How To Get Into Room 108 in Alan Wake 2



Randrew Mendrico

Writer and Storywriter

Drew is one of the game guide writers in PlayerAssist. He mixed his communications degree with his love for video games to help other gamers with different video game situations. Drew loves action-adventure, story or character driven role-playing games.

Alan Wake 2 is a highly anticipated psychological horror video game and is finally here!  Fans of the series are eagerly diving into its eerie narrative and mysterious world. Unlocking the secrets of a video game’s hidden chambers and concealed mysteries can be an exhilarating adventure for players, and Room 108 in Alan Wake 2 is no exception.

How To Get Into Room 108 in Alan Wake 2

This location is shrouded in secrecy and has a few items to help the player. This guide will delve deep into how to get into Room 108 in the game. If you’re determined to unlock the mysteries hidden behind that elusive door, we will walk you through the necessary steps to get into Room 108. So, prepare to face your fears as we take this adventure in Alan Wake 2!

How to Open Room 108

In Alan Wake 2, the player will see that Room 108 in the Elderwood Palace Lodge is locked. The player will be unable to locate the key for this room as there is no Room 108 key! To unlock this door, the player must fulfill a secret quest that is not mentioned. To get into Room 108 in Alan Wake 2, the player must collect all of the deer heads in the game. There are 12 deer heads spread over the three main areas Saga visits. 

If any are missed, the player may have to dedicate some time to returning for them. Knowledgeable players will notice, however, that there is something unique about all of the deer heads with which Saga can interact. Luckily, the deer heads are not too difficult to find as long as the player looks for them.

At the earliest, the player can find all the deer heads before Saga’s Point of No Return after the Return 6: Scratch chapter. The player will still have the chance to return to find any missing deer heads before this part of the game.

Deer Head Locations

As mentioned above, there are a total of 12 deer heads that the player can find in the game. Saga, who looks to be collecting them, will save each one the player finds. She will say how much more she needs with each deer head she gets. 

To find the deer heads, the player must take on the following chapters:

Return 1: Invitation

In this chapter, the player will be able to find 3 of the 12 deer heads. To find the deer heads, the player must go to the following:

Murder Site
The deer head near the Murder Site
Courtesy of Aberukun

One of the deer heads is in the Murder Site in the Cauldron Lake area. This is near the middle of the map of Cauldron Lake, just south of the General Store. To find the deer head, the player must do the following:

  1. Upon reaching the Murder Site at the beginning of the game, head to the south
  2. Next, the player will find a small house or trailer. Enter this house through the open doorway.
  3. After that, the player will find another doorway on the left inside the house. Go through this doorway.
  4. Following that, just ahead of the doorway, the player will be able to find a deer head hung on the wall.
  5. Finally, the player must interact with the deer head to pet it.
Elderwood Palace Lodge
The deer head in Elderwood Palace Lodge
Courtesy of Aberukun

The player will find a deer head in the Elderwood Palace Lodge in the Bright Falls area. The player must do the following to find this deer head:

  1. First, the player must find the Elderwood Palace Lodge. This is in the northeast of the map of the Bright Falls area and cornering Harbor St. and Coal St.
  2. Then, enter the Elderwood Palace Lodge through its main entrance south of the building.
  3. After that, head to the right to find a large doorway. Go through this doorway.
  4. Next, head straight to reach the bar, then head to the left to find another doorway. Head for this next room.
  5. Following that, look at the brick wall on the right. Here, the player will find a deer head hung up on the wall above.
  6. Finally, the player must interact with the deer head to pet it.
Oh Deer Diner
The deer head in Oh Deer Diner.
Courtesy of Aberukun

The third deer head in the Return 1: Invitation is inside the Oh Deer Diner in the Bright Falls area. To get this deer head, the player must do the following:

  1. First, head to Oh Deer Diner in the Bright Falls area. The player can find this east of the Elderwood Palace Lodge northeast of the Bright Falls area.
  2. Then, enter the Oh Deer Diner through its main entrance on the south side of the establishment.
  3. Afterward, past the seats and booths, head to the right and left. Just ahead, the player will find a doorway with the comfort room icons above.
  4. Immediately inside this doorway, the player will find another doorway on the right. Go through this doorway.
  5. Next, at the end of this dark room, the player will find a deer head in the middle of the gray wall.
  6. Finally, the player must interact with the deer head to pet it.

Return 2: The Heart

The player will only find 1 of 12 deer heads in this chapter. To find it, the player must head to the following location:

Witchfinder’s Station
The deer head in Witchfinder's Station.
Courtesy of Aberukun

The player will be able to find another deer head in the Witchfinder’s Station, which is in the Cauldron Lake area. To find this deer head, the player must head to the following:

  1. First, head to the Witchfinder’s Station in the northwesternmost Cauldron Lake area.
  2. After that, the player will find a wooden house once arriving in the area. Enter the house through the doorway above the small flight of stairs in the southwestern part of the house.
  3. Next, once inside, the player will arrive at a living room. The player must then look immediately to the right. The player will find a deer head hung on the wooden wall above a stone fireplace.
  4. Finally, to pet the deer head, the player must interact with this deer head.

Return 3: Local Girl

In this chapter, the player will be able to find 4 of 12 deer heads. To discover these deer heads, the player must head to the following locations:

Suomi Hall
The deer head in Suomi Hall.
Courtesy of Aberukun

In Suomi Hall, the player can find only one deer head. Suomi Hall is located in the downtown area of the Watery area. The player must do the following to find the deer head in this location:

  1. First, head to Suomi Hall. This is in the southeastern part of the Watery area.
  2. Next, enter the Suomi Hall through the doorway southwest of the building.
  3. Then, upon entering, keep heading straight from the door. The player will find another doorway with a lit room on the opposite side of the first room. Enter this room.
  4. After that, look immediately at the wall on the left. Here, the player will find a deer head placed on the upper part of the white wall.
  5. Lastly, the player must interact with the deer head to pet it.
Lighthouse Trailer Park
The deer head in Lighthouse Trailer Park
Courtesy of Aberukun

The player will be able to discover one deer head in the Lighthouse Trailer Park. This area is located in the Watery area. To find the deer head in this area, the player must do the following:

  1. First, head to the Lighthouse Trailer Park. This is in the southwestern part of the Watery area.
  2. After that, head for the middle trailer home in the trailer park. This trailer home is closest to the trailer park’s gate.
  3. Following that, enter the trailer home using the doorway above a small flight of stairs in the southwestern part of the structure.
  4. Next, upon entering the trailer house, the player will find a large bookshelf just ahead of the doorway. The player must then head to the right side of this bookshelf. The player will find a deer head hanging in the wall’s middle.
  5. Finally, the player can interact with the deer head to pet it.
Kalevala Knights Workshop
The deer head in Kalevala Knights Workshop.
Courtesy of Aberukun

In the Kalevala Knights Workshop, the player can find another deer head. The player can also find this building in the Watery area. The player must do the following to get this deer head:

  1. First, the player must go to the Kalevala Knights Workshop. This location is in the northwestern part of the Watery area.
  2. Following that, enter the Kalevala Knights Workshop through the large doorway on the southeastern side of the building.
  3. After that, upon entering the building, head up the path straight ahead until the player reaches a wall. There, head to the left.
  4. Then, keep heading straight. At the end of the path, the player will find the deer head hung in the middle of the wall above a chair.
  5. Lastly, to pet the deer head, the player must now interact with it.
Ranger Cabin
The deer head in Ranger Cabin
Courtesy of Aberukun

The player will be able to discover the last deer head in this chapter in Ranger Cabin. This location is also in the Watery area. To find this deer head, the player must do the following:

  1. First, the player must head to the Ranger Cabin. The player can find this in the northwesternmost part of the Watery area. This is northeast of the Kalevala Knights Workshop.
  2. After that, upon reaching the area, the player will find a wooden house covered with greenery. The player can then enter the wooden house through the doorway above a small flight of stairs in the southeastern part of the building.
  3. Next, upon entering the Ranger Cabin, head forward, and the player will find a doorway on the left. Go through this doorway.
  4. Following that, the player will then find another doorway on the right and the left. Go through the immediate doorway on the left. This is the dining room of the Ranger Cabin.
  5. Then, immediately after passing through this doorway, the player must look to the right. The player will find a deer head on the right in the middle of the wooden wall.
  6. Finally, the player can interact with the deer head to pet it.

Return 5: Old Gods

The player will be able to discover the last 4 of 12 deer heads in this chapter. To get to these deer heads, the player must head to the following locations:

Valhalla Nursing Home
The location of the deer head in the Valhalla Nursing Home
Courtesy of Aberukun

In the Valhalla Nursing Home, the player can locate one of the four deer heads for this chapter. The player can find the Valhalla Nursing Home in the Bright Falls area. To find this deer head, the player must do the following:

  1. First, the player must head to the Valhalla Nursing Home. This is in the western part of the Bright Falls area.
  2. Then, upon reaching the area, the player must head to the Manor building of the nursing home. This is in the northern part of the area.
  3. After that, the player must go to the northeastern part of the Manor building. Here, the player will find a large doorway after a small flight of stairs.
  4. Next, enter the building using this doorway. Inside, head straight until the player finds a flight of stairs on the left.
  5. Afterward, head up the stairs, and the player will find a large doorway on the left.
  6. Then, pass through the doorway, and the player will find another doorway immediately on the right. This room is the Lounge area.
  7. Afterward, enter this room and head for the wall on the right. Here, face to the right, the player will find a deer head on the wall beside an empty glass cabinet near a dresser.
  8. Lastly, the player can now interact with the deer head to pet it.
Wellness Center
The deer head in the Wellness Center
Courtesy of Game Guides Channel

The player will find a deer head in the Wellness Center. This building is also in the Valhalla Nursing Home in the Bright Falls area. The player must do the following to discover the deer head in the area:

  1. First, the player must go to the Wellness Center of the Valhalla Nursing Home. Again, the Valhalla Nursing Home is in the western part of the Bright Falls area. The Wellness Center is the building south of the Manor building.
  2. Following that, once the player arrives in the area, the player must then go to the northeastern part of the building. Here, the player will find an entrance to the Wellness Center.
  3. Next, enter through the doors and head straight to find a doorway that says ‘Patient Room’ above.
  4. After that, enter through that doorway, then take the immediate doorway on the left. This door has a sign that says ‘Security Room.’
  5. Then, upon entering the Security Room, head for the other doorway on the opposite side.
  6. Next, after passing through that doorway, the player must take the next immediate doorway on the left. 
  7. Following that, once the player has entered the room, face the wall ahead on the right. Here, the player will find a deer head on the right side of this wall, with other animal skulls also placed on the wall.
  8. Finally, to pet the deer head, the player must interact with it.
Ranger Station
The deer head in the Ranger Station.
Courtesy of Aberukun

In this chapter, the player will be able to discover another deer head in the Ranger Station. This is a structure also located in the Bright Falls area. The player must perform the following to reach this deer head:

  1. First, the player must reach the Ranger Station. This building is in the southern part of the Bright Falls area or the southeast of the Wellness Center of the Valhalla Nursing Home.
  2. Next, now that the player is in the area, the player must head to the eastern side of the building. Here, the player will find a doorway that leads inside the Ranger Station after a small flight of stairs. Enter the Ranger Station through this doorway.
  3. Then, inside the wooden building, head straight and, at the end, turn right. At the end of this path, the player will find a flight of stairs. 
  4. Following that, go up the flight of stairs. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, the player must look at the wall immediately in front of the top of the stairs. Here, the player will find a deer head placed on the top part of the wall.
  5. Lastly, the player can now interact with the deer head to pet it.
Rental Cabins
The deer head in the Rental Cabins.
Courtesy of Aberukun

In the Rental Cabins, the player can find the last of the four deer heads in this chapter. The player can find the Rental Cabins in the Cauldron Lake area. To find this deer head, the player must do the following:

  1. First, the player must get to the Rental Cabins. This area is in the easternmost part of the map of the Bright Falls area, just east of the Bony-Legged Path.
  2. After that, once the player has arrived in the area, the player must go towards the cabin northwest of the area. Here, the player will find a wooden cabin.
  3. Next, the player must head toward the eastern side of this wooden cabin. Here, the player will find the cabin’s entrance after a small flight of stairs. The player will see a sign on the side of the doorway that says cabin number 6.
  4. Then, enter through the door and immediately head to the right.
  5. Following that, upon reaching the wall, the player must face the wall on the right. Here, the player will find a deer head on the wooden wall.
  6. Finally, to pet the deer head, the player can simply interact with it.

Related: How To Fix Missing Textures in Alan Wake 2

Getting into Room 108

Now that the player has found all 12 deer heads, the player can get into Room 108 in the Elderwood Palace Lodge! To do that, the player must do the following:

  1. First, the player must now head back to the Elderwood Palace Lodge. Again, this is in the northeast of the map of the Bright Falls area.
  2. Next, head towards the entrance on the south side of the building and enter the lodge.
  3. Then, head inside the doorway on the right and go straight towards the bar. From there, turn to the left and pass through another doorway. Inside this room, the player will find the deer head that was found previously.
  4. After that, upon reaching the deer head, the player will hear something that sounds like a deer. Head back out the doorway and head to the right, where the player will just barely see a deer walk behind the doorway.
  5. Afterward, head towards the doorway and take the path to the right. Take the next path on the left towards another doorway.
  6. Next, pass through the doorways, and the player will find the deer at the end of the hall of rooms. Head straight down the hall to follow the deer. When the player is close enough, the deer will enter the doorway at the end of the path, which is the doorway for Room 108.
  7. Then, Head to the end of the path, the player will see that the door for Room 108 is now unlocked and opened.
  8. Finally, the player can now get into Room 108!

Now that the player is in Room 108, the player can pick up lots of different supplies inside. Among these supplies are healing items and ammo. Be sure to check out all the dresser drawers and first aid boxes to get all the items in the room. Unfortunately, the player’s rewards end there. The player will not find any charms in the room, and it will not contribute to the game’s lore. The player will not even receive a trophy or an achievement.


In the world of Alan Wake 2, Room 108 stands as a symbol of the game’s mysterious allure. The process of gaining access to this room is a testament to the game’s immersive narrative, challenging puzzles, and the need for attentive exploration.

As we conclude our quest to enter Room 108, it’s important to remember that patience, careful observation, and an unwavering commitment to the game’s storyline are your greatest allies. Alan Wake 2 is not just a game; it’s an experience.

The journey to uncover the secrets behind that elusive door is a part of that experience. So, immerse yourself in the world of Alan Wake 2, appreciate the journey, and embrace the thrill of unveiling the enigma that awaits you. The mysteries of this captivating narrative-driven horror game are well worth the effort, ensuring that your adventure lingers long after you’ve left the room behind.

Still from Alan Wake 2 Trailer

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