How to Get Stranger Things DLC in Dead by Daylight



Bayani Miguel Acebedo

Writer and Storywriter

Bayani is a freelance pop-culture newswriter that's been covering the news cycle since 2017. He writes mostly about TV and movies, but he also covers the biggest game news and makes sure to keep you up-to-date on the hottest titles. Though he does specialize on topics like Star Wars and Comic Book films, he also keeps up to date on none superhero properties like the latest movies and most buzzed about tv shows. He also has a podcast called Feed the Geeks which you can check out on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. He also draws original webcomics from time to time.

Dead By Daylight has always managed to bring all kinds of monsters from pop culture into their game, so it would make sense that Behaviour Interactive would jump in on the Stranger Things hype and have players run from a Demogorgon.

How to Get Stranger Things DLC in Dead by Daylight

With Stranger Things‘ final season on the horizon, fans are looking at DBD for fun in the Upside Down. The only trick is how to get it for the game.

What is the Stranger Things DLC in Dead by Daylight?

The Stranger Things expansion for Dead by Daylight was launched in September 2019. With it came some elements from the show into the game. The Demogorgon was introduced as a new monster/killer for the game. On the other hand, Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler were added as survivors in the DLC.

If the Steve/Nancy pairing wasn’t your liking, the game also introduced a Jonathan Byers skin for Steve. So you can have the couple running around trying to survive.

Read: Dead by Daylight: How to Drop Survivors

As for the setting, the expansion brings players into Hawkins Laboratory, the first location from the show. Playing as the Demogorgan, you can teleport and leap at any would-be victim standing near a portal.

Why Was it Removed?

The Stranger Things DLC was part of a special tie-in with Netflix. However, it was eventually pilled in November 2021 when the deal expired.

Though the Hawkins Laboratory map has been retired from the game, anyone who purchased the DLC before it was pulled from the store can still use the Demogorgon, Nancy, and Steve, albeit a lot of their perks have been changed to more generic perks that belong to other survivors in the game.

A screenshot of the Stranger Things DLC in Dead by Daylight

Is There Still a Chance to Get It?

Luckily for Stranger Things fans, certain loopholes will allow you to access the DLC in Dead by Daylight post-November 2021.

A physical expansion edition came with the Dead by Daylight: Nightmare Edition. Players who have tested this have confirmed that the expansion works a post-Netflix deal. It’s probably worth noting that the Nightmare Edition also comes with many other DLCs, including Curtain Call and Shattered Bloodline.

Multiple third-party sellers are selling a physical copy of the game online, but there’s no way to access the DLC officially in a digital store.

Hope for the Future

Though Netflix may have pulled the deal with Dead by Daylight, there is a lot of hope that the DLC will return. As per Gamepur, there is currently a petition going around for the game to bring the DLC, and with enough traction, it’s likely Netflix could budge, especially if there’s money to be made from the expansion going back in the market.

It’s also worth noting that a recent leak from @LeaksDbd has teased a whole new expansion. Still, instead of the killer being the Demogorgon, the killer is now Vecna, a.k.a. the latest main villain in the series, who is hinted to be responsible for all the monsters that have been coming out of the Upside Down.

So far, nothing official has been announced by Netflix or Behaviour Interactive. Still, with Stranger Things 5 possibly being pushed even further in 2024, there is a lot of time for a whole new DLC to be worked on and released around the new season’s premiere.

With all the hype surrounding the last season of Stranger Things, it’s possible we could be getting a whole new list of survivors as well. While Eleven likely would defeat the very purpose of how survivors work in the game, Mike, Sam, Dustin, Will, and Lucas are good choices for possible players. Let’s also not forget the adult characters like Joyce and Hopper.

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