It Takes Two: How to Play Online Free


Jon Torres

Writer and Storywriter


It Takes Two has a similar gameplay to a game which many of you might be familiar with – A Way Out. It has the similar gameplay where two players have to play in order to complete the game. However, to mitigate for the fact that there is no single-player mode, the developers have made an interesting system which will allow some players to play the game for free, online.

It Takes Two: How to Play Online Free

There will be no information on how to play the game for free in this article per se. In any case, a player must have bought the game in order for someone else to play it for free.

Play It Takes Two Online Free

Like I said, one player must buy the game in order for your buddy to play it for free. How it works is: one buys the game, and the other player can download the game, and join the same lobby and enjoy the full game.

This is a great way to make the game make more sense. This way players can split the fee to buy the full game, and both enjoy it. Either way, it needs two players, so why buy it individually.

The invite for the free play is called Friend’s Pass. The player that doesn’t own the game has to download it from the store, and use that to play the game.

It is fair to mention though, that if the host or owner of the game decides not to play, then the other player cannot play the game, with any other player. So, the process is still quirky.

Nonetheless, this game is nothing short of exceptional. The gameplay is a beautiful blend of exploration and minigames. Additionally, the story is great, and some might even say that it is better than A Way Out – It Takes Two’s predecessor.

The Friend’s Pass cannot be used for playing with a random stranger online though. A player must know that player in order to send the Friend’s Pass.

Well, technically, you can play with strangers using the Friend’s Pass, but the point is that you cannot use the in-game matchmaking system to send an invite to a player that doesn’t own the game.

READ NEXT : It Takes Two: A Way Out Easter Egg

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