One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Bareeda Naag Shrine or the Cannon. This Shrine requires Link to hit a target using a cannon to access the shrine’s altar. Before Link can access the shrine, however, Link must first complete The Ancient Rito Song Shrine Quest. This shrine and shrine quest may seem confusing and intimidating, but the shrine and shrine quest is relatively easy to assemble. This guide will teach you how to complete The Ancient Rito Song Shrine Quest, access and complete the Bareeda Naag Shrine, obtain the chests inside, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get a total of 120 Spirit Orbs. You can decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or Stamina.
Link will not be able to access the Bareeda Naag Shrine immediately. Still, it will emerge from the ground right beside the path south of the Rito Village just across Lake Totori in the northwestern part of Hyrule (the shrine can be found northeast of Cuho Mountain or southwest of the Rito Stable). The Bareeda Naag Shrine is one of six shrines in the Tabantha Tower region.
The Ancient Rito Song

As mentioned above, Link must first complete The Ancient Rito Song Shrine Quest to access the Bareeda Naag Shrine. Before Link can start this Shrine Quest, however, Link must first complete the Divine Beast Vah Medoh main quest.
After doing that, Link can now start the shrine quest! To create The Ancient Rito Song Shrine Quest, head up the stairs of the Rito Village and go to the flight deck near the top of the village (just ahead of the bridge that leads to the Akh Va’quot Shrine), and there you will find a purple Rito woman named Bedoli. Talk to her, and she will sing an old song that goes:
“The pride of the Rito, Pillar in the sky,
Its heart lights up, when the sun is high.”
After that, she will say that she has forgotten the rest of the words, so she will refer Link to her sister, Laissa, to tell the rest of the song. Then, after talking to Bedoli, The Ancient Rito Song Shrine Quest started!
Next, head to Laissa’s house, which is the house on the left side of the bridge that leads to the Akh Va’quot Shrine, and talks to her. Laissa will then say that Bedoli’s memory is the worst, then tell Link that she can help him, but the first, Link must recite the first half of the song from memory. Agree on the prompt, select the correct phrases from the multiple choices (refer to the line that Bedoli sang above), and Laissa will sing the next half of the song, which goes:

“The heart shines upon a path now whole,
But a warming flame can stir its soul.”
After that, if you want to hear the whole song again, Link can go back to Bedoli on the flight deck and tell Bedoli to recite it again because apparently, she now remembers the entire piece.
Next, head to the south of Rito Village just across Lake Totori (where the shrine will emerge), and there you will find an ancient pedestal on the ground. Link can see this old pedestal from Bedoli’s location.

The clues to finish this shrine quest is mentioned in the song sung by Bedoli and Laissa, which means that the tall pillar where Rito Village is located, referred to as the pillar in the sky in the music, has a literal heart-shaped hole, referred to as the heart in the song, which will light up the ancient pedestal, referred to as the path in the music+, at around noon, which is when the sun is high. Then, the old pedal will reveal the shrine when a flame is on the pedestal.
So, to complete this shrine quest, Link must wait for the heart-shaped hole of the Rito Village to light up the ancient pedestal then. Once that happens, Link must hold a lit torch (or any wooden weapon) on the ancient pedestal.
If you do not have a torch and want to light on fire Link’s wooden weapons, it is worth noting that Link can obtain a torch from Amali’s house (the house with the cooking pot), which is the house under the flight deck where Bedoli is located.
The heart-shaped hole of the tall pillar of Rito Village will light up the ancient pedestal at around 12:30 PM. Link can set up a campfire near the old pedestal by dropping Flint and Wood and then hitting it with a metal weapon. After that, sit by the fire until noon (which will be noon), quickly light the campfire again by striking it with a fire-based weapon or by dropping another flint beside it,, then hitting it with a metal weapon, light the torch (or any wooden weapon) on fire, then stand on the ancient pedestal until the light from the heart-shaped hole is touching the old pedestal.
After that, the shrine will emerge from the ground in the distance,, and The Ancient Rito Song Shrine Quest is now completed! Then, Link can now access the Bareeda Naag Shrine!
Upon descending into the Bareeda Naag Shrine, you will see a significant cannon mechanism (similar to the ones in the Eldin Region) loaded with a glowing orb and facing the left side of the room; on the leftmost side of the room, there is a target being blocked by a big wooden crate, just ahead of the cannon is a closed gate to the altar and the monk.
To complete this shrine, this is what Link must do:
- Before attempting to complete the shrine, face the southeastern part of the room,, and see an opening blocked by a couple of breakable concrete cubes. Press the up directional button, select any of the Remote Bomb Rune abilities, press the L button to conjure a Remote Bomb, go near the breakable concrete cubes, press the A button to set the Remote Bomb down near the fragile concrete cubes, go back a safe distance, then press the L button again to detonate the Remote Bomb and destroy the wall of concrete cubes. After that, a chest will be revealed. Open the chest to obtain a Falcon Bow.
- After that, climb up the ladder behind the cannon, and you will see a tiny hole on top. Press the up directional button, select the spherical-shaped Remote Bomb Rune ability, press the L button to conjure a Remote Bomb, go near the tiny hole, press the A button to set the Remote Bomb down on the spot and let it roll down, then press the L button again to detonate the Remote Bomb and fire the glowing orb out of the cannon. The fired glowing ball will then hit and destroy the wooden crate blocking the target; however, four small platforms will start moving at varying speeds.
- Next, Link must now hit the target in the distance. Press the L button to conjure another spherical Remote Bomb and press the A button to drop it on the hole and load it into the cannon. Unfortunately, there is no unique technique to hit the target. You would have to time it right so that when the glowing orb is fired off the cannon, it will not hit the small platforms and the target. Do not be intimidated though,, as this is very easy: you have to wait for or anticipate an opening,, then quickly press the L button to detonate the Remote Bomb and fire the glowing orb to hit the target. Of course, that is easier said than done, and you might have to fire the cannon a few times.
- After successfully hitting the target, the gate to the altar will be opened. Drop down from the platform of the cannon and go through the gate, but before going to the altar and the monk, there is another entryway on the opposite side of the gate. This is not required to complete the shrine but if you want to obtain all the chests in the shrine, go through the next entryway.
- On this next part of the shrine, you will see another significant cannon mechanism facing the left side of the room, and another target on the leftmost side of the room,. Still, this time, the target is moving side to side, in between the target and the cannon are another four small platforms moving side to side at varying speeds, and just ahead of the gun is a gate with a chest inside.
- Now Link must hit the moving target to open the gate and access the chest. Climb the ladder behind the platform, press the L button to conjure another spherical Remote Bomb, go near the tiny hole, then press the A button to drop the Remote Bomb on the tiny hole. Unfortunately, just like the previous cannon puzzle, there is also no special technique to hit the target for this one. You would have to time it right so that when the glowing orb is fired off the cannon, it will not hit the small platforms and the moving target.
- Fortunately, it is not required to hit the very center of the target to complete the puzzle,, so all you need to do is hit the inside of the large outer ring. You have to wait for the moving target to be in the cannon’s line of fire and anticipate an opening from the small platforms, then quickly press the L button to detonate the Remote Bomb and fire the glowing orb to hit the target. That is also easier said than done, so you might have to fire the cannon a few more times than the last one.
- After successfully hitting the target, the gate to the chest will be opened. Drop down from the platform of the cannon and open the chest to obtain a Diamond.
- Finally, head back to the room with the cannon, back to the room with the altar, go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
As mentioned above, the Bareeda Naag Shrine or the Cannon is one of six shrines in the Tabantha Tower region. The other shrines are the Kah Okeo Shrine or the Wind Guide, the Sha Warvo Shrine or the Path of Hidden Winds, the Tena Ko’sah Shrine or the Path of Hidden Winds, the Akh Va’quot Shrine or the Windmills, and the Voo Lota Shrine or The Winding Route.