Pokemon Legends: Arceus is set in olden times in the Pokemon world when it was rare to find harmony between people and Pokemon. Set in the Hisui region, modern-day Sinnoh, you will join the Galaxy Expedition Team (Galaxy Team for short) as a member of the Survey Corps stationed in Jubilife Village. You will be tasked to meet every species of Pokémon from the Hisui region to complete the region’s first-ever Pokédex.

The Galaxy Team will task the player to do missions in the game. Various people will also ask for help from the player in the form of requests. One of these requests is Request 96, titled the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fieldlands.’ This guide will teach you how to complete the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fieldlands’ request.
Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fieldlands
To unlock this request, the player must first complete the ‘A New Anomaly’ Request, the 95th request in the game, where the player must investigate what seems to be an outbreak of Zorua as a request from Mai of the Diamond Clan.
After doing the requirements mentioned above, you can now start this request! To do that, head on to the Front Gate, which is on the northeastern part of Jubilife Village, and there the player will find Mai of the Diamond Clan and her Munchlax. Talk to Mai, and she will tell the player what she witnessed first when Munchlax suddenly ran off into a rainstorm which she tried to stop because she did not want Munchlax to get wet but saw the mass outbreaks appearing all over.
She will then say that maybe it was the massive mass outbreaks that Munchlax was curious about which, if it is the case, Munchlax might be able to help them investigate the phenomenon. Mai will also help the player as she is concerned about her Munchlax. Then, the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fieldlands’ request started just like that!
After that, confirm on the prompt to Mai that you are ready to begin the investigation, and the player will be brought to the Heights Camp in the middle of the Obsidian Fieldlands.
Upon arriving at the Heights Camp, Mai will say that she has not seen anything out of the ordinary yet, and Munchlax has not reacted to anything yet, and then ask if they should wait for a while to see if something happens. Suddenly, the player’s Arc Phone will beep, the player’s map will open, and locations in the Obsidian FIeldlands will be marked with question marks, meaning that there are massive mass outbreaks in these areas.
After that, the screen will fade to black, and once it fades back, it will rain hard, and Mai will say that it looks like it will get worse. Mai will then say that she still does not know what is causing the mysterious massive mass outbreaks, so, after selecting a question from the prompt, she will say that maybe the player’s map can show them something.
Mai will then say that it seems that the player now has some idea where to look for the outbreaks, so she will ask the player to check out at least three to give them an idea of what is happening.
To complete this request, the player must catch or defeat all the Pokemon from three massive mass outbreaks from the Obsidian Fieldlands.
The player must catch or defeat all the Pokemon in the mass outbreak to finish investigating the area before the outbreak disappears. The player will not be able to know what Pokemon can be found in these outbreaks until the player goes there, and these outbreaks will disappear after some time. It is also worth noting that additional Pokemon may appear after the player completes the investigation.
As the Massive Mass Outbreaks will only appear when it is raining and will disappear after some time, it is recommended to try out the three Massive Mass Outbreaks nearest to the heights camp, which can be either of the following: the mass outbreak a little bit north of the Heights Camp, the mass outbreak in the southwest of the Heights Camp, the mass outbreak in the south of the Heights Camp, the mass outbreak in the northwest of the Heights Camp, or the mass outbreak in the southeast of the Heights Camp.
Once a Massive Mass Outbreak ends, the player must wait for a new one. The player can restart the map several times until a new Massive Mass Outbreak appears by returning to Jubilife Village and heading back to the Obsidian Fieldlands.
The ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fieldlands’ request is now completed! After catching or defeating all the Pokemon from three Massive Mass Outbreaks, head back to Mai, still in the distance across Professor Laventon in the Heights Camp, and talk to her. Mai will then thank the player for investigating the Obsidian Fieldlands and reward the player with 30 Tumblestones, 40 Iron Chunks, and 20 Smoke Bombs for your efforts.
Now that you have completed the ‘Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fieldlands’ Request, you can now try to complete other requests, complete missions, or complete Arceus’ task for you, which is to catch ‘em all!