Learn how to obtain the Fragile Strength Charm in Hollow Knight!

Team Cherry’s Metroidvania action-adventure game, Hollow Knight, follows the journey of a nameless warrior called the Knight as he travels through Hallownest, now a kingdom ruined by a supernatural disease. As the Knight journeys through Hallownest, he can unlock new abilities, spells, and charms that will help him traverse through different areas of Hallownest and defeat enemies.
In the game, special items give the Knight different abilities and bonuses called Charms. To equip or unequip these Charms, the Knight must sit on a Bench, and the Knight must have enough unused Notches to equip them. In this guide, you will learn about the Fragile Strength charm.
One of the 45 Charms in the game is the Fragile Strength Charm, which requires and takes up three Charm Notches. When equipped, the Fragile Strength charm increases the damage output of the Knight’s Nail by 50%. However, as hinted in its name, the Fragile Strength charm breaks once the Knight dies. Once that happens, it is worth noting that the Fragile Strength charm can be repaired by Leg Eater, with whom the Knight can purchase it for a price.
Because of the charm’s nature, the Fragile Strength charm is best used when the player is confident that the Knight will not die in battle, unlike in boss battles. With the Fragile Strength charm, the Knight can now deal more damage to enemies when attacking them with the Nail!
As mentioned above, the Fragile Strength charm can be purchased for 600 Geo from Leg Eater northeast of Fungal Wastes. It is worth mentioning that Leg Eater will drop the price to 480 Geo if the Knight has the Defender’s Crest charm equipped.
On the way to Leg Eater, the Knight will encounter different enemies such as Fungoons, Funglings, a Fungified Husk, a Husk Hornhead, Sporgs, Amblooms, Shrumal Warriors, Shrumelings, and Shrumal Ogres.
To find Leg Eater, it is recommended that the Knight first obtain the Monarch Wings ability, which will allow the Knight to perform a secondary jump in mid-air, or the Mothwing Cloak ability, which allows the Knight to dash forwards on the ground and in mid-air. With these abilities, finding Leg Eater and purchasing the Fragile Greed charm will be no challenge.
To find Leg Eater, this is what the Knight must do:
- Starting from the Bench in the Queen’s Station Stagway Station, take the exit on the right to leave the room, jump up the platforms, then take the exit on the top right.
- Next, the Knight has now arrived in the Fungal Wastes area. Head to the right, where the Knight will encounter a Fungoon, two Funglings, and another Fungoon. Jump up the tall platform where the Knight will encounter another Fungling, drop down to the bottom where the Knight will encounter another Fungoon, a Fungified Husk, and a Husk Hornhead, then take the exit on the right.
- After that, jump up the platforms and head to the top of the room, where the Knight will encounter three Sporgs and an Ambloom on the way. Take the exit at the top. If the path to the exit is still closed, take the exit on the right just below where the Knight encountered the Ambloom and, in this room where the Knight will encounter a bunch of Shrumal Warriors, Amblooms, and Shrumelings, head to the right, jump up the platforms, jump to the level above, head to the left, then take the exit on the top left. Upon exiting, the Knight will be on the other side of the closed pathway to the top. Hit the lever to open the pathway and take the exit at the top.
- Next, jump up the platforms and head to the right where the pathway back and to continue will be closed, and the Knight will encounter two Shrumal Ogres and a bunch of Shrumelings. The Knight must defeat these enemies to continue. Then, after defeating them, head to the right and take the exit.
- After that, head to the right, jump up the small platforms, carefully jump towards the small platforms without falling into the pools of acid below, and head up until you find an exit on the right (there is a corpse near the exit), then take the exit on the right.
- Finally, continue to the right, where the Knight will find a shell that acts like a Bench, and just ahead of that is Leg Eater!
Talk to Leg Eater, and he will ask if the Knight collects a lot of Geo, then say that he will show the Knight something nice if the Knight gives him Geo. Confirm on the prompt to give Leg Eater 86 Geo, and he will show the Knight his collection of charms. The Knight can now purchase the Fragile Strength charm for 250 Geo (or 200 Geo if the Knight has the Defender’s Crest charm equipped)!
It is worth noting that, as mentioned above, if the Fragile Strength charm breaks, the Knight can just head back to Leg Eater, and he will repair the Fragile Strength charm for 150 Geo. Additionally, Leg Eater will again drop the price for repairing the Fragile Strength charm to 120 Geo if the Knight has the Defender’s Crest charm equipped.
Other Charms go well with the Fragile Strength charm. Specifically, the Stalwart Shell charm, which will increase the Knight’s invincibility frames and reduce the Knight’s hit recoil after an enemy hits the Knight and, if paired with the Fragile Strength charm, helps the Knight to become efficient in attacking enemies as the Knight can now quickly defeat charging enemies without taking any extra hits.
The Quick Slash charm allows the Knight to attack enemies with the Nail more rapidly and, if paired with the Fragile Strength charm, also helps the Knight become efficient in attacking enemies as the Knight can now attack enemies faster while dealing a huge amount of damage.
The Fury of the Fallen charm allows the Knight to deal damage of 75% of the Knight’s Nail when at least one Mask remains. If paired with the Fragile Strength charm, the effects of both charms can be stacked, meaning the Knight can deal damage of up to 170.6% of the Knight’s Nail when at least one Mask remains.
The Grubberfly’s Elegy charm allows the Knight to fire projectiles by striking using the Knight’s Nail when at full Masks that deals 50% of the Nail’s damage output per hit and, if paired with the Fragile Strength charm, the effects of both charms can be stacked which means that the fired projectiles can deal damage of up to 77.5% per hit.
Now that the Knight has the Fragile Strength charm, the Knight can equip it while sitting on the Bench beside Leg Eater, and the Knight will now deal more damage when attacking enemies using the Knight’s Nail!