Using your skill points in Godfall can help you quite a lot in actual duels. However, some skills and abilities can be a bit tricky to activate, and will leave players wondering how to do it.

I say wondering how to do it, because in the actual codex of Godfall, there is not much information that will actually help you. Furthermore, to get the Durvish trophy in Godfall, you will need to activate inner focus 100 times.
That’s why we will focus on inner focus today. We will show you exactly how it can be done.
How to Activate Inner Focus – Godfall
Before we get into how you can execute this move in fights, we must cover which skill points you will need to unlock to actually perform such a move.
The actual skill which you will need to unlock is called “Weapon Techniques”. This will unlock the ability for you to use Northern and Southern techniques.
Those can be easily done, using either L2 + R1 or L2 + R2. Also, you will need to equip dual blades weapon.
It doesn’t matter which one you equip, as it can be done with any one of them.
Now, do this to activate inner focus in actual duels:
- Fight until you increase the bar in the bottom right (yellow).
- You must have at least one bar of this thing to activate the inner focus move.
- Then basically do L2 + R1 or L2 + R2 against your enemies.
- Voila! Inner Focus will be activated.
It’s just a matter of doing this over and over until your trophy. Or you can use this skill if you like it, but I wouldn’t personally recommend it.
Equip less powerful weapons in order to get more Inner Focus executions from one enemy at a time. I wish you the best of luck!
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