Learn how to obtain the Spell Twister Charm in Hollow Knight!

Team Cherry’s Metroidvania action-adventure game, Hollow Knight, follows the journey of a nameless warrior called the Knight as he travels through Hallownest, which is now a kingdom in ruins because of a supernatural disease. As the Knight journeys through Hallownest, he can unlock new abilities, spells, and charms that will help him traverse through different areas of Hallownest and defeat enemies.
In this guide, we’ll learn about the Spell Twister charm. In the game, special items give the Knight different abilities and bonuses called Charms. To equip or unequip these Charms, the Knight must sit on a Bench, and the Knight must have enough unused Notches to equip them.
One of the 45 Charms in the game is the Spell Twister Charm, which requires and takes up two Charm Notches. When equipped, the Spell Twister charm decreases the Soul needed for the Knight to cast Spells. With the Spell Twister charm, the Knight needs less Soul to cast Spells! The Spell Twister charm works best with other charms that generate more Soul.
The Spell Twister charm can be found inside a hidden room at the top of Soul Sanctum, in the middle of the City of Tears.
The Knight will encounter many enemies in the City of Tears and the Soul Sanctum. Still, the Knight will encounter the following enemies on the way to the Spell Twister charm: Winged Sentries, Lance Sentries, Heavy Sentries, Follies, Mistakes, and Soul Twisters. The Knight will also encounter the Soul Warrior, a mini-boss, and the Soul Master, the main boss, in the area. Fortunately, the Knight will not have to face the Soul Master to obtain the Spell Twister charm.
Before the Knight can access the Soul Eater charm, it is recommended that the Knight have the Monarch Wings ability, which allows the Knight to perform a double jump in mid-air, and the Mantis Claw ability, which enables the Knight to cling to walls and jump off of them. Obtaining the Spell Twister charm in the area will be easier with these abilities.
To find the Spell Twister charm, this is what the Knight must do (the following steps assume that this is the player’s first time in the Soul Sanctum):
- Take the exit on the left and below from the City Storerooms Stag Station (the Stag Station in the northwestern part of the City of Tears).
- The Knight will encounter Winged Sentries and Lance Sentries in this next room. Head to the bottom of the room and take the exit on the right.
- Next, continue heading to the right and take the exit on the rightmost part of the room.
- In this next room, you will find a Bench. Regain health and save your progress by sitting on the bench.
- Then, take the path on the left that leads downwards and take the exit at the bottom.
- Next, continue heading to the right, where the Knight will encounter a Heavy Sentry. Take the exit on the rightmost part of the room.
- After that, continue heading to the right and, on the rightmost part of the room, take the exit that leads upwards.
- The Knight has now arrived in the Soul Sanctum. Head to the right, up the next platform, ride the elevator to go up, continue on the path on the left, and then ride the next elevator up.
- After that, head to the right, and the Knight will encounter the Soul Warrior, which, as mentioned, is a mini-boss. While fighting the Soul Warrior, the path back and to continue will be closed, so the Knight must first defeat the Soul Warrior to continue. After defeating the Soul Warrior, continue and take the exit on the right.
- Next, head up the small platforms where the Knight will encounter a Soul Twister. Head to the top of the shaft, take the path on the right and down the path, hit the lever to open a shortcut, and ride the elevator on the right.
- Then, head to the left and up the next platform where the Knight will encounter a Mistake, head to the right and up the next platform where the Knight will encounter another Mistake, and take the exit on the left.
- After that, continue on the left, where the path to the left will be closed. Head down the path, where the Knight will encounter a bunch more Soul Twisters, and follow this path to go around the closed path. Once the Knight is behind the closed path, hit the lever to open it.
- Next, head to the leftmost side of the room, where you will see a path just above the exit on the left. Head up the path and continue to the right, where the Knight will encounter many more Mistakes and Follies.
- Finally, head to the rightmost side of the path, continue to what seems to be the end of the wall, and beyond that is a hidden part of the room where something is glowing, attached to a machine. Inspect the glowing thing; the Knight has now obtained the Spell Twister charm!
Other Charms go well with the Spell Twister charm, specifically, the Shaman Stone charm, which increases the damage of spells, which means that the Knight can cast more spells with bigger damage outputs, and the Soul Eater charm, which allows the Knight to gain more Soul every time the Knight hits an enemy, the Soul Catcher charm, which also enables the Knight to gain more Soul every time the Knight hits an enemy which the Knight can stack with the effects of the Soul Eater charm, and the Grubsong charm, which allows the Knight to gain Soul every time the Knight is hit which is an additional method to gain more Soul in battle.
Now that the Knight has the Spell Twister charm, the Knight can now equip it while sitting down on a Bench, and the Knight can now cast Spells more thanks to the reduced Soul cost!