One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Shae Loya Shrine or the Maag No’rah’s Blessing. The Shrine itself is no challenge at all. As you enter the Maag No’rah Shrine, Link can access the shrine’s chest and the altar and talk to the monk immediately. The real challenge is reaching the shrine itself. This guide will teach you how to reach the Maag No’rah Shrine, obtain the chest inside, and claim your Spirit Orb.

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Maag No’rah Shrine is hidden inside a cave in the wall in the middle of a cliff, which can be found at the northern edge of Lindor’s Brow just southwest of Serenne Stable and Maritta Exchange Ruins (or southeast of Hebra Tower or north of Ridgeland Tower).
There are two ways to reach the Maag No’rah Shrine: from the bottom of the cliff, then climbing up, or from the top of the cliff dropping down.
It is important to note a small Bokoblin camp near the cliff if you prefer climbing up, so Link would have to go through them first. After that, head straight to the cliff where the Bokoblin camp’s tall tower/vantage point thing is facing and climb up that side of the cliff. This part of the cliff would be easier to climb (assuming it is not raining or there is no thunderstorm) because of the large patches of the cliff sticking out, which can help Link rest and replenish stamina while climbing. In the middle of the cliff, you will find a breakable rock wall which you can then destroy by throwing and detonating Remote Bombs at it or, even easier, shooting it with a bomb arrow.
The other, and arguably easier, way of reaching the Maag No’rah Shrine is by starting from the top of the cliff. Link can run up the cliff through the steep side on the east side of the huge rock formation near the path that leads to Serenne Stable. Go up the hill until Link reaches that broken-up part of the side of the cliff that is in line with the Bokoblin camp at the bottom. Jump and glide down towards the first patch of the cliff you find sticking out and land on it. Face to the east and in the middle of the cliff, you will find a breakable rock wall that you can then destroy by throwing and detonating Remote Bombs at it or shooting it with a bomb arrow.
After destroying the breakable rock wall, jump and glide towards it, enter the cave, and find the Maag No’rah Shrine there!
Maag No’rah’s Blessing
Now that you have entered the Maag No’rah Shrine, it will no longer have a challenge or puzzle inside as the puzzle was already on trying to access the shrine. Upon entering the shrine, this is what Link must do:
- Upon entering the Maag No’rah Shrine, head up the stairs and open the chest to obtain a Silver Rupee (equal to 100 Rupees).
- Then, just after the chest, continue ahead and talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Maag No’rah Shrine or Maag No’rah’s Blessing is one of seven shrines in the Ridgeland Tower region. The other shrines are the Mogg Latan Shrine or the Synced Swing, the Toh Yahsa Shrine or the Buried Secrets, the Zalta Wa Shrine or the Two Orbs to Guide You, the Shae Loya Shrine or the Aim for the Moment, the Sheem Dagoze Shrine or the Moving on Parallel, and Mijah Rokee Shrine or the A Modest Test of Strength.