Learn everything you need to know about Glaseado Gym in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

In the new open-world video game Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the player enrolls as a transfer student at a big school in the Paldea Region. Only the player in the game is free to pursue any objective, whether it be to uncover the new Titan Pokemon, battle every Pokemon Gym, become the champion and be the very best like no one ever was, defeat the mysterious Team Star, or simply to complete the Pokedex and catch them all!
In this article, we will discuss defeating Pokemon Gyms that are a part of the “Victory Road” quest line, particularly the Ice-type Gym up in Glaseado Mountain in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!
Glaseado Gym in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
The Glaseado Gym can be found near the middle of Glaseado Mountain (or southeast of Montevera or northeast of Medali), which can be found in the northern part of the Paldea region.
The Glaseado Gym can be reached by following the main path southwest of Montenevera, crossing the river using the bridge, continuing following the path that now leads south but up the mountain, turning to the left up a steeper path, follow the path until the player reaches the Glaseado Gym Pokemon Center, and just in front of the Pokemon Center is the Glaseado Gym!
Gym Test
Before facing off against the Gym Leader of a Pokemon Gym, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet includes a new mechanic where the player must complete a Gym Test to prove their worth.
Every Pokemon Gym in the Paldea region has its Gym Test, and the Gym Test in the Glaseado Gym is to participate in the Snow Slope Run!
To start the Glaseado Gym Test, let the player head inside the Glaseado Gym and talk to the receptionist just before the entrance. Then, the receptionist will tell the player that the player must first complete the Gym Test to face the Gym Leader, Grusha, which means participating in the Snow Slope Run.
The receptionist will then explain that the player must ride a Pokemon down the designated course and reach the goal before the time limit runs out, and the player must complete it to pass the Gym Test.
Afterward, head outside the gym building and back up to the Pokemon Center nearby; just in front of the Pokemon Center, the player will find Pokemon Gym Staff.
Talk to the Pokemon Gym Staff, and he will explain that this is where the Snow Slope Run starts and that the player must ride a Pokemon down the slippery and slidy course and reach the finish line within the target time.
Then, the player will pass the gym test. Confirm on the prompt that the player is ready to take the Gym Test.
Then, the Gym Test has now started! All the player needs to do is head down the course while passing through the gates as fast as possible until the finish line.
The player must complete the course before the timer reaches 1 minute and 30 seconds.
After completing the course, the Pokemon Gym Staff will confirm that the player has completed the Gym Test!
Gym Leader Grusha
After completing the Gym Test, the Pokemon Gym Staff will tell the player to tell the Gym staff inside the building that the player passed the Gym Test. Head back inside the Glaseado Gym building and talk to the receptionist again. The receptionist will congratulate the player and say that the player has now earned the right to challenge the Gym Leader, Grusha, the Sub-zero Shredder.
The receptionist will then ask the player if you are ready to challenge Gym Leader Grusha, so select ‘Yes’ on the prompt (or ‘No’ if you want to heal up your Pokemon first) to start the battle!
Next, the player will be brought to the battle court just in front of the Gym building, and a cutscene will play where there is a Cetoddle in the middle of the battle court. Then, Gym Leader Grusha will enter the battle court and introduce himself.
Then, after a few more bits of dialogue, the battle against Gym Leader Grusha will commence! As previously mentioned, the Glaseado Gym is an Ice-type Gym, meaning Gym Leader Grusha will mostly use Ice-type Pokemon.
Because Gym Leader Grusha’s Pokemon are Level 47 and 48, It is recommended that the player’s Pokemon be at least Level 48 to defeat Gym Leader Grusha a little bit easier.
Gym Leader Grusha will use four Pokemon: a Level 47 Frosmoth, a Level 47 Beartic, a Level 47 Cetitan, and a Level 48 Altaria with an Ice Tera type. Gym Leader Grusha will use these Pokemon in this order and terastallize Altaria, changing it from a Dragon and Flying-type to a pure Ice-type.
With that in mind, it is important to note that Frosmoth is an Ice and Bug-type Pokemon, which means that it has a weakness to Flying-type, Steel-type, and especially Fire-type and Rock-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Grass-type, Ground-type, and Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Grusha’s Frosmoth may use the following moves: Blizzard, which is a special Ice type move with 110 Power and 70 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 10% chance to freeze the opposing Pokemon and an increased accuracy if used during a Snowstorm, Bug Buzz, which is a special Bug-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 10% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Sp. Defense stat by one stage, and Tailwind, a Flying-type status move that increases the Speed stat of all of the user’s Pokemon by two stages for the next four turns.
Beartic is an Ice type of Pokemon with a weakness to Fighting-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Grusha’s Beartic may use the following moves: Aqua Jet, which is a physical Water-type move with 40 Power and 100 Accuracy that has an increased Speed priority of one, which allows it to go faster than most moves, Icicle Crash, which is a physical Ice-type move with 85 Power and 90 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of making the opposing Pokemon flinch, and Earthquake, which is a physical Ground-type move with 100 Power and 100 Accuracy that will hit all of the Pokemon on the battlefield and will double the damage to a Pokemon that used the move Dig.
Cetitan is also an Ice-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Fighting-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Grusha’s Cetitan may use the following moves: Icicle Spear, which is a physical Ice type move with 25 Power and 100 Accuracy where the Pokemon using the move will hit the opposing Pokemon two to five times (37.5% chance to hit two times, 37.5% chance to hit three times, 12.5% chance to hit four times, and 12.5% chance to hit five times), Liquidation, which is a physical Water-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, has a 20% chance to lower the Defense stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage, and Ice Shard, which is a physical Ice-type move with 40 Power and 100 Accuracy that has an increased Speed priority of one which allows it to go faster than most moves.
Aside from its moves, Grusha’s Cetitan also has an Ability called Thick Fat, which reduces the damage it receives from Fire-type and Ice-type moves by 50%.
Altaria, because of its Tera type and as Gym Leader Grusha will terastallize it, will become an Ice-type, which means it now has a weakness to Fighting-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Grusha’s Altaria may use the following moves: Ice Beam, which is a special Ice-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 10% chance to freeze the opposing Pokemon, Dragon Pulse, which is a special Dragon-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy, Moonblast, which is a special Fairy type move with 95 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of lowering the Sp. Attack stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage, and Hurricane, which is a special Flying-type move with 110 Power and 70 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of confusing the opposing Pokemon and will still damage opposing Pokemon that used Fly, Bounce, or Sky Drop.
After defeating Gym Leader Grusha, the player will receive the Ice-type Gym Badge and TM124, a move called Ice Spinner. Ice Spinner is a physical Ice-type move that, aside from dealing damage, also destroys any terrain, and the move will not fail even if the battlefield has not been turned into terrain. Ice Spinner has 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 15 PP.
The player is one step closer to completing the “Victory Road” quest line and becoming the Champion in the Paldea Region after defeating Gym Leader Grusha and conquering the Glaseado Gym in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!