iOS 14.6 is out now; here’s what you’re getting


Shawn Farner

Writer and Storywriter


It’s that time, folks — your iPhone has a new update waiting in the form of iOS 14.6. Apple has officially deployed the latest version of its mobile operating system, which includes a few new features and some bug fixes. Below, we’ll get into what you’ll see in this new update to iOS.

iOS 14.6 is out now; here's what you're getting

To start, Apple will now let you share your Apple Card with family members. Once upon a time, this was a thing you simply could not do. The card was yours and yours alone. Now Apple will add some nifty new tricks to the Card and its accompanying app. Multiple people will be able to make purchases, with their spending details and amounts clearly laid out. You can even give younger children access and set spending limits.

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The iOS 14.6 update will also feature support for subscriptions inside the Podcasts app. Apple has seemingly identified premium podcasts as a source of potential revenue it wants to cultivate. In iOS 14.6, you’ll now be able to pay for subscriptions to podcasts that implement them, thus pouring more of that sweet, sweet In-App Payments money into Apple’s coffers.


I checked my iPhone, and iOS 14.6 is revved up and ready to go. If you hit the Settings screen on your own, you’ll likely find the same is the case for you. Just make sure to install while you’re connected to power as the Settings screen asks, or that you’re plugging your phone into power at night so the update can install automatically.

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