One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Toh Yahsa Shrine or the Buried Secrets. This shrine requires Link to uncover a way to reach the altar by destroying a bunch of breakable concrete cubes. However, before Link can access the shrine, you must first complete the Trial of Thunder. This shrine and shrine quest may seem confusing and intimidating, but this guide will teach you how to complete the Trial of Thunder to access Toh Yahsa Shrine, get the chests, and claim the Spirit Orb.

Link will receive Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. You can exchange them for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link can get 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.
The Toh Yahsa Shrine can be found in the middle of the Thundra Plateau, just west of the Ridgeland Tower (can also be found in the northeast of the Tabantha Bridge Stable or north of Hyrule Ridge). The Toh Yahsa Shrine is one of seven shrines in the Ridgeland Tower region.
Trial of Thunder Shrine Quest
To begin the Trial of Thunder Shrine Quest, head to Thundra Plateau (the location where the shrine will emerge and be revealed), where there will be a never-ending thunderstorm, so make sure to remove any of Link’s metallic armor and weapons to prevent getting hit by lightning. As soon as you arrive, the shrine quest will immediately start.
The goal of the Trial of Thunder Shrine Quest is to put the four different colored orbs, which can be found around the area, in their appropriate bowls in the middle of the Thundra Plateau. The purple orb can be found in the middle of the plateau near the bowls, the green orb can be found at the top of one of the pillars in the middle of the plateau, the red orb can be found at the top of a statue on the east of the plateau, and the orange orb can be found at the top of an even taller statue on the north of the plateau.
To complete this shrine quest, Link must first bring the red and orange orbs, which are found outside of the plateau, into the middle of the plateau. Because of the rain, it would be hard to climb the statues to get to the orbs.
One way of getting the orbs from the statues is to activate the Stasis Rune ability on the orbs and shoot it with arrows. This will result in the orb falling off the statue. Then, you can bring the orbs atop a higher ground, activate the Stasis Rune ability again, and strike it as much as possible with the arrow pointing towards the plateau to throw it there.
Another (and the easier) way of getting to the orbs at the top of the statues is to use Revali’s Gale to glide up and drop on top of the statues and then, from there, activate the Stasis Rune ability on it to “throw” it to the plateau. This is assuming you already have Revali’s Gale.
Head to the east, west, or south of the plateau, where parts of the plateau are broken and easy to climb (because, again, the rain), and head to the middle of the plateau. You will find the bowls with the appropriate color orb indicated on the pillar behind them. You will also see the other two orbs, the purple and green orbs. Once the red and orange orbs are at the top of the plateau, you are now halfway done.
Drop the green orb from where it is placed by activating the Stasis Rune ability and shooting it with arrows. This will result in the orb falling off the statue.
Now that all four orbs are reachable and on top of the plateau, place the correct orb on the bowl as indicated on the pillar. Then, the Toh Yahsa Shrine will emerge from the ground, and the Trial of Thunder Shrine Quest is now completed!
Buried Secrets
Upon entering Toh Yahsa Shrine, Link is at the top of a platform surrounded by numerous breakable concrete blocks. You can also immediately see the altar atop a high platform in the distance, but the gate to enter it is closed, and the ladders to reach the altar are blocked by breakable concrete blocks. To complete this shrine, this is what Link must do:
- First, destroy all the breakable concrete blocks just ahead of Link by using any of the Remote Bomb Rune abilities. After that, a low platform and a huge metal cube will be revealed.
- Before proceeding, head to the bottom of the north side platform that Link was on and you will find a hole that is blocked by another breakable concrete block. Destroy the block with any of the Remote Bomb Rune abilities to reveal a chest. Open the chest to obtain Rubber Armor.
- There is another chest at the top of a tall platform on the right side of the platform the Link was on when he entered the shrine. To reach this, press the up directional button, select the Magnesis Rune ability, press L to aim, and press A to activate it on the huge metal cube. Then, bring the metal cube to the top of the tall platform and use it to push the chest out of the platform and on the floor. Open the chest to obtain an Opal.
- Next, destroy the other breakable concrete blocks at the bottom of the platform that is holding up the altar. After that, a huge pressure plate will be revealed right under the altar.
- Then, use the Magnesis Rune ability to pick up the huge metal cube and bring it to the wall of the platform that leads to the first ladder. Place the huge metal cube in the middle of the platform and the low platform to create a sort of staircase.
- Jump up the low platform, get up the metal cube, get up on the platform with the ladder, and get up on the ladder. The next ladder will be blocked by a few more breakable concrete blocks. Use any of the Remote Bomb Rune abilities again to destroy them.
- After that, you still can not enter the altar because the gate is still closed. From the platform with the final ladder, pick up the huge metal cube using the Magnesis Rune ability and bring it to the huge pressure plate just under the altar. Drop the huge metal cube on the huge pressure plate and the gate of the altar will open.
- Finally, go up the ladder to get to the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!
The Toh Yahsa Shrine or the Buried Secrets is one of seven shrines in the Ridgeland Tower region. The other shrines are the Mogg Latan Shrine or the Synced Swing, the Zalta Wa Shrine or the Two Orbs to Guide You, the Shae Loya Shrine or the Aim for the Moment, the Maag No’rah Shrine or Maag No’rah’s Blessing, the Sheem Dagoze Shrine or the Moving on Parallel, and Mijah Rokee Shrine or the A Modest Test of Strength.