Metroid Prime 4: What We Know So Far & What’s To Come



Allaine Baguio

Writer and Storywriter

Al discovered her passion for gaming at the age of eight. As a dedicated RPG, strategy, adventure survival, and horror game enthusiast, she has built a career in digital art and video game writing, contributing to platforms like wikiHow, Playoholic, and Talk Android. In her free time, she streams video games with friends and creates PC game content, including clips and videos, on YouTube.

What We Know


Metroid Prime 4: What We Know So Far & What’s To Come

Nintendo has not given us much to go on for Metroid Prime 4, but we do know it is on it’s way.

Metroid Prime 4 has been in the development stage for a long time. This may lead you to believe that it’s launching soon, but unfortunately, you may have to change those expectations. Metroid Prime 4’s long development phase is partly due to retooling. On January 25, 2019, the game’s producer, Shinya Takahashi, explained that the original studio developing Metroid Prime 4 didn’t deliver a satisfactory product. This lead to the game having to restart development from scratch under Retro Studios.

This is positive news for longtime fans, since Retro Studios developed the first three Metroid Prime games. But, it’s also bad news, since this means that a game with at least three years of development time had to restart.


Where Does This Put The Release Date?

Well, that’s a tough question. The previous release dates don’t help out much. At times, they’ve gone 8 years without a new game and at times they’ve released 2 games in one year.

If they started development on Metroid Prime 4 in 2017 and Nintendo ended it in 2020, we can assume the company ideally had a 3 year development-time planned. This leads us to believe the game may be done being developed in 2023, potentially 2024.

In short, the game is a way’s out. But, at the end of the day, we can appreciate Nintendo for pulling the plug on games that don’t meet their expectations.

There are game play trailers and screenshots that were released, but after Nintendo pulled the plug on the development of the game, the game will be drastically different than the game play shown below.

Hopefully we will see some more news soon!

Thanks for reading. Be sure to check out other Nintendo Switch News.

Gameplay trailer below.

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