Out of the many characters available in Genshin Impact, only a few have Hangout Events released for them. For the fans of Chongyun, it is a nice treat to get a chance and spend time with their favorite young exorcist who possesses a Cryo Vision.

Chongyun came from a renowned family of exorcists, but ironically, this young thaumaturge has never seen a demon nor an evil spirit. This is due to his pure-yang spirit, which naturalized him to drive away evil spirits. Such entities scurry away whenever they feel his presence.

Chongyun’s hangout event lets you know a little more about him by going on a quest to purge demons or just by hanging around town. In this guide, we will help you reach all six endings of Chongyun’s Hangout Event without the need to do the quest more than you should.

This special story quest starts in Liyue Harbor’s wharf, where you will find Chongyun. He will talk to you about rumors of an evil spirit, and as a dedicated exorcist, he wants to purge it.

Ending 1
Step 1: In the part after Chongyun shares the clues he has gathered so far and asks for your opinion, you should select the choice of being honest and tell him that the tips are pretty far-fetched.

Step 2: When you notice a child looking at Chongyun’s Popsicle, choose to give one to the kid.

Step 3: Continue your investigation about the evil spirits by going to Wanwen Bookhouse and identifying the clues that Chongyun has collected.

Step 4: Chongyun asks you which clues he has are the most plausible and likely to be the work of evil spirits. There will be three batches of clues. Any choice will not affect the ending route.

Step 5: Go to Wuwang Hill following Chongyun’s suggestion based on his observation that the weather has been very abnormal.

Step 6: Proceed with investigating locations until you find traces of evil spirits and defeat the monsters that will appear.

Chongyun will conclude that his Pure-Yang energy might have scared the evil spirit away.

Ending 2
Step 1: Follow step 1 of Ending 1.
Step 2: When you notice a child looking at Chongyun’s Popsicle, choose to give them to the kid and his sister.

Step 3: Follow Chongyun to Wanwim Restaurant and help him restock his supply of popsicles.

Step 4: Since Chef Mao is not in the restaurant, you suggest making the popsicles yourself. For the choices of ingredients, you can choose either “Mist Flower and Qinxin” or “Sunsettia and Valberries.“

Step 5: After making enough popsicles, go with Chongyun and find the kid from earlier to give more to him and his sister.

Step 6: Play hide and seek with the kids. Dalong will be behind the house where you talked to them, Little Le can be found behind the big tree next to the Teleport Waypoint, and Chongyun is hiding down the stairs beside the bridge.

Step 7: After playing, help Chongyun cook food for the kids.

Ending 3
Step 1: Follow 1 to 3 of Ending 2.
Step 2: Since Chef Mao is not in the restaurant, you suggest making the Popsicles yourself. For ingredients, choose to use Jueyun Chili and Slime Condensate.

Step 3: After making the Popsicle, let Chongyun try it.

Ending 4
Step 1: In the part after Chongyun shares the clues he has gathered so far and asks for your opinion, you should select the second choice where you will not tell him that the tip about an evil spirit seems far-fetched.

Step 2: Head to Wuwang Hill and take part in the Test of Courage.

Step 3: Let Chongyun drink the beverage that will boost one’s Yang energy before starting the test.

Step 4: Proceed with your investigation with Chongyun.

Step 5: When Chongyun suddenly feels unwell from the drink you both took, let him rest, and you continue investigating without him.

Step 6: Follow the clues that led to the remains of an old house. There, you will find a Test of Courage event staff and learn that there are no ghosts in the area.

Step 7: Return to Chongyun and tell him everything.

Chongyun seems upset, but he will say that he is okay with it but will ask you to head back to Liyue Harbor with him because he is starting to feel more uncomfortable.

Endings 5 and 6
Step 1: Follow steps 1 to 4 of Ending 4.
Step 2: When Chongyun suddenly feels unwell from the drink you both took, help him find a place to rest.

Step 3: Chongyun will need something to suppress the Yang energy in his body. He will ask you to collect fresh Cryo Slime Condensate or Cryo Whopperflower Nectar. Neither choice will affect the ending route.

While collecting the ingredients, someone will try to scare you to no avail. You will then find out that there are no ghosts in the area and that it was just a setup for the event.

Step 4: Tell Chongyun everything.

Step 5: When Chongyun feels discouraged to continue the Test of Courage, remind him of the strange mist you found earlier and suggest continuing to investigate that.

NOTE: Choosing to go back and end the Test of Courage will proceed to Ending 6.
Step 6: Split up with Chongyun and continue the investigation separately.

Step 7: After finding a wandering ghost named Qianqian and agreeing for her to help scare people away to save Chongyun from trouble, meet Chongyun and tell him everything.

Endings 5 and 6 (Alternate Route)
Step 1: Follow steps 1 and 2 of Ending 4.
Step 2: Do not let Chongyun drink the beverage to boost one’s Yang energy. Only you should drink it.

Step 3: Go to the designated area for the Test of Courage and investigate the area for evil spirits.

Step 4: Go with Chongyun’s plan to continue following the traces of a spirit without him so that his Pure-Yang will not scare the entity away.
Step 5: After finding out that the ghosts are only the event’s staff, find Chongyun and tell him everything.

Step 6: When Chongyun feels discouraged to continue the Test of Courage, agree with him and return to Liyue Harbor.

NOTE: In step 2, choosing to tell Chongyun to continue the investigation based on the traces of evil spirit that you found earlier will lead to Ending 5.