30: The Blue Period (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Nahctahr •Location: Bloodshore – Costa del Sol (Eastern La Noscea X30, Y30).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Sea Pickles to F’abodji.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Sea Pickles can be found in Eastern La Noscea (X32, Y24) using Spoon Worm or Herring Balls.
- 408,807 XP
- 300 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied)
Lvl. 30: Kitchen Nightmares No More (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Nahctahr •Location: Bloodshore – Costa del Sol (Eastern La Noscea X30, Y30).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Black Soles to F’abodji.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: You can find these in Eastern La Noscea (32, Y24) using Sinking Minnows or Iron Jigs.
- 408,807 XP
- 300 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied)
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (46,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- A Recipe For Disaster: Deliver 3 Ash Tuna (Catch in: Costa del Sol – Eastern La Noscea X35, Y29) with Spoon Worm.
- Just Call Me Late For Dinner: Deliver 3 Indigo Herring (Catch in: Costa del Sol X35, Y29) with Spoon Worm.
- The *Single* Leve’s also provide 1 Venture as a reward option.
Lvl. 35: Fry Me a River (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Cimeaurant •Location: First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena – Dragonhead (Coerthas Central Highlands X26, Y28).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Giant Bass to Drividot.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: They can be found in Coethas Central Highlands (X20, Y30) using Topwater Frogs or Honey Worms.
- 538,650 XP
- 350 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied)
Lvl. 35: Gathering Light (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Cimeaurant •Location: First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena – Dragonhead (Coerthas Central Highlands X26, Y28).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Lamp Marimo’s to Drividot.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Lamp Marimo’s can be found throughout Coerthas Central Highlands (X13, Y23) (X6, Y22). Use Sinking Minnows on them.
- 538,650 XP
- 350 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied)
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (60,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- Hands Off Our Fish: Deliver 3 Crimson Trout (Catch in: Coerthas Central Highlands X20, Y30) with Honey Worm.
- The Perks Of Politics: Deliver 3 Seema (Catch in: Coerthas Central Highlands X20, Y30) with Honey Worm.
The *Single* Leve’s also provide 1 Venture as a reward option.
Lvl. 40-49 Advice
The Nail (Coerthas Central Highlands X16, Y21) will get you Northern Pike and Bronze Lake Trout for your *Single* Leve Quests. Bring some Stem Borer’s.
Around level 40, go to The Burning Wall (Eastern Thanalan X29, Y24). This is a pretty decent grind spot until level 43-44.
Around level 42-45, Cereleum Field (Bluefog – Northern Thanalan X16, Y20) (yes, again) really shines. With Glowworm, you will find Ignus Snails, Sludgeskippers, Boltfish and Ilsabardian Bass here for your Leve Quests and rack up some XP in the process. If you’re having trouble getting your catch, use Topwater Frogs on Ilsabardian Bass and Spinnerbait on Sludgeskippers.
Once you reach level 45, go spend some time at The Sea Of Clouds (Whitebrim – Coetheras Central Highlands X13, Y14) with lots of Hoverworm. This is a great grinding spot for this tier.
This tier is a bit of a struggle, so I would definitely recommend at least one triple Leve Quest. Your next Fisher Quest will unlock at level 50.
Level 40-49
Main Fisher Quests
Lvl 40: Fishing In The Rain
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 5 Raincallers to Sybell.
- To Catch: Raincallers can be found (not coincidentally) while its raining. Check the weatherman and see if there’s any rainy days in the near future. If so, head to Old Gridania (The Black Shroud X15, Y6) with some Stem Borer or Snurble Fly bait.
- 163,415 XP
- 0 Gil
- Mahogany Fishing Rod & 99 Stem Borer
Lvl 45: I Believe Fish Can Fly
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 5 Cloud Cutters to Sisipu.
- To Catch: Head to Coerthas Central Highlands (X13, Y14). Bring some Hoverworm bait. Cloudfishing isn’t unlocked until level 45, so make sure you’re the appropriate level to attempt this.
- 204,930 XP
- 0 Gil
- Rosewood Fishing Rod & Krill Cage Feeder
Level 40-49 Leve Quests
Lvl. 40: Rationally Speaking (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Voilinaut •Location: Whitebrim (Coerthas Central Highlands X12, Y16).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Golden Loaches to Louviaune.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to Daniffen Pass (Coerthas Central Highlands X13, Y23) with some Honey Worms.
- 731,889 XP
- 400 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied)
Lvl. 40: Make a Fish (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Voilinaut •Location: Whitebrim (Coerthas Central Highlands X12, Y16).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Abalathian Smelt to Louviaune.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to Daniffen Pass (Coerthas Central Highlands X13, Y23) with Honey Worms as well.
- 731,889 XP
- 400 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied)
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (80,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- Empire Builder: Deliver 3 Bronze Lake Trout (Catch in: The Nail – Coerthas Central Highlands X16, Y21 with Mythril Spoon Lure).
- Laird Of The Lakes: Deliver 3 Northern Pike (Catch in: The Nail – Coerthas Central Highlands X6, Y21 with Topwater Frogs).
The *Single* Leve’s also provide 1 Venture as a reward option.
Lvl 45: Sleeper Creeper (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: K’leytai •Location: Saint Coinach’s Find – Mor Dhona (X29, Y12).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Sludgeskippers to Clifton.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to Cereleum Field (Bluefog – Northern Thanalan X16, Y20) with Glowworm.
- 959,040 XP
- 450 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied) or 1 Glacier Crystal
Lvl. 45: Snail Fail
- Issuing NPC: K’leytai •Location: Saint Coinach’s Find – Mor Dhona (X29, Y12).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Ignus Snails to Clifton.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to Cereleum Field (Bluefog – Northern Thanalan X16, Y20) with Glowworm.
- 959,040 XP
- 450 Gil
- 3 Fishing Lures (Varied) or 1 Glacier Crystal
Note: There are 2 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to those above (105,000 XP higher) from the same NPC:
- Awash In Evidence: Deliver 3 Ilsabardian Bass (Catch in: Ceruleum Field – Northern Thanalan X16, Y20 with Glowworm).
- Putting The Zap On Nature: Deliver 3 Boltfish (Catch in: Ceruleum Field – Northern Thanalan X16, Y20). Boltfish are mooched from an HQ Silverfish.
The *Single* Leve’s also provide 1 Venture or 3 Glacier Crystals as a reward option.
Lvl. 50-59 Advice
Regular Vs. (L) Leve Quests
Please, please, do regular Triple or Single Leve Quests, not L Leve’s. I’ll break it down.
One regular Leve Quest costs 1 allowance and one (L) Leve costs 10 allowances. For example, let’s say you do the Level 56 Triple “Pipira Pirouette”, which costs 1 allowance. You turn in 3 quantities of Pipira Pira fish (9 total). You’ll receive 4,467,054 XP in total (not HQ). Now if you did the Level 56 Triple “Plus One Or Two Or Three” (L) Leve, you’d get 11,912,142 XP total for 6 submissions (not HQ). Sounds good, right? No.
You just spent 10 allowances on 1 Leve when you could have spent 3 (repeating the regular Leve 2 more times) on the regular Triple Leve Quest and actually ended up with 1,489,020 more XP. Watch out for those (L) Leve Quests. They’re flashy, but no matter how you add it up, they’re not in your best interest.
This tier starts the Fishing Collectibles. If you don’t have this unlocked, go speak to Morgayne at the Foundation (X10.1, Y10.4). The quest is called “Inscrutable Tastes”. Once you unlock it, you can find Collectible Appraiser’s in:
- Limsa: Aetheryte – Hawker’s Alley
- Ul’dah: Aetheryte – Sapphire Avenue Exchange
- New Gridania: Aetheryte – Leatherworker’s Guild
- Idyllshire – X5.7, Y7
- Rhalgr’s Reach – X9.8, Y12.5
Check here every so often. Each item will tell you the level of the item, the XP you’ll receive, the Scrips you’ll receive and the minimum collect-ability you need for each item to be turned in. Most importantly, it will tell you what is currently in rotation and how much time remains (in the bottom right corner) before rotations change. Collectibles almost always rotate at 4 PM EST every day.
To farm for Collectibles, make sure you have Collector’s Glove activated before you click on the item inside the node. Use Patience (or Patience II once you get it) to force HQ. Once you’re ready to collect it, use the Collect action.
I would love to give you a chart of collectibles to farm and give you insane XP, but collectibles rotate.
Just keep in mind they are great to farm and will give you great XP in the process, especially if you’re out of Leve allowances.
Around level 50-51, Greytail Falls (Riversmeet – Coerthas Central Highlands X35, Y26) is a great grinding spot. Balloon Bugs and Red Balloons work great on these fish.
For level 53-58, Voor Sian Siran (The Sea Of Clouds X29, Y35) is another great spot. Stonefly Nymphs work on pretty much any fish there.
For level 54-57, The Blue Window (The Sea Of Clouds X7, Y11 Floating Islands) is a good place to spend time. You could even push it to 60 if you don’t want to move too much. Bring some Giant Crane Fly & Red Balloons.
One more spot would be the Delta Quadrant (Azys Lla X10, Y31). It’s great at level 58-60. Bring some Purse Web Spider and Goblin Jigs.
Level 50-59
Fisher Quests (Main & Side)
Lvl. 50: So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 1 Mazlaya Marlin to Sisipu.
- To Catch: You have to double Mooch these. To find them, head to Eastern La Noscea (X39, Y24). Floating Minnows are the key to catching your Mooch fish. Try catching an HQ Harbor Herring, use it to catch an HQ Ogre Barracuda, which will catch you a Mazlaya Marlin (eventually).
- 432,000 XP
- 0 Gil
- Halcyon Rod & 99 Northern Krill
Lvl. 50: The Beast Of Brewer’s Beacon (Side Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Deliver 1 Titanic Sawfish & 1 Navigator’s Brand to Wawalago.
- To Catch Titanic Sawfish: Double mooching is the key again. Make your way to Western Thanalan (X9, Y6) between 9 AM & 2:59 PM Eorzean time. Use a Floating Minnow and catch an HQ Merlthor Goby. Use it to catch an HQ Wahoo and use the Wahoo to get your Titanic Sawfish.
- To Catch Navigator’s Brand: Go to The Brewer’s Beacon (Western la Noscea X30, Y30) between 9 AM & 2 PM Eorzean time. Your Gathering must be 290+ and make sure you use Yumizuno bait.
- 0 XP
- 1,220 Gil
- 3 Tomato Pies & Achievement
- Achievement Awarded: I Like Big Fish & I Cannot Lie (10 Points).
Lvl. 50: Feast Of Famine (Side Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Wawalago •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective:
- First Delivery to Wawalago: Endoceras, Namitaro & Helicoprion.
- Second Delivery to Wawalago: Shonisaurus & Kuno the Killer.
- Final Delivery to Saltworn Captain: Nepto Dragon.
- 0 XP
- 50,000 Gil
- 99 Aetheryte Tickets & Achievement
- Achievement Awarded: Imagine Dragon (30 Points).
Lvl. 50: Plenty More Fish In The Sea
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Return missing fishing rod at The Drowning Wench.
- 88,800 XP
- 1,014 Gil
- 100 Wind & 100 Water Crystals
- Additional Reward: 3 Commercial Survival Manuals
Lvl. 53: The Icepick Challenge
- Issuing NPC: Ansaulme •Location: The Forgotten Knight – Foundation (X13, Y11).
- Objective: Catch 3 HQ Icepicks in the Unfrozen Pond (Coerthas Western Highlands X21, Y11).
- To Catch: Head to the Unfrozen Pond (Coerthas Western Highlands X28, Y18) with Stonefly Nymphs or Caddisfly Lava.
- 777,600 XP
- 923 Gil
- Cedar Fishing Rod & 50 Red Balloons
- Additional Reward: Cloudfishing
Lvl. 55: Invasion Of The Supper Snatchers
- Issuing NPC: Ansaulme •Location: The Forgotten Knight – Foundation (X13, Y11).
- Objective: Catch 3 HQ Shadowhiskers.
- To Catch: Head to the Dravanian Forelands (X31, Y10). Use Brute Leech to catch an HQ Blueclaw Shrimp, then mooch the shrimp to get your Shadowhiskers.
- 1,108,800 XP
- 1,811 Gil
- Dark Chestnut Rod & 50 Magma Worms
- Additional Reward: Hellfishing
Lvl. 58: One Man’s Fish Is Another Man’s Poison
- Issuing NPC: Ansaulme •Location: The Forgotten Knight – Foundation (X13, Y11).
- Objective: Catch 1 HQ Letter Puffer.
- To Catch: The Churning Mists – Dravania (X29, Y25). Use Giant Crane Fly bait to hook an HQ Sky Faerie. Mooch the Sky Faerie to get your HQ Letter Puffer.
- 1,713,600 XP
- 2,439 Gil
- Hallowed Chestnut Rod & 50 Fiend Worms
- Additional Reward: Aetherfishing
Lvl. 50-59 Leve Quests
Lvl. 50: Lurchin’ From Urchins (L) (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 6 Lake Urchins to Cesteline.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Go to South Banepool (Coerthas Western Highlands X21, Y11) with Stonefly Nymphs. You must use Snagging on this fish.
- 1,317,960 XP
- 700 Gil
- 6 Stonefly Nymphs Or 3 Ventures
- NOTE: (L), or Large Scale Leve’s, take 10 allotments a piece. Therefore, you can earn 7,907,760 XP by turning in 36 Lake Urchins (6 submissions) in this quest, but be careful. You only receive 3 allotments every 12 hours (Earth time).
Lvl. 50: The Voice Of The Fury (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Blueclaw Shrimp to Cesteline.
- To Catch: Head to The Dravanian Forelands (X31, Y10) with Stonefly Nymph.
- 1,098,300 XP
- 500 Gil
- 3 Stonefly Nymphs Or 1 Venture
Note: There are 3 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to the one above (Same XP Besides (L) Leve’s).
- Please Halone, Tell Me I’m Still Asleep (Same)
- Snipped For Spirituality (L) (4,942,350 XP)
- A Whole Lot Of Nope (L) (4,942,350 XP)
There is also 1 similar *Triple* Leve for Lvl. 50.
- Dine Or Spine (988,470 XP)
Lvl. 52: Bounty Of Sky, Bounty Of Earth (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Cloudfish to Cesteline.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Go to Voor Sian Siran (The Sea Of Clouds X29, Y35) with Stonefly Nymph.
- 1,001,778 XP
- 550 Gil
- 3 Red Balloons Or 1 Venture
Lvl. 52: Fish Oils & Forgotten Spoils (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Grass Carp to Cesteline.
- To Catch: Head to the Dravanian Forelands (X31, Y10) with Stonefly Nymph during Dust Storms, Fog or Cloudy weather.
- 1,113,086 XP
- 550 Gil
- 3 Red Balloons Or 1 Venture
Note: There are 3 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to the one above (Same XP Besides (L) Leve’s).
- Prayer And Prejudice (L) (5,008,887 XP)
- Valuing The Vintage (L) (5,008,887 XP)
- Loose Lips Heal (Broken) Hips (Same XP)
There is also 1 similar *Triple* Leve for Lvl. 52.
- Eating Like The Natives (L) (1,335,7704 XP)
Lvl. 54: Bearing Of The Blue (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 pieces of Blue Cloud Coral to Cesteline.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to the Sea Of Clouds (X14, Y38) with Red Balloons or Giant Crane Fly’s. Snagging is required to catch this fish.
- 1,203,434 XP
- 600 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) Or 1 Venture
Lvl. 54: Analysis Of Paralysis (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Mahu Wai to Cesteline.
- To Catch: Head to The Sea Of Clouds (X14, Y38) with Red Balloons or Giant Crany Fly’s.
- 1,337,148 XP
- 600 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) Or 1 Venture
Note: There are 3 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to the one above (Same XP Besides (L) Leve’s).
- A Win-win Situation (L) (6,017,166 XP)
- The Aquariums Of Ishgard (Same XP)
- Send a Feeling To My Spine (L) (6,017,166 XP)
There is also 1 similar *Triple* Leve for Lvl. 54.
- Blue Of Sky And Sea (L) (1,604,578 XP)
Lvl. 56: Pipira Pirouette (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Pipira Pira to Cesteline.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Head to The Dravanian Forelands (X31, Y10). Use Brute Leech to catch an HQ Blueclaw Shrimp, then mooch the Shrimp to get your Pipira Pira. The weather must be Cloudy, Foggy or a Dust Storm.
- 1,489,018 XP
- 650 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) Or 1 Venture
Lvl. 56: Sold Out The Bolo (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Brown Bolo to Cesteline.
- To Catch: Make your way to Tharl Oom Khash (The Churning Mists X20, Y6). Use a Red Balloon to catch an HQ Rudderfish, then mooch it to get your Brown Bolo. The weather must be Cloudy.
- 1,654,464 XP
- 650 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) Or 1 Venture
Note: There are 3 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to the one above (Same XP Besides (L) Leve’s).
- Sucking On Face (L) (7,445,088 XP)
- Dining With Dravanians (Same XP)
- Hundred Fins For a Hundred Wings (L) (7,445,088 XP)
There is also 1 similar *Triple* Leve for Lvl. 56.
- Plus One Or Two Or Three (L) (1,985,357 XP)
Lvl. 58: Warmer Than Wine (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Bullwhips to Cesteline.
- *Triple* Turn in additional quantities of the designated fish up to 3 times (6 for (L) Leves) for triple XP and additional items.
- To Catch: Go to the Alpha Quadrant (Azys Lla X16, Y12) with Fiend Worms.
- 1,779,506 XP
- 700 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) Or 1 Venture
Lvl. 58: They Call It The Kissing Disease (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eloin •Location: The Arc Of The Humble – Foundation (X10, Y10).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Yalm Lobsters to Cesteline.
- To Catch: Go to the Delta Quadrant (Azys Lla X10, Y31). Use a Brute Leech to catch an HQ Aether Eye and mooch it to get your Yalm Lobsters.
- 1,977,228 XP
- 700 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) Or 1 Venture
Note: There are 3 other *Single* Leve Quests similar to the one above (Same XP Besides (L) Leve’s).
- Angling For Ailments (L) (8,897,526 XP)
- Spew Forth And Spawn (Same XP)
- Unleash The Hydro Cannons (L) (8,897,526 XP)
There is also 1 similar *Triple* Leve for Lvl. 56.
- What Does Not Break Us, Devours Us (L) (2,372,674 XP)
Level 60-69 Advice
Starting out in this tier, be sure you at least have a level-appropriate rod. You’re given a new one for pretty much every Fisher Quest in this tier, so once you reach the marks (level 63, 65 and 68) stop what you’re doing and go grab those rods. It’ll help out.
If you want to do Leve Quests between level 64-68, I wouldn’t blame you at all. The grinding is rough in that area.
Level 60-62 is the best time to use your Commercial Survival Manuals you acquired in the earlier levels. Once you get to level 70, instead of getting a 150% XP bonus like 60-69, it is halved to 75%.
From 60-62, go spend some time in The One River Southern Riverbeds (Yanxia X21.5, Y36.6, Z-1.0) Spearfishing. You’ll rack up the XP faster than doing level 60-63 collectibles (most of the time).
At level 63, you’ll get a skill called “Veteran Trade”. This skill allows you not to catch the previous fish you caught. *This only works for Spearfishing*, but it will help you narrow down the options to get the fish you want. If you’re feeling up to it, go back to Yanxia and try it again.
Some people don’t like Spearfishing, but it reaps the most XP for a while. If you don’t want to Spearfish, the only decent spot before level 68 is The One River East – Yanxia (X20, Y24) with Nightcrawlers.
Once you reach level 68, head over to The Isle Of Zekki (Ruby Sea X8.3, Y26.6). If it’s in rotation, you can find the collectible Daio Squid there, which will give you Yellow Scrips. These will come in handy later. And of course you can rack up some serious XP here.
Your next Fisher Quest unlocks at level 70, so get on it!
Level 60-69
Fisher Quests (Main & Side)
Lvl. 60: Carpe Diem
- Issuing NPC: Ansaulme •Location: The Forgotten Knight – Foundation (X13, Y11).
- Objective: Mooch an HQ Catkiller.
- To Catch: Head to The Eddies (The Sea Of Clouds X30, Y39). Use Brute Leech to catch an HQ Bullfrog, then mooch it to get your Catkiller. Make sure the weather is Clear or Fair.
- 1,715,850 XP
- 2,388 Gil
- 3 Hi-Cordials & Patience II
Lvl. 60: Whither Wawalago Wanders
- Issuing NPC: Sisipu •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X7, Y14).
- Objective: Wait for Wawalago at God’s Grip.
- 4,477,950 XP
- 1,053 Gil
- 250 Wind & 250 Water Crystals
- Additional Reward: 3 Commercial Survival Manuals.
Lvl. 61: A New Fishing Ex-Spear-ience (Side Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Sumitsubo •Location: Tamamizu (The Ruby Sea X28, Y13.3, Z -1.1).
- Objective: Speak with Kindly Kojin.
- Important: This quest unlocks Spearfishing, which you’ll need for your higher level quests.
- 87,750 XP
- 490 Gil
- Spearfishing Gig, Auto Fathom & Spearfishing
Lvl. 63: A Rousing Reunion
- Issuing NPC: Wawalago •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X8, Y15).
- Objective: Catch 3 Deep Velodyna Carp.
- To Catch: Head to The Velodyna River (The Fringes X19.1, Y4.3) and use Salmon Roe bait. You’ll only be able to catch this fish on this quest.
- 5,798,925 XP
- 2,277 Gil
- Mudhorn Fishing Rod & 99 Salmon Roe
- Additional Reward: Mooch II.
Lvl. 65: Search For the Spawning Grounds
- Issuing NPC: Wawalago •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X8, Y15).
- Objective: Catch 3 HQ Harutsuge Sprags.
- To Catch: Go to Shoal Rock (The Ruby Sea X32.5, Y8.3). You must use Live Shrimp bait and Precision Hookset.
- 2,079,000 XP
- 3,152 Gil
- Pine Fishing Rod & 99 Nightcrawler’s
- Additional Reward: Double Hook.
Lvl. 68: Always a Bigger Fish
- Issuing NPC: Wawalago •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X8, Y15).
- Objective: Catch 3 HQ Dafangshi.
- To Catch: Make sure you’ve done your Side Quest to unlock Spearfishing. Head to The Sunken Junk (Yanxia X10, Y34).
- Turn on Truth Of Oceans.
- Equip your Large Gig Head.
- Spearfish 10 Ichthyosaur (HQ or NQ). Once you catch 10, a Lvl. 70 Swimming Shadows node will appear on your mini-map.
- Equip your Small Gig Head and spearfish the Swimming Shadows node. If you’re level 69 or higher, use Nature’s Bounty between each attempt to increase HQ chance.
- This fish can only be caught during this quest.
- 2,902,500 XP
- 4,267 Gil
- Gazelle Horn Rod & 99 Silkworms
- Additional Reward: Bountiful Catch.
Lvl. 60-69 Leve Quests
Lvl. 60: There Can Only Be One (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Highland Perch to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to the Mirage Creek – The Fringes (X27.5, Y16.5) with Salmon Roe.
- 1,920,946 XP
- 750 Gil
- 3 Salmon Roe or 1 Venture
Lvl. 60: If a Leave Falls In The Water (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Fallen Leaf’s to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to Dimwold – The Fringes (X9.6, Y29) with Salmon Roe.
- 2,134,384 XP
- 750 Gil
- 3 Salmon Roe or 1 Venture
Note: There’s 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest as above from the same NPC:
- Slow Wash, Rapids Jumper: Deliver 3 Rapids Jumpers (Catch in: The Peaks – Gyr Abania X23.5, Y9 with Salmon Roe).
Lvl. 62: Perhaps Not-So-Common (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 4 Common Whelks to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to The One River Southern Riverbeds – Yanxia (X21.5, Y36.6, Z-1.0) with your Small Gig Head (Spearfishing).
- 2,015,723 XP
- 800 Gil
- 3 Live Shrimp or 1 Venture
Lvl. 62: Lighter Wallets (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 6 Glass Manta’s to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Go to Tamamizu (The Ruby Sea X28, Y13.3, Z-1.1) with your Large Gig Head.
- 2,239,692 XP
- 750 Gil
- 3 Live Shrimp or 1 Venture
Note: There is 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest to the one above from the same NPC:
- In a Pickle: Deliver 6 Eastern Sea Pickles (Catch in: Sui-no-Sato – The Ruby Sea (X17.5, Y20.5 with your Small Gig Head).
Lvl. 64: Marooned Minnow (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Tail Mountains Minnow’s to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to Upper Yat Khaal – The Azim Steppe (X17, Y18). Use Midge Larva to catch an HQ Zagas Khaal and mooch it.
- 2,120,480 XP
- 850 Gil
- 3 Live Shrimp or 1 Venture
Lvl. 64: Catfish Scheme (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Tail Longhair Catfish to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to The One River (East) – Yanxia (X20, Y24) with Nightcrawler’s.
- 2,356,088 XP
- 850 Gil
- 3 Live Shrimp or 1 Venture
Note: There is 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest to the one above from the same NPC:
- Curtains For Pleco: Deliver 3 Curtain Plecos (Catch in: Hak Khaal – The Azim Steppe X29, Y20). Use Midge Larva to catch an HQ Zagas Khaal and mooch it.
Lvl. 66: Unbeliebubble (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 4 Doman Bubble Eyes to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to The Sunken Junk – Yanxia (X10, Y34) with your Small Gig Head.
- 2,223,812 XP
- 900 Gil
- 3 Midge Larva or 1 Venture
Lvl. 66: Step By Steppe (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 6 Redfins to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Go to the the Azim Khaat Eastern Lakebed – The Azim Steppe (X23, Y23, Z-1.0) with your Normal Gig Head.
- 2,470,902 XP
- 900 Gil
- 3 Midge Larva or 1 Venture
Note: There is 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest to the one above from the same NPC:
- Peculiar De-light: Deliver 6 Sea Lamos (Catch in: The Kobayashi Maru – The Ruby Sea X38.8, Y6.3, Z-1.3 with a Small, Normal or Large Gig Head).
Lvl. 68: Pre-Octopied (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Koromo Octopus’ to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to The Isle Of Zekki – The Ruby Sea (X8.3, Y26.6). Use a Bream Lure to catch an HQ Ruby Shrimp and mooch it.
- 2,841,363 XP
- 950 Gil
- 3 Midge Larva, 3 Live Shrimp or 1 Venture
Lvl. 68: To The Teeth (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Keltraeng •Location: Umineko Teahouse – Kugane (X11.6, Y9.6).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Tawny Wench Sharks to Geimrael.
- To Catch: Head to The Isle Of Bekko – The Ruby Sea (X34.6, Y19.7). Use Blue Bobbit to catch an HQ Ruby Shrimp and mooch it. You can only fish for these between 10 AM and 4:59 PM Eorzean time.
- 3,157,070 XP
- 950 Gil
- 3 Midge Larva, 3 Live Shrimp or 1 Venture
Note: There is 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest to the one above from the same NPC:
- Blood In The Water (Lvl. 68): Deliver 3 Steelsharks (Catch in: Heather Falls – The Peaks X31.8, Y7.1 with Stonefly Larva during Clear weather).
Level 70-80 Advice
Crystarium Deliveries
Let’s start here. The level 70 quest Well Eel Be Damned (Requires The Crystalline Mean quest listed below) unlocks Crystarium Deliveries.
These deliveries are a newer type of Custom Delivery. Each delivery requires 6 turn ins of between 1-3 items. The items you turn in can be NQ, HQ or a mix of both. These deliveries give you Scrips, XP and Gil for whatever DOL or DOH you turn them in under. *These cannot be repeated*.
You get 12 Custom Deliveries a week (between all DOL & DOH). But, it will give you great XP, so defnitely try it out.
Courtesy of Gamer Escape, here are the turn-ins for Fisher below.

Gear & Weapons
Between level 70-71, look into the Landking Scrip Gear. If you have some Scrips to spare, this is the best option you will have. Since you’ll need serious upgrades in the near future, there’s no point in spending all your money on gear right now.
Unless you’re extremely into collectibles, try to save your big upgrades until level 80 if you can.
Unless you have exceptional gear, try to stick with level 70-74 collectibles (Albino Caiman, Weedy Seadragon, Golden Lobster and Little Bismarck). 75-80’s are almost impossible unless you have superior gear.
Crystarium Deliveries are a great option to get you fairly fast and large amounts of XP.
Leve Quests in this tier are decent. I always like doing Triple’s, but there is one I would not do: The Source Of The Problem. Purple Ghosts literally ARE the problem. They don’t give you great XP for the work and even if you use Veteran Trade, it’s still incredibly hard to find the fish.
For level 70-73, go to Southeast Source – Lakeland (X14, Y39). Little Bismarck (Collectible – Truth Of Oceans & 10x Noblefish) can be found here, along with some other decent Swimming Shadows fish.
Using Patience II > Cordial in this tier will greatly increase your chance to get collectibles.
For level 72-74, go visit The Eastern Kholusian Coast – Kholusia (X35, Y36) with some Short Bill Minnows and Squid Strip. You’ll find level quest fish here, the collecible Weedy Seadragon and some good XP.
For level 74-76, you can go to Seagazer Shoals – Kholusia (X17, Y36). There’s not too many choices of fish here, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. If you’re feeling up to it, re-visit the Southeast Source – Lakeland (X12, Y38) and you will find the collectible Bothriolepis (Shadow node).
At level 75, I highly suggest doing the Facet Quest (found in Main Quests above) “Fishing For Confidence”. Using Patience II > Cordial will catch the Calico Trout rather easily and earn you a fast 8.2 million XP.
Level 76-78, the South Longmirror Lake – lI Meg (X29, Y36) is a good place to rack up the XP.
Between level 78-80, Where The Dry Return – The Tempest (X37, Y7) with Short Bill Minnow is a good spot to hang out for a bit. North Lake Tusi Mek’ta – The Rak’tika Greatwood (X5, Y26) is a solid place, even for level 76-77 (most fish here are level 80). Not only will Gourmand Crab rack up some XP (Use Veteran Trade on Ronkan Pleco & you’ll get almost nothing but Gourmand Crab), but you have some decent Swimming Shadows fish to catch here.
Good luck on your final tier!
Level 70-80
Fisher Quests (Main & Facet)
Lvl. 70: Farewell, and Thanks For The Fish
- Issuing NPC: Wawalago •Location: Fisherman’s Guild (Limsa Lower Decks X8, Y15).
- Objective: Catch & Deliver 5 Giant Plesiosaurs.
- To Catch: Head to Onokoro – The Ruby Sea (X22.1, Y11) with Live Shrimp or Bream Lure. *You can only catch this fish on this quest*.
- 0 XP
- 0 Gil
- Guerdon V, Guile V & Grasp V Materia
- Additional Reward: Enhanced GP Regeneration (Fisher)
Lvl. 70: Well Eel Be Damned (Facet)
- Issuing NPC: Frithrik •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X11.1, Y8.7).
- Objective: Speak with Frithrik.
- NOTE: You must do your Main Quest “The Crystalline Mean” to be able to do this quest.
- Well Eel Be Damned unlocks Crystarium Deliveries, which will help you level up significantly.
- 230,000 XP
- 1,125 Gil
- N/A
Lvl. 75: Fishing For Confidence (Facet)
- Issuing NPC: Frithrik •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X11.1, Y8.7).
- Objective: Deliver 1 Calico Trout to Lobb.
- To Catch: Head to Longmirror Lake – ll Meg (X21, Y23) with Fruit Worm. *You can only catch this fish on this quest*.
- 8,250,000 XP
- 1,295 Gil
- 30 Hi-Cordial’s
Lvl. 80: Morsel Of The Deep (Facet)
- Issuing NPC: Frithrik •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X11.1, Y8.7).
- Objective: Deliver 1 Prospero Eel to Frithrik.
- To Catch: Go to The Norvrandt Slope – The Tempest (X29, Y15, Z-3) with Moyebi Shrimp. *Item level must be 430*.
- 0 XP
- 2,027 Gil
- Guerdon VIII, Guile VIII & Grasp VIII Materia
- Additional Reward: Achievement “Live Long And Prospero” (5 points).
Level 70-80 Leve Quests
Lvl. 70: The Source Of The Problem (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 6 Purple Ghosts to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Head to the Northeast Source – Lakeland (X14, Y32) with your Small Gig Head.
- 3,201,171 XP
- 1,000 Gil
- 3 Fruit Worm or 1 Venture
Lvl. 70: Eco-Warrior Of Light (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Xanthic Bass to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Head to The Source – Lakeland (X13, Y30) with Fruit Worm.
- 3,556,856 XP
- 1,000 Gil
- 3 Fruit Worm or 1 Venture
Note: There’s 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest from the same NPC:
- Needs More Egg: 3 Sand Eggs (Catch in: River Of Sand – Amh Araeng X32, Y13) using Desert Dessert Frog.
Lvl. 72: Aetherquake (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 6 Finned Eggplants to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Head to The Isle Of Ken – Lakeland (X7, Y32) with your Large Gig Head.
- 4,000,113 XP
- 1,050 Gil
- 1 Desert Dessert Frog or 1 Venture
Lvl. 72: Jelly Salad (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Blood Clouds to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Head to Kholusia – Norvrandt (35, Y36) with Moyebi Shrimp.
- 4,444,570 XP
- 1,050 Gil
- 1 Desert Dessert Frog or 1 Venture
Note: There’s 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest from the same NPC:
- Full Of Fish: Deliver 6 Geayi (Catch in: Southeast Source – Lakeland X14, Y39) using your Normal Gig Head.
Lvl. 74: A Cherry-Red Herring (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Cherry Herrings to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Head to The Spoiled One – ll Meg (X29, Y14) with Marble Nymphs.
- 5,078,571 XP
- 1,100 Gil
- 3 Moyebi Shrimp or 1 Venture
Lvl. 74: Faerie Fish (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Lemonfish to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Go to Handmirror Lake – ll Meg (X3, Y21) with Marble Nymph.
- 5,642,856 XP
- 1,100 Gil
- 3 Moyebi Shrimp or 1 Venture
Note: There’s 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest from the same NPC:
- The Bride Aquatic: Deliver 3 Little Flirts (Catch in: ll Meg – Norvrandt X20, Y13) using your Normal Gig Head.
Lvl. 76: Fish For Days (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Hucho Taimen to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Go to Upper Watts River – Kholusia (X27, Y14) with Robber Ball bait.
- 6,516,000 XP
- 1,150 Gil
- 3 Marble Nymph or 1 Venture
Lvl. 76: Crab Corps (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 6 Gourmand Crabs to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Head to The Rak’tika Greatwood – Norvrandt (X5, Y26) with your Normal Gig Head.
- 7,240,000 XP
- 1,150 Gil
- 3 Marble Nymph or 1 Venture
Note: There’s 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest from the same NPC:
- Magic Mushrooms: Deliver 6 Paradise Crabs (Catch in: Thysm Lran – ll Meg X30, Y29) using your Small Gig Head.
Lvl. 78: A Fest For The Senses (Triple Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Stippled Eels to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Go to Where The Dry Return – Norvarndt (X37, Y7) with Short Bill Minnow.
- 8,421,428 XP
- 1,200 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) or 1 Venture
Lvl. 78: Short-Term Gains (Single Leve Quest)
- Issuing NPC: Eirikur •Location: The Baldaquin – The Crystarium (X9.7, Y9).
- Objective: Deliver 3 Black Tri-Stars to Shue-Hann.
- To Catch: Head over to The Lozatl – Rak’tika Greatwood (X16, Y22) with Robber Ball bait.
- 9,357,142 XP
- 1,200 Gil
- 3 Bait (Varied) or 1 Venture
Note: There’s 1 similar *Single* Leve Quest from the same NPC:
- Deep-Sea Diving: Deliver 3 Azure Sea Spiders (Catch in: Purpure – Norvrandt X34, Y31) using Short Bill Minnows.
Congrats on reaching level 80! Get the best possible gear you can (make sure you Meld your Materia) and enjoy it!
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