The Metroidvania action-adventure game from Team Cherry, Hollow Knight, follows the story of the Knight, a mysterious warrior who explores through Hallownest. A strange infection has left this kingdom in ruins. The City of Tears presents a hauntingly gorgeous, beautiful, and dangerous environment.

As the Knight travels around Hallownest’s underground kingdom, the City of Tears’ diverse environments and dangerous enemies will captivate the player. However, exiting the City of Tears may prove difficult due to its complex layout and fearsome opponents, who can confuse and frustrate even the most brave explorers.
Fear not, for in this guide, we’ll walk you through how to leave the City of Tears in Hollow Knight. We will ensure you emerge from its tears with newfound strength and knowledge. So, with that, ready your Nail and equip your Charms as we take on this adventure in Hollow Knight!
City of Tears
The capital of Hallownest is the City of Tears. This is at the center of the Hallownest kingdom’s map. Its name derives from the fact that it is continually raining from the roof above in the City of Tears. However, its original name is now unknown.
The City of Tears has several sub-areas. The Soul Sanctum is one of them. This is a city research facility where the Knight can confront the Soul Master. Another is the Pleasure House, which houses the city’s lone Hot Spring. The Watcher’s Spire comes next. This is where the Knight may discover one of the Dreamers, Lurien the Watcher.
The Tower of Love is another sub-area. This is the residence of the Collector, a Void being who enjoys collecting creatures and storing them in glass jars. Finally, there is the King’s Station. There are a few Stag Stations in this area, but only one is operational, while the other is wrecked and slightly flooded.
The Knight will be able to uncover the following items in the City of Tears throughout each of its sub-areas: a Simple Key, three Hallownest Seals, four Wanderer’s Journals, nine Geo Deposits, one Vessel Fragment, a Rancid Egg, eight Grubs, the Collector’s Map, the Desolate Dive Spell, the Shade Soul Spell, the Spell Twister Charm, and two Geo Chests.
Enemies Found in the City of Tears
As this is an area with many different sub-areas, the Knight will run into many different enemies as well. In the main part of the city, the Knight will run into the following enemies: Belflies, Cowardly Husks, Gluttonous Husks, Gorgeous Husks, Great Husks Sentries, Heavy Sentries, Husk Bullies, Husk Dandies, Husk Hornheads, Husk Sentries, Lance Sentries, Leaping Husks, Vengeflies, Wandering Husks, and Winged Sentries.
In the Soul Sanctum, the Knight will encounter some Follies, Mistakes, Soul Twisters, the Soul Warriors, the Soul Master, and its dream variant, Soul Tyrant. In the Watcher’s Spire, the Knight will find the following enemies: Cowardly Husks, Gluttonous Husk, Great Husk Sentries, Heavy Sentries, Husk Dandies, Husk Sentries, Lance Sentries, Winged Sentries, and the Watcher Knights. In the Tower of Love, the Knight will encounter Aspid Hunters, Baldurs, Vengeflies, and The Collector.
How to Leave the City of Tears
As the City of Tears is a very large area, it also has a lot of exits to leave the area. The following are the exits that the Knight can take to leave the City of Tears:
1. Stag Stations
There are two Stag Stations in the City of Tears. These allow the knight to fast travel to different areas in Hallownest with the help of the Last Stag. Throughout the heyday of Hallownest, the Stags were used to transport goods and creatures around the realm via the Stagways.
This network of tunnels connects various areas around Hallownest through Stag Stations. After Hallownest fell, travel through the Stagways ceased, and the bulk of the Stag Stations were closed. The Last Stag, a massive stag beetle, is currently the last of its kind in the kingdom.
There is a Stag Station in every location of Hallownest, and most require turning on a toll booth utilizing Geo. Once a Stag Station is opened, a nearby bell must be hit with the Nail to summon the Last Stag. Furthermore, this can be done at any point at any Stag Station other than the last one that was previously used.
City Storerooms

One of the Stag Stations in the City of Tears is in the City Storerooms. According to in-game lore, all items were transported into the city through this area. The City Storerooms comprise two overlapping caves that border the Fungal Wastes and are located above the city’s entrance from the Pilgrim’s Way. Cargo lifts moved cargo from the Stag Station to the storerooms below. This area also links to the Soul Sanctum’s building and the elevator to the Forgotten Crossroads.
The City Storerooms Stag Station is in the northwesternmost part of the City of Tears. The Knight can find this Stag Station on the right side of the room. To unlock the bell and Bench in this Stag Station, the Knight must pay 200 Geo on the toll machine.
The Knight will come across a Winged Sentry and three Husk Bullies in this area. If the Knight has the Grimmchild Charm equipped, this is where the Knight can find one of the Grimmkin Novices.
King’s Station

The other Stag Station in the City of Tears is the King’s Station. This Stag Station, named after the King of Hallownest, is partially in ruins. Only one of the Stag Stations in the area is operational. The other one is a flooded Stagway filled with Belflies.
The King’s Station Stag Station is near the southeasternmost part of the City of Tears. To unlock the Bench and the bell in this area, the Knight must pay 300 Geo on the toll machine.
In the area, the Knight will run into a Husk Hornhead, Vengeflies, Belflies, a Lance Sentry, a Husk Dandy, and a Gluttonous Husk. Also, the Knight can find one Geo Deposit, one Hallownest Seal, and one Grub in the King’s Station area.
2. To the Forgotten Crossroads

The Knight can leave (or enter) the City of Tears and return to the Forgotten Crossroads. For this exit, the Knight must utilize a large lift. The Knight can head to the northwesternmost part of the area to leave the City of Tears. This exit is on the opposite side of the Stag Station in the City Storerooms.
When taking this exit to leave the City of Tears, the Knight will arrive at the bottom of the middle of the Forgotten Crossroads.
3. To the Fungal Wastes

Another way to leave the City of Tears is through the westernmost part of the area. This exit leads to the westernmost part of the Fungal Wastes area.
The Knight must first have opened it from the other side to go through this exit. To open this exit, the Knight must first obtain the City Crest. The Knight can get this item after defeating the False Knight. The Knight must head to the middle of the Forgotten Crossroads to find the False Knight. After getting the City Crest, the Knight should place the item on a socket on the chest of a knight in the westernmost part of the Fungal Wastes area.
4. To the Royal Waterways

One way to leave the City of Tears is through the exit on the left side near the middle of the area. The Knight can leave the City of Tears through a hatch inside a room on the left of the room with the statue of the Hollow Knight. When using this exit, the Knight will reach the left part of the Royal Waterways. The Knight, however, must use a Simple Key to unlock the hatch.
Hollow Knight Simple Keys
In the game, the Knight can obtain three Simple Keys. However, if the Knight has not yet entered the Royal Waterways, the Knight can only obtain two of the keys. The Knight may head to the following locations to get these Simple Keys:
Simple Key #1

Sly can provide the Knight with a Simple Key. The Knight can find Sly inside his shop in Dirtmouth. To get the Simple Key, the Knight must purchase it from Sly for 950 Geo.
Sly’s shop will appear closed at the beginning of the game. Sly will only open up shop once the Knight finds him. This means that before the Knight can buy items from Sly, the Knight must first track him down at the Forgotten Crossroads. The Knight can find Sly inside a house in the southeasternmost part of the Forgotten Crossroads.

Speak with Sly once you’ve located him. He’ll babble until he realizes the Knight has arrived. Sly will then claim that a bizarre dream led him to this location and that he would not have awoken if the Knight had not found him. He will introduce himself and explain his ordinary life in Dirtmouth.
However, because the air within the ruins doesn’t agree with him, he returns to Dirtmouth. Finally, he will invite the Knight to see him in Dirtmouth so that he can appropriately thank the Knight.
The Knight can now return to Dirtmouth after his encounter with Sly. Enter his shop to buy the Simple Key for 950 Geo and other goods.
Simple Key #1 Requirements
As this area is one of the first areas in the game, there are no requirements for the Knight to find Sly.
Simple Key #1 Enemies
In the Forgotten Crossroads, the Knight will face a variety of enemies. While traveling to Sly, the Knight will come across the following enemies: Tiktiks, Crawlids, Gruzzers, Aspid Hunters, Goams, Vengeflies, Leaping Husks, Wandering Husks, Husk Hornheads, and the Gruz Mother, who is a mini-boss in the game.
Simple Key #2

The Knight can also obtain one Simple Key in the City of Tears. To find this Simple Key, the Knight must head to the upper right corner of the room below the City Storerooms Stag Station. This is near the northwesternmost part of the City of Tears.
Simple Key #2 Requirements
The Knight must first have a particular ability to obtain this Simple Key. For this, the Knight needs either the Mothwing Cloak or Monarch Wings ability. The Mothwing Cloak ability allows the Knight to dash forward horizontally. The Monarch Wings ability enables the Knight to jump again while still in the air.
Simple Key #2 Enemies
The Knight will encounter a Winged Sentry and a Husk Sentry on the journey to this Simple Key.
Path to the Simple Key
The Knight must complete the following to obtain the Simple Key in the City of Tears:
- Go to the left and take the exit from the City Storerooms Stag Station.
- Then, turn left, descend to the room’s bottom, and turn left again. Take the downward exit.
- Next, fall from the small platform and jump to the little platform below and on the right. Jump down to another little platform on the right with a Winged Sentry. Jump to the significantly longer platform on the right below. After that, either jump and dash (Mothwing Cloak ability) or double jump (Monarch Wings ability) to the right ledge.
- On this ledge is a doorway on the right with light coming from inside. When the Knight enters the doorway, a Husk Sentry will start attacking the Knight.
- Finally, something is shining on the floor near the far right end of this room. Approach and inspect the shining item to obtain a Simple Key!
5. To Ancient Basin

Another way to leave the City of Tears is through an exit on the right side near the middle of the area. This exit is on the right of the memorial of the Hollow Knight next to the bottom of Watcher’s Spire. The Knight will go through a long room with a platforming segment when using this exit. This area has enemies, many spikey surfaces, and small platforms. At the bottom of this long room, the Knight will reach the entrance to the very top of Ancient Basin.
It is important to mention that if you haven’t explored the majority of the bottom of City of Tears yet, the path to the right of the memorial of the Hollow Knight is still closed. To open this path, the Knight must first get through the right side of the Royal Waterways. Here, the Knight will reach the right half of the City of Tears. Alternatively, the Knight can also go to the right side of the City of Tears from the Resting Grounds.
6. To Kingdom’s Edge

One way to leave the City of Tears is through the exit on the southeasternmost part of the area. The Knight can access this exit through a hidden part of the area. The Knight will reach the central cliff of Kingdom’s Edge when using this exit.
There are no required abilities to leave the City of Tears using this exit. However, the Knight must purchase the Lumafly Lantern from Sly in Dirtmouth. The Knight will use this item to light up dark rooms.
Towards this exit, the Knight will encounter a Husk Hornhead, a Husk Dandy, a Gluttonous Husk, Vengeflies, and Belflies.
Path to the Kingdom’s Edge Exit
To leave the City of Tears using this exit, the Knight must do the following:
- Begin at the King’s Station Stagway Station Bench. When the Knight exits the area on the left, he will arrive in a room with a Husk Hornead, a Husk Dandy, and a Gluttonous Husk. Drop to the floor and exit the area on the right after another Stagway sign.
- When the Knight enters, they will find a split Bench, a submerged Stagway Station, and two Vengeflies. Drop into the water and swim to the right, where the Knight will discover a hidden passage.
- After that, a dive-bombing Belfly will attack the Knight when you first enter. Avoid damage by evading or hiding beneath the elevated platform. Continue up the platform and then go to the right. The Knight will then find another Belfly above a gap. Cross the gap via jumping and dashing (Mothwing Cloak ability) or double jumping (Monarch Wings ability.
- It’s also possible to drop below and jump up the platform on the right to cross the gap. Continue heading to the right, where there is another Belfly after a gap. Drop down the platform below, then jump up the platform above on the right. Then, take the exit on the right.
- Finally, as soon as they enter, the Knight will arrive on the center cliff of Kingdom’s Edge!
Related: How to Obtain the Hallownest Seal in King’s Station
7. To the Resting Grounds

The last way to leave the City of Tears is through the exit in the northeasternmost part of the area. The Knight must use a large lift in the area to use this exit. The Knight will reach the middle part of the Resting Grounds when using this exit.
The Knight must first have a particular ability to leave the City of Tears. For this, the Knight must have the Mantis Claw ability. This allows the Knight to stick and slide down vertical surfaces or jump off them. Alternatively, the Knight can also use the Monarch Wings ability. This ability enables the Knight to jump once more while in mid-air.
On the way to this exit, the Knight will face a few enemies. The following are the enemies that the Knight will find: a Husk Hornhead, Husk Dandies, Gluttonous Husks, Cowardly Husks, a Husk Sentry, and a Winged Sentry.
Path to the Resting Grounds Exit
To leave the City of Tears using this path, the Knight must do the following:
- Start at the Bench in the King’s Station Stagway Station and take the exit on the left. Here, the Knight will arrive in a room with a Husk Hornead, a Husk Dandy, and a Gluttonous Husk. Go to the top of the room using the Mantis Claw ability (or the Monarch Wings ability) and the platforms. Then, take the exit in the middle that leads upwards.
- Next, go to the right, where the Knight will find a Husk Dandy, a Gluttonous Husk, and a Cowardly Husk. At the end of the path, use the Mantis Claw or the Monarch Wings ability to reach the platform above. Here, the Knight will run into a Husk Sentry. Head to the left, then, at the end of the path, ride the lift until its first stop.
- After that, go to the right, where the Knight will find a Winged Sentry. At the end of the path, ride the lift up to the next stop. Go to the left, where the Knight will encounter a Cowardly Husk and a Husk Dandy. Take the exit at the end of the path.
- Then, the Knight will find a large lift. Head to the left, enter the large lift and strike the switch inside to start going up.
- Finally, once the large lift reaches the top, the Knight has arrived at the Resting Grounds!
Escape from the City of Tears demonstrates your growing mastery of this mysterious world. You’ve journeyed into the depths, defeated your enemies, and discovered the hidden passageways to leave the City of Tears. As you leave this area, remember that your quest is far from done.
New challenges and wonders await outside the city’s borders. The information you’ve acquired in combat and exploration will help you continue your quest. So, as you move forward, prepare to face whatever awaits you in the intriguing and treacherous realm of Hallownest.