This guide will teach you how to get a fire truck in GTA 5!

We have already covered Police Station Locations in GTA 5 here on PlayerAssist because we know just how exciting stealing and driving away a Police Cruiser can be in-game.
However, driving the Fire Truck might be more exciting than stealing some run-of-the-mill cop car for one reason – that water cannon.
If you’ve been wondering how to get a fire truck in GTA 5, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you where these formidable fire-fighting machines can be found in GTA 5.
The Fire Truck in GTA 5

The Fire Truck has been a mainstay vehicle in the Grand Theft Auto universe for a very long time and can be seen as early as the first game in the franchise – Grand Theft Auto.
The Grand Theft Auto Fire Truck’s main party trick has always been its water cannon, which has been usable in-game since Grand Theft Auto 2.
Throughout Grand Theft Auto games, the Fire Truck’s water cannon has evolved from a passive weapon players can use to push NPCs around to something the police department deems deadly enough to warrant a 1-star or 2-star wanted level.

In GTA 5, the Fire Truck has been completely overhauled in terms of performance, offering a better acceleration rate, more agile handling, and stronger brakes – all of which are a byproduct of the Fire Truck being much lighter than its older iterations.
Unfortunately, being lighter, faster, and more agile has downsides. For one, the Fire Truck in GTA 5 can no longer send cars flying out of the way as it could in GTA IV due to the reduced weight.
Maybe the GTA 5 Fire Truck’s ability to lock onto targets with the water cannon can help players overlook that minor drawback.
How to Get a Fire Truck in GTA 5

The fastest way to get a Fire Truck in GTA 5 is by dialing the Fire Department through 911 on your phone and stealing the fire truck once they arrive.
Alternatively, players can visit any of the seven different Fire Stations around Los Santos and Blaine County and steal a Fire Truck parked in any of these Fire Stations.
Fire Station Locations in GTA 5
Davis Fire Station

Los Santos International Airport

Rockford Hills Fire Station

El Burro Heights Fire Station

Fort Zancudo

Sandy Shores Fire Station
Note: Fire Trucks won’t spawn here.

Paleto Bay Fire Station

Fight Fire With a Fire Truck
Fans can have hours of fun with these big red trucks in GTA 5, such as spraying down and watching NPCs roll over from the hose’s high-pressure H20 Cannon.
Unfortunately, players cannot play as firefighters in GTA 5 aside from one of the story missions. They can, however, easily hop into a GTA 5 Roleplaying server and fight fire online if they so desire.