How to Change Your Language in Valorant



John Paul Santiago

Writer and Storywriter

John creates game guides and covers the latest updates and developments in Valorant, Diablo Immortal, and GTA V for PlayerAssist. He is a PC gaming enthusiast with an affinity for FPS and RPG titles, but he has recently also developed a newfound appreciation for MMORPGs.

Looking to change your language in VALORANT? We will show you how in this guide.

How to Change Your Language in Valorant

Valorant is available across many regions worldwide, so it only makes sense for Riot Games to include as many language options as possible in-game. There are currently 17 languages that you can pick from when playing.

This quick guide will show you how to change your language in Valorant.

How to Change Language in Valorant

Changing your in-game language in Valorant is very easy. Follow the steps below to change your language from the default to your preferred language.

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Valorant home screen:
change your language in-game through the settings menu

2. Click on “Settings.”

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3. Under Accessibility, look for the Text Language option.

Select your in-game language in the Text Language option

4. Click on the drop-down menu and select your preferred in-game language.

pick your preferred language from the language options

5. Restart Valorant to apply the changes to your in-game language.

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*It is worth noting that you will also change the voice language for all Agents when you change your language in VALORANT.

How to Change Language in Riot Client

You can also change the Riot Client’s language if you wish to do so. However, it is worth noting that the available languages will be limited to your Account Region.

  1. Launch the Riot Client.
  2. Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner of the client.
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3. Click on Settings.

change the riot client language through the settings menu

4. Select your preferred language from the drop-down menu under Riot Client Language.

pick the option from the list to change your language

*Does not affect Valorant language settings.

How to Change in-game voice Language

Altering the in-game language will change both the text and voice language in Valorant. You cannot pick a different language for text and voice.

However, there is a workaround that you can try to fix this. However, be warned that this method involves changing and modifying game files that could cause your account to get banned.

Step 1: Set your preferred TEXT language.

  1. Launch Valorant.
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2. Change the in-game language to your preferred TEXT language (English).

Refer to the guide above to change the in-game language.

change to your preferred text language

3. Close Valorant to save the changes.


Step 2: Copy your preferred TEXT language paks

  1. Navigate to C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Content\Paks.

You can do this by right-clicking the Valorant shortcut and clicking on ‘Open file location,’ and then going back to one folder to the Riot Games folder.

image 31

2. Copy the following files and save them to your desktop.

  • en_US_Text-WindowsClient.sig
  • en_US_Text-WindowsClient.pak
image 48

Step 3: Set your preferred VOICE language

  1. Launch Valorant.
image 33

2. Change the in-game language to your preferred VOICE language (For this example, we want to use Japanese)

change to your preferred in-game voice language

3. Close Valorant to save the changes.

close valorant to save the language change you just made

Step 4: Swap text files

  1. Launch the Riot Client, then click on the Update button.

2. Navigate to C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Content\Paks.

image 36

3. Rename the .sig file you saved on your desktop using the new “Text-WindowsClient.sig” filename.


4. Rename the .pak file you saved on your desktop using the new “Text-WindowsClient.pak” filename.

image 50

5. Create a new folder to place both files in. You can name it “Valorant ENG for simplicity.

image 51

6. Paste both files in the folder.

image 52

Step 5: Create a bat file

You need to make a bat file that automatically swaps in the modified text language files when you launch Valorant. This step is necessary because the Valorant client automatically swaps the text language to the in-game language when you launch the game.

  1. Create a new text file on your desktop.
  2. Copy and paste the following text:

@echo off

start “” “your VALORANT launcher property target.”

timeout 6

copy /y “your preferred text language files location*.*” “your VALORANT game directory.”

create a bat file to change the in-game text language automatically

3. Make the following changes to the text file:

  • Paste your Valorant launcher directory into “your VALORANT launcher property target.”
    • You can find your Valorant launcher directory by right-clicking on your Valorant shortcut and selecting ‘Properties.’
  • Paste the Valorant ENG folder directory into “your preferred text language files location.”
    • You can find your folder directory by right-clicking on the folder and selecting “Copy as path.”
  • Paste your Valorant Paks directory into “Your VALORANT game directory.”
    • The default directory is C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Content\Paks.
image 55

4. Launch Windows Explorer, then click ‘View’ in the upper part of the window. Turn on the option to show file name extensions.

image 43

5. Change the text file’s extension to “.bat”

image 44

6. Click on “Yes” when prompted.

image 45

7. Launch the bat file you created to launch Valorant in your preferred text and voice language combo.

image 46

Mixed Languages

Changing the in-game and client language for Valorant and Riot Client is pretty easy. Follow the guide above to change them to your preferred language.

On the other hand, changing the in-game voice language while keeping the same text language is trickier. Nevertheless, you can try the steps we have laid down for you in this guide to achieve that.

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