Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How to Change Squad Members



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. Outside of work, she streams video games with friends and creates clips and videos about PC games on YouTube.

May of 2021 has been a great month for some blockbuster titles. We saw the release of Wrath of the Druids, ACV’s DLC, Resident Evil Village, and the package of the Mass Effect trilogy, the Legendary Edition. However, when it comes to Mass Effect, players are still in a fog about how to change squad members. To clear everything up, we made a guide you can use to change your squad members.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How to Change Squad Members

How to Change Squad Members – Mass Effect Legendary Edition

First off, it is important to say that, to change the squad members in Mass Effect, you do have to reach a certain stage of the game. At the beginning, the squad lineup is fixed, and unchangeable. That quickly changes after a while.

mass effect legendary edition how to change squad members

You will play as always, with Shepard, but you can change the other members of the squad. So, how to change squad members in Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

To change the squad members in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, players must do so from the control panel in Normandy. Players can choose all of the available players from the selection part of the screen.

One thing is for certain though, once a mission is started, the squad members lineup cannot be changed. Meaning, the squad members can only be changed before the mission is started, on your ship. On top of that, depending on how far you have progressed, some might be still locked for you. If that’s the case, continue progressing until you are at a suitable level to select squad members.

Some pointers about squad members selection includes, selecting team members which will be optimized for the class you play with the Shepard. In other words, combine Biotics, skills, and weapon choices.

At the moment, there is no other way to edit your squad, except through the control panel at Normandy. Still, most veterans have already been accustomed to this method.

Again, your squad will be fixed in terms of the selection of members once you already start a mission.

Follow Caffeinated Gamer for more news, guides, locations, in the all-new Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

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