Stay hidden for 300 seconds in The Finals to complete the Covert Operator Contract.

Covert Operator is a Weekly Contract you can complete by staying hidden for 300 seconds in any game mode in The Finals. Unfortunately, the term “Staying Hidden” is very vague and will confuse many players – simply standing in an empty room can be considered hiding.
In this quick guide, we will walk you through how to stay hidden for 300 seconds in The Finals and complete the Covert Operator Contract in The Finals.
Covert Operator: Stay Hidden for 300 Seconds

The fastest way to stay hidden for 300 seconds is by using Light Build’s Cloaking Device Specialization. Cloaking Device, as the name suggests, lets you go invisible for a few seconds, with every second you spend cloaked counting towards the 300 seconds required to complete the Covert Operator Contract.

Completing the 300 seconds required shouldn’t feel too difficult, as you’ll likely want to use the Cloaking Device frequently, considering the Light Build’s inherently low HP pool. Additionally, the Cloaking Device regenerates automatically whenever it is not in use, so you should have no problems turning the Specialization on or off in any situation.
How to Equip the Cloaking Device
Before using the Cloaking Device Specialization, you must equip it on a Light Build in The Finals. Here’s how to do it.
- Select Contestants in The Finals’ main menu.

2. Choose an existing Light Build or create a new one, then select Edit.

3. Select the Specialization Card.

4. Select Cloaking Device.

How to Use and Things to Remember When Using Cloaking Device
Using the Cloaking Device is pretty straightforward. Simply press the Q button (default) to activate the Cloaking Device. Press the same button to deactivate the Specialization. You will be difficult to see when moving and invisible when standing still when cloaked.

The Cloaking Device’s energy bar will deplete steadily while it is in use and regenerate at around the same rate when not in use. Activating the Cloaking Device will use more energy initially, but the energy drain will remain steady while the cloak is active.
Related: How To Get Multibucks in The Finals
Other Ways to Stay Hidden in The Finals
The Light Build’s Cloaking Device is arguably the best way to complete the Covert Operator Contract in The Finals, but you can also use the Vanishing Bomb as an alternative.
To use the Vanishing Bomb, throw the grenade on the ground. The grenade should explode and give you and your teammates an invisibility cloak for a few seconds.

Unfortunately, the Vanishing Bomb won’t be as efficient as the Light Build’s Cloaking Device in keeping you hidden for 300 seconds. The Vanishing Bomb lasts only five seconds at the most, and its cooldown is also fairly long.
Staying hidden for 300 seconds to complete the Covert Operator Contract is a piece of cake. Just use the Light Build, equip the Cloaking Device, and spam it in your next match to collect the necessary seconds to complete the Covert Operator Contract. Completing the Covert Operator Contract using this method should only take 2-3 games tops.