Once Human: How to Get Weapon Calibration Blueprints



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

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Learn how to obtain and use Weapon Calibration Blueprints in Once Human to alter and enhance your weapon stat and performance.

Once Human: How to Get Weapon Calibration Blueprints

Weapon Calibration Blueprints allow you to replace a weapon’s attributes with the stats shown on the blueprint. These blueprints can significantly enhance the performance of certain builds, especially for status-effect players focusing on power surge, frost vortex, burn, and other effects.

Keep reading to learn how to get weapon calibration blueprints in the game.

How to Get Weapon Calibration Blueprints in Once Human

You can only get Weapon Calibration Blueprints by dismantling Dropped Weapons in Once Human, which are looted from the overworld. However, not all Dropped Weapons provide blueprints. Only those with a light green icon contain one. You can easily distinguish weapons that have blueprints using the Disassembly Bench.

To get more Dropped Weapons, you can farm them from Prime War loot crates, clear various dungeons, and pick up Weapon Crates in POI locations. You can also trade blueprints with other players.

Note: The rarity of the Weapon Calibration Blueprints is determined by the color of the dropped weapon you dismantle. For example, a gold-rarity weapon gives you gold-rarity blueprints, purple-rarity weapons give purple blueprints, and so on.

Get Weapons from Prime War

Prime Wars in Once Human are public events where all players in the server can participate. A player will use Staroids to activate the Staroid Restrainer, initiating the countdown for OE Kin to spawn. During this wait, players can build defensive installations such as defensive walls, turrets, and other buildable structures to increase survivability. Gatling Cannons and Plasma Rounds are particularly effective at reducing the OE King’s silver plague protection.

Once the OE Kin is eliminated, all players participating in the server-wide event will receive Prime War loot crates based on their performance. Playing with friends increases your chance of getting all three crates. It’s recommended that players open Prime War loot crates with controllers to receive better loot.

Get Weapons from Weapon Crates

Weapon Crate Once Human

Weapon Crates are found in POIs (Points of Interest), with their rarity increasing based on the difficulty level. The Chalk Peak and Red Sand regions are more likely to drop purple and gold-tier weapons with good stat calibration blueprints. For high-level players, the best POI area to farm weapons is the Blackfell Fallen Zone in the Red Sands region, which is also an ideal spot to farm Electronic Parts.

Tip: Loots in POI areas respawn every 4 hours. You can track the server Loot Respawn Time using this external Once Human Respawn Timer.

Get Weapons from Bosses and Silos

Once Human Bosses for Weapon

Clearing silos and bosses in Monoliths is still the best way to collect weapons, as it always yields a chest upon completion. Open these chests with a Controller to maximize your chances of obtaining better loot. It’s recommended to run these dungeons in a group for faster and more efficient clears.


Obtaining a Weapon Calibration Blueprint can be challenging due to the low drop rate of high-tier weapons. However, using a Controller to open loot crates from Prime War and Dungeons significantly increases your chances. Since dropped weapons can’t be repaired, dismantling them is their only valuable use.

READ NEXT: Once Human: How to Get Refined Parts

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