Learn how to defeat the Gym Leader Grusha in a rematch in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the only decision-maker is the player. One option is to defeat the evil Team Star, while another is to learn about the new Titan Pokemon, gather every Pokemon to fill out and complete the region’s Pokedex, and defeat every Pokemon Gym to become the Champion and be the very best like no one ever was. The player can still complete many tasks in the post-game, even after completing everything. One of them is to request a rematch with every Pokemon Gym!
In this guide, the player will learn everything you need about the rematch with Grusha, the Gym Leader of Glaseado Mountain! Consider this your spoiler alert for the ending of the game’s main story!
The Beginning of the Post-Game
After completing “The Way Home,” the game’s final main quest, and the credits roll, the player is returned to their dorm room and called to Director Clavell’s office. Exit the dorm room and select “Director’s Office” from the menu.
Director Clavell will address Penny, Nemona, Arven, and the player, claiming he is not angry. However, he would like to discuss their success in keeping the Paldea region’s ecosystem from being destroyed by the ancient/future Pokemon. Director Clavell is also willing to disregard the fact that they had to go inside a forbidden area. Director Clavell will then give the player a Master Ball.
Nemona will suggest conducting a Pokemon battle at the academy to commemorate the player’s accomplishment of becoming a Champion after a few brief exchanges. Then, Top Champion Geeta will enter the room and say that the Pokemon League would be thrilled to assist with the organization of this contest before suggesting that both faculty and students battle it out for the title of strongest trainer at the academy because everyone has the potential to be the best.
Respond with “I’d be delighted to help!” from the prompt. Then, Top Champion Geeta will ask the player to inspect every Pokemon Gym in the Paldea region on her behalf so that they can continue to serve as a source of power and motivation for anyone aspiring to the Champion Rank.
The player can enter each Pokemon Gym as a Champion and challenge the Gym Leader Grusha to a rematch. Then, unless the player assists her with her work, Top Champion Geeta will decline to participate. Top Champion Geeta and Penny will then depart to complete some tasks.
The player can now challenge the Paldea region’s Pokemon Gym Leader, Grusha, to a rematch!
Glaseado Gym: Rematch!
Gym Leader Grusha can be found inside the Glaseado Gym building near the top of the Glaseado Mountain (southeast of Montevera or northeast of Medali) in the northern part of the Paldea region. The player can fly to the Pokemon Center in the area as, at this point in the game, the player has reached the Pokemon Center of the area before.
Upon entering the Glaseado Gym Building, approach Gym Leader Grusha near the receptionist, and Gym Leader Grusha will be confused at first as to why the player is here. Select “I’m here for a battle” on the prompt, and the player will explain the situation. Gym Leader Grusha will then congratulate the player for achieving their dream and reaching the Champion Rank.
Next, as the player comes to test the Gym Leader’s skills, Gym Leader Grusha will say that they get this over with, so select “Yes” on the prompt, and the player will be brought to the battle court just in front of the Pokemon Gym building!
Grusha, the Sub-zero Shredder: Rematch!
Gym Leader Grusha will continue that he already gave up on being a pro snowboarder, and nothing will be left if Top Champion Geeta takes away his talents as a Gym Leader. So, he will give this battle all that he’s got.
Then, a battle against Gym Leader Grusha will commence! On the battle court, Gym Leader Grusha will say that the Pokemon League-mandated inspections happen a few times a year, and if they do not show that they are up for the job, they will lose their positions as Gym Leaders.
Gym Leader Grusha will use five Ice-type Pokemon: a Level 65 Frosmoth, a Level 65 Beartic, a Level 65 Cetitan, a Level 65 Weavile, and a Level 66 Altaria with an Ice Tera type.
With that in mind, it is worth mentioning that Frosmoth is an Ice and Bug-type Pokemon. Hence, it has a weakness to Flying-type, Steel-type, and especially Fire-type and Rock-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Grass-type, Ground-type, and Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Gym Leader Grusha’s Frosmoth will use the following moves:
- Blizzard is a special Ice-type move with 110 Power and 70 Accuracy. In addition to dealing damage, it has a 10% chance to inflict Freeze on the opposing Pokemon and an increased accuracy if used during a Snowstorm.
- Bug Buzz is a special Bug-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to dealing damage, also has a 10% chance of lowering the Special Defense stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Tailwind is a Flying-type status move that will increase the Speed stat of the user’s Pokemon by two stages for the next four turns.
Beartic is an Ice-type Pokemon, which means it has a weakness to Fighting-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Gym Leader Grusha’s Beartic will use the following moves:
- Aqua Jet is a physical water-type move with 40 power, 100 accuracy, and an increased speed priority, allowing it to go faster than most.
- Icicle Crash is a physical Ice-type move with 85 Power and 90 Accuracy that, in addition to dealing damage, also has a 30% chance of making the opposing Pokemon flinch.
- Earthquake is a physical Ground-type move with 100 Power and 100 Accuracy that will hit all of the Pokemon on the battlefield and double the damage to a Pokemon that used the move Dig.
Cetitan is also an Ice-type Pokemon, so it has a weakness to Fighting-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective) and a resistance to Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Gym Leader Grusha’s Cetitan will use the following moves:
- Icicle Spear, which is a physical Ice type move with 25 Power and 100 Accuracy where the Pokemon using the move will hit the opposing Pokemon two to five times (37.5% chance to hit two times, 37.5% chance to hit three times, 12.5% chance to hit four times, and 12.5% chance to hit five times).
- Liquidation is a physical Water-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy. In addition to dealing damage, it has a 20% chance of lowering the Defense stat of the opposing Pokemon by one stage.
- Ice Shard is a physical ice-type move with 40 power, 100 accuracy, and an increased speed priority, allowing it to go faster than most moves.
- Bounce is a physical Flying-type move with 85 Power and 85 Accuracy where the Pokemon using the move will be semi-vulnerable on the first turn and then attack the second. This attack also has a 30% chance of inflicting Paralysis on the opposing Pokemon. The Pokemon using the move will still get hit on the first, semi-vulnerable turn if the opposing Pokemon uses Thunder, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Gust, Hurricane, Helping Hand, Sky Uppercut, Twister, or Toxic (if it is used by a Poison type Pokemon).
Aside from that, Grusha’s Cetitan has the Thick Fat Ability that reduces the damage it receives from Fire type and Ice type moves by 50%.
Weavile is an Ice and Dark-type Pokemon, which means that it has a weakness to the Bug-type, Fairy-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, Steel-type, and especially Fighting-type moves (super effective), a resistance to Dark-type, Ghost-type, and Ice-type moves (not very effective), and an immunity to Psychic-type moves (no effect).
Gym Leader Grusha’s Weavile will use the following moves:
- Night Slash is a physical Dark-type move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy; it also has a 1-stage increased Critical Hit ratio.
- Ice Punch is a physical Ice-type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, also has a 10% chance of freezing the opposing Pokemon.
- Shadow Claw is a physical Dark type move with 70 Power and 100 Accuracy; it also has a 1-stage increased Critical Hit ratio.
- X-Scissor is a physical Bug-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
Aside from its moves, Gym Leader Grusha’s Weavile has an Ability called Pressure that will make the opposing Pokemon’s move lose 2 PP instead of just one if the move hits the Pokemon with the Ability.
Altaria is a Dragon and Flying-type Pokemon but, as Gym Leader Grusha will Terastallize Altaria, it will become an Ice-type because of its Tera-Type, which means it also now has a weakness to Fighting-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type moves (super effective) and resistance to Ice-type moves (not very effective).
Gym Leader Grusha’s Altaria will use the following moves:
- Ice Beam is a special Ice-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to dealing damage, also has a 10% chance of inflicting Freeze on the opposing Pokemon.
- Dragon Pulse is a special Dragon-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Moonblast is a special Fairy-type move with 95 Power and 100 Accuracy. In addition to dealing damage, it has a 30% chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon’s Special Attack stat by one stage.
- Hurricane is a special Flying-type move with 110 Power and 70 Accuracy. In addition to dealing damage, it also has a 30% chance of confusing the opposing Pokemon and will still damage opposing Pokemon that used Fly, Bounce, or Sky Drop.
As Gym Leader Grusha’s Pokemon are Level 65 and 66, it is recommended that the player use Pokemon that are Level 67 and higher with Steel-type and Fire-type or Rock-type moves as all of these moves will deal super effective damage to all of Gym Leader Grusha’s Pokemon.
Also, it is recommended that the player quickly defeat Gym Leader Grusha’s Frosmoth as it may use the move Tailwind, increasing the Speed stat of whichever Pokemon on its team is out on the battle for four turns. The player can quickly defeat Frosmoth by using a Pokemon with a high-speed stat to ensure that the player’s Pokemon attacks first, then attacks using a Steel-type, Fire-type, or Rock-type move.
Against Gym Leader Grusha’s Cetitan, use Steel-type moves when attacking it as its Ability, Thick Fat, will reduce the damage it will receive from Fire-type and Ice-type moves.
After winning the battle, Gym Leader Grusha will say he has no regrets about it as he gave it everything he got. The battle makes him want to become stronger as a Gym Leader, and the player rekindles the passion that he thought had frozen over.
After defeating Gym Leader Grusha in the rematch, the player can move on to other Gym Leaders in rematches and other post-game adventures!