Learn how to find Mister Mushroom in Fog Canyon in Hollow Knight!

Team Cherry’s Metroidvania action-adventure game, Hollow Knight, follows the journey of a nameless warrior called the Knight as he travels through Hallownest, now a kingdom ruined by a supernatural disease. As the Knight journeys through Hallownest, he encounters various characters that will help fully unravel the story in the game. One of these characters is a talking mushroom named Mister Mushroom.
Mister Mushroom, who will appear after the Knight has defeated all three Dreamers, can be heard babbling from a distance and speaking gibberish once the Knight finds and talks to him. To understand what Mister Mushroom is saying, the Knight must first equip the Spore Shroom Charm, head back to Mister Mushroom, and talk to him. This must be done before Mister Mushroom leaves and goes to a different location.
After finding Mister Mushroom throughout Hollownest, a secret cutscene will be unlocked after beating the game.
To get a hint of Mister Mushroom’s locations, there is a glowing glyph called Riddle Tablet found inside a secret room in the southeastern part of Fog Canyon that, if the Knight reads it with the Spore Shroom Charm equipped, will give clues as to where the Knight can find Mister Mushroom, who the Riddle Tablet refers to as Master Herald. But, to save you some time trying to solve the riddles of the Riddle Tablet (and you are also reading a guide about it anyway), it would be better to tell you where the Knight can find Mister Mushroom: in Fungal Wastes, in Kingdom’s Edge, in Deepnest, in Howling Cliffs, in Ancient Basin, in Fog Canyon, and King’s Pass.
The player will learn to find Mister Mushroom in Fog Canyon in this guide!
Fog Canyon
As mentioned above, before the Knight can find Mister Mushroom in Fog Canyon, the Knight must first defeat all three Dreamers, found in the Teacher’s Archives in Fog Canyon, in the Watcher’s Spire in the City of Tears, and the Beast’s Den in Fog Canyon, and found Mister Mushroom in Fungal Wastes, Kingdom’s Edge, Deepnest, Howling Cliffs, and Ancient Basin.
The sixth location where the Knight can find Mister Mushroom is in Fog Canyon, and Mister Mushroom can be found in the room below the entrance to the Overgrown Mound on the western side of the Fog Canyon.
The Knight will encounter lots of various enemies in Fog Canyon, but the Knight will specifically encounter the following enemies on the way to Mister Mushroom: Oomas, Uomas, and Mossflies
Before the Knight can find Mister Mushroom in the area, it is required that the Knight has the Shade Cloak ability (the upgrade to the Mothwing Cloak ability), which allows the Knight to dash through enemies and their attacks as well as Shade Gates.
Although not required, it will also help if the Knight has the Mantis Claw ability, which allows the Knight to cling to walls and jump off of them; the Monarch Wings ability, allowing the Knight to perform a secondary jump in mid-air; and the Isma’s Tear ability, allowing the Knight to swim in pools of acid without taking any damage. Finding Mister Mushroom in Fog Canyon will be no challenge with these abilities.
To find Mister Mushroom in Fog Canyon, this is what the Knight must do:
- Starting from the Queen’s Station Stagway Bench, take the exit on the right, jump up the platforms, head to the top, and take the exit on the left.
- The Knight has now arrived in Fog Canyon. In this room, the Knight will encounter a lot of Uomas and Oomas. Be careful when attacking Oomas, as it will result in its shell popping, and its orange core will home in on the Knight and explode. Head to the very top of the room and take the exit on the left.
- Next, head to the left, jump across the gap with a pool of acid where the Knight will encounter an Ooma, jump across another gap with a pool of acid where the Knight will encounter another Ooma, and jump towards the small platform above on the left where the Knight will encounter an Uoma, jump up the ledge on the left, jump up the small platform above on the right, jump up another platform above on the right where the Knight will encounter another Ooma, jump up towards the platform above on the left, head up the platforms on the left, then take the exit on the left.
- In this next room, the Knight will encounter a lot of Charged Lumaflies and a pool of acid below. Head to the left, wait for the Charged Lumaflies to be inactive, jump across the gap towards a small platform, wait for the next Charged Lumaflies above on the left to be inactive, jump up the small platform on the left, then drop down the platform below on the left, wait for the Charged Lumaflies above on the left to be inactive, jump up the small platform above on the left, jump up another small platform above, wait for the Charged Lumaflies above on the left to be inactive, jump up the platform above on the left at the top of the thorns, then drop down the small platform below on the left.
- After that, drop down the platform below, wait for the Charged Lumafly on the left to be inactive, quickly jump and cross the thorns with the help of the Monarch Wings ability or the Mothwing Cloak ability, head slightly to the left, wait for the next Charged Lumafly on the left to be inactive, jump towards the small platform below on the left, wait for the next Charged Lumaflies above on the left to be inactive, quickly jump up the small platform above on the left then jump towards the slightly long platform below on the left, wait for the final Charged Lumaflies on the left to be inactive, quickly jump towards the next platform on the left, head to the left, then take the exit. It is worth noting that with Isma’s Tear ability, the Knight can swim in the acid below to pass through all the Charged Lumaflies and spikes without damage.
- Next, head to the left, drop down the platforms where the Knight will encounter a Mossfly, jump towards the small platform below on the left, drop down the smaller platform on the left where the Knight will encounter another Mossfly, drop down the to the bottom platform where a metal gate blocks the path on the right. A Shade Gate blocks the path on the left, heads to the left, and passes through the Shade Gate with the help of the Shade Cloak ability, where the Knight will start hearing the babbles of Mister Mushroom, which means that he is nearby.
- Finally, drop down the gap on the left, jump up the ledge on the left, jump up the platform on the left, head to the left, and the Knight will find Mister Mushroom!
As mentioned above, the Knight should have the Spore Shroom charm equipped. Otherwise, Mister Mushroom will speak gibberish.
Related: How to Find Mister Mushroom in King’s Pass in Hollow Knight
Now that the Knight has found Mister Mushroom’s sixth location, the Knight can strike him once so that he will face forward and talk to him. It will seem like Mister Mushroom is talking to someone else or himself and will not acknowledge the Knight.
After that, Mister Mushroom will leave and proceed to his next location, which is in King’s Pass! The Knight is now one step closer to unlocking a secret cutscene!