Learn how to obtain the vessel fragment in Greenpath in Hollow Knight!

Team Cherry’s Metroidvania action-adventure game, Hollow Knight, follows the journey of a nameless warrior called the Knight as he travels through Hallownest, now a kingdom in ruins because of a supernatural disease. As the Knight journeys through Hallownest, he can obtain new items, abilities, spells, and charms that will help him traverse through different areas of Hallownest and defeat enemies.
An example of these items in the game is Vessel Fragments. These Vessel Fragments are parts of Soul Vessels used to increase the Knight’s maximum Soul by 33. The Knight must collect three Vessel Fragments to complete one Soul Vessel, adding 33 to the Knight’s Soul Meter.
Soul can be acquired by hitting enemies with the Nail, and acquiring Soul for the Soul Vessels will be at a reduced rate of only 6 Souls. However, equipping Charms like the Soul Catcher and Soul Eater charm can increase the rate at which Soul is acquired for the Soul Vessels. The Soul stored on the Soul Vessels will, after a short delay, automatically fill up the main Soul Meter when it has space.
There are nine Vessel Fragments in the game, which means that the Knight can have an additional three Soul Vessels, doubling the amount of Soul that the Knight can carry.
This guide will teach us how to obtain the Vessel Fragment in the Greenpath area!
Greenpath Vessel Fragment
The Vessel Fragment in Greenpath can be found in the room at the southernmost part of Greenpath.
The Knight will encounter lots of various enemies in Greenpath. Still, the Knight will specifically encounter the following enemies on the way to the Vessel Fragment: Gulkas, Maskflies, Durandoos, and the Massive Moss Charger, which is an optional mini-boss. Fortunately, the Knight will not be locked inside the arena, so fighting and defeating the Massive Moss Charger is not required, and the Knight can just run past it.
Before the Knight can find the Vessel Fragment that was mentioned, it is required that the Knight has the Mantis Claw ability, which allows the Knight to cling to walls and jump off of them, the Mothwing Cloak ability, which allows the Knight to perform a horizontal dash forward, or the Monarch Wings ability, which allows the Knight to perform a secondary jump in mid-air.
Also, the player must be proficient at Nail-bouncing. Although not required, it would also help that the Knight has the Crystal Heart ability, which allows the Knight to fly and dash continuously and horizontally until the Knight hits a wall, hits an enemy that was not killed by the hit, or if the player intentionally stops the dash, or the Isma’s Tear ability, which allows the Knight to swim in pools of acid without taking damage. Finding the Vessel Fragment in Greenpath will be no challenge with these abilities.
To find the Vessel Fragment in Greenpath, this is what the Knight must do:
- Starting from the Bench near the Stone Sanctuary, head to the left to exit the room, continue heading to the left, and pass through a narrow path where the Knight will encounter a Gulka. After the narrow path, drop down the next gap on the left and land on a small platform, drop down the left to land on another small platform, and drop down the platform below.
- Next, head to the right, drop down the gap where the Knight will encounter another Gulka, jump up the platforms on the right where the Knight will encounter another Gulka on the wall on the right, drop down the gap on the right, and drop down another gap on the right.
- Then, drop down the gap on the left, jump across the pool of acid, drop down the platform on the left, jump, and dash, or perform a secondary jump across the gap with the help of the Mothwing Cloak ability or the Monarch Wings ability towards the ledge on the left, then take the exit.
- After that, head to the left, drop down the platforms on the left where the Knight will encounter the Massive Moss Charger, which is an optional mini-boss, continue heading to the left, jump up the slightly elevated platform, jump across the gap towards the platform above on the left, then take the exit at the end of the path.
- Next, head to the left, jump up the platform above on the left, jump up the ledge above on the right, jump up towards the platform above on the left, jump up the ledge above on the right, and jump up the platform above on the left where the Knight will encounter a Gulka and several Maskflies.
- Then, drop down the gap on the left, drop down the ledge below on the left, drop down the ledge below where the Knight will encounter another Gulka, drop down the ledge below on the right where the Knight will encounter another Gulka, drop down the small platform below, drop down the gap on the right to land on a small platform, drop down the small platform below on the left where there will be a Durandoo below, drop down the opening on the wall below on the left, then take the exit.
- After that, drop down the platforms on the left, head to the left where there will be a pool of acid and a Durandoo that swims side to side, wait for the Durandoo to be near the Knight, jump and nail-bounce several times on the top of the Durandoo to head to the left, and land on the platform on the left (it is worth noting that the Knight can also super dash with help of the Crystal Heart ability or swim in the pool of acid with the help of the Isma’s Tear ability to cross the gaps easily).
- Next, jump across the pool of acid towards the slightly elevated platform on the left, drop down the platform on the left where there is another pool of acid and another Durandoo that swims side to side, and wait for the Durandoo to be near the Knight, jump, and nail-bounce several times on the top of the Durandoo to head to the left, and land on the platform on the left.
- Then, jump up the elevated platform above on the left, drop down the platform below on the left where there is another pool of acid and another Durandoo that swims side to side, wait for the Durandoo to be near the Knight, jump and nail-bounce several times on the top of the Durandoo to head to the left, jump and nail-bounce several times on top of the next Durandoo on the left to keep heading to the left, then land on the platform on the left.
- After that, jump up the elevated platform on the left, head up the elevated platform on the left with the help of the Mantis Claw ability, drop down the shaft on the left, and land on a small platform where there will be a pool of acid with two Durandoos that swim side to side, wait for the Durandoo to be near the Knight, jump and nail-bounce several times on the top of the Durandoo to head to the left, jump and nail-bounce several times on top of the next Durandoo on the left to keep heading to the left, then head up the tall platform on the left with the help of the Mantis Claw ability.
- Finally, head up the path above with the help of the Mantis Claw ability, where the Knight will encounter a Mosscreep; at the top, head to the right, and the Knight will find a Vessel Fragment!
Now that the Knight has obtained this Vessel Fragment, the Knight only needs two more to complete a Soul Vessel and increase the amount of Soul the Knight can carry!