Learn how to complete the Gee Ha’rah Shrine in The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild!

One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Gee Ha’rah Shrine or the Tandem. This shrine requires Link to overcome various puzzles that involve pushing large buttons using concrete spheres hanging from the ceiling to access certain parts of the shrine, reach the altar, and complete the shrine.
Before Link can access the Gee Ha’rah Shrine, however, he must find a way to open the tall door obstructing it. This shrine may seem confusing, but it is fairly easy to complete. This guide will teach you how to reach and complete the Gee Ha’rah Shrine, get the chest, and claim the Spirit Orb.
Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. There are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule so that Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You can decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or Stamina.
The Gee Ha’rah Shrine can be found inside a cave behind a tall double door on the lowest part of the Kopeeki Drifts just northwest of the Hebra Tower (the shrine is southwest of the S. Tabantha Snowfield or southeast of the Hebra Peak and the Hebra Mountains). The Gee Ha’rah Shrine is one of 13 shrines in the Hebra Tower region.
It is worth noting that the climate in the area is frigid, so make sure that Link has cold-resistant armor, food, or elixirs.
To access the Gee Ha’rah Shrine, head to the lowest part of the Kopeeki Drifts (northwest of the Hebra Tower), and upon arriving in the area, you will see a tall double door on the side of the cliff, but Link will not be able to push it open. To access the To Quomo Shrine, Link must open this tall double door. To do just that, this is what Link must do:
- Follow the path to the western part of the Kopeeki Drifts from the tall double door.
- Near the top of the path, you will see that different path leads down, so remember which path Link took.
- At the top of the path, you will see a bunch of small snowballs. Pick up one of the snowballs and throw it on the path Link took from the tall double door (in case you forgot, the correct path is second from the left near the large stone or sixth from the right). Link must do this very nearly at the top of the hill. Otherwise, the snowball won’t be giant and fast enough to open the tall double door. Also, If you choose the wrong path, the snowball will roll in the wrong direction and not hit the tall double door.
- The small snowball will then roll down the path Link took while accumulating more snow, making it bigger. Follow the snowball as it rolls down the path.
- Once done successfully, the snowball, now big enough and fast enough, will hit the tall double door, fall, and grant Link access to the cave.
After that, Link can now access the Gee Ha’rah Shrine!
Before entering the shrine, ensure that Link has enough Bows and Arrows, which will be used to solve the shrine.
Upon entering the Gee Ha’rah Shrine, you will see a large button just ahead of Link, a large concrete sphere hanging above it, and a closed gate just ahead of the button.
To complete the Gee Ha’rah Shrine, this is what Link must do:
- First, hold the ZR button to aim Link’s Bow and Arrow, aim at the rope holding the large concrete sphere, let go of the ZR button to shoot an arrow, and break the rope to let the large concrete sphere fall on the button and press it.
- After pressing the button, the gate just ahead of the button will be opened. Take the path on the left. Go through the gate, and the path will be divided into two.
- On this next part of the shrine, you will find another large concrete sphere being held up by two pieces of rope on the left and right side of the large concrete sphere, another huge button on the right side of the room, and a closed gate on the far wall with a chest inside. To press the huge button, hold the ZR button to aim Link’s Bow and Arrow, aim at the rope on the left side of the large concrete sphere, let go of the ZR button to shoot an arrow, and break the rope to let the large concrete sphere swing towards the huge button and press it.
- After pressing the button, the gate just ahead of the button will be opened. Go through the gate, and you will find a chest. Open the chest to obtain a Diamond.
- Next, head back to the previously divided path and take the path straight ahead (not the first gated entryway opened).
- On this next part of the shrine, you will see another huge button in the middle of the room, another large concrete sphere being held up by two pieces of rope on the left and right sides of the large concrete sphere that is attached to two tall pillars, and the final closed gate on the far wall with the altar and the monk inside.
- To press the huge button, the first thing Link should do is press the up directional button, select the Stasis Rune ability, press the L button to aim, aim at the large concrete sphere, and press the A button to activate the Stasis Rune ability on the large concrete sphere.
- After that, quickly hold the ZR button to aim Link’s Bow and Arrow, aim at one of the ropes that are holding the large concrete sphere, let go of the ZR button to shoot an arrow and break the rope, hold the ZR button again to aim Link’s Bow and Arrow, aim at the remaining rope that is holding the large concrete sphere, let go of the ZR button to shoot an arrow and break the final rope.
- These must be done before the timer for the Stasis Rune ability runs out so that the large concrete sphere will just be frozen in the air while Link is breaking the ropes (in contrast to the large concrete sphere swinging around without the Stasis Rune ability activated on it).
- Once the timer for the Stasis Rune ability runs out, the large concrete sphere will fall to the huge button and press it.
- Finally, the gate just ahead of the button will be opened. Go through the gate to find the altar and the monk. Go near the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
As mentioned above, the Gee Ha’rah Shrine, or the Tandem, is one of 13 shrines in the Hebra Tower region. The other shrines are the Goma Asaagh Shrine, or “A Major Test of Strength;” the Sha Gehma Shrine, or “the Shift and Lock;” the Hia Miu Shrine, or “A Major Test of Strength;” the Mozo Shenno Shrine, or “A Major Test of Strength;” the Rin Oyaa Shrine or “the Directing the Wind;” the Shada Naw Shrine or “the Red Giveaway;” the To Quomo Shrine or “Quomo’s Blessing;” the Rok Uwog Shrine or “the Power of Reach;” the Lanno Kooh Shrine or “Lanno Kooh’s Blessing;” the Maka Rah Shrine or the “Steady Thy Heart;” the Dunba Taag Shrine or “the Build and Release;” and the Qaza Tokki Shrine or “Qaza Tokki’s Blessing.”