NieR Replicant just got a whole new rework, and fans of the franchise are dying to get in on the action. However, since this game was originally released back in 2010, with the new rework, could it be available on the PS5? Well, in all honesty, all factors point to that direction. The game has graphical improvements, new voice-acting, new in-game content and so much more. So, could it be that this game is available on the PS5 as well?

Is NieR Replicant Rework on the PS5?
The game producers and directors have come up with a special name for this rework. It is called NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139. They stated that this way it was easier to differentiate the game from previous versions. Yikes.

In any case, the point is that with that new interesting name, comes a lot of changes, hence why so many were interested whether the new generation consoles were added to the compatibility list.
However, NieR Replicant Rework – ver.1.22474487139, is not available for the all-new PS5, sadly.
The game is available on multiple platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows. The game was previously available for the Xbox 360 and the PS3, so this most definitely an upgrade.
Support on the Xbox 360 and PS3 is non-existent anymore, because the game is radically different, and such platforms will struggle with even running the game.
Compared to what this game was back in 2010, you really can’t say that it is the same game. What you can do say is that this game reminds players a lot of NieR Automata, which was released back in 2017.
There was immense pressure put on the rework team to redesign this game from scratch, mainly because of the success of NieR Automata. However, they’ve managed to pull it off, and in some cases it looks as good or even better than Automata.
The main focus point was the voice acting additions, but sadly players won’t get to experience them on the PS5. But still, PS4 and Xbox One players can enjoy this game, and NieR Automata.
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