Learn everything you need to know about Hassel in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game in which the player takes on the character of a transferee in a large school in the Paldea region.
The player is the only one who gets to choose what to do in the game: dismantle the nefarious Team Star, complete the Pokedex and catch them all, uncover the exciting new Titan Pokemon, or defeat all of the Pokemon Gyms, become champion, and become the best like no one ever was!
Near the end of the Victory Road quest line, the player will try to become a Champion by entering the Pokemon League and defeating the Elite Four and Top Champion Geeta.
This guide will teach you how to defeat the fourth member of the Elite Four, Hassel in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!
Hassel and the other Elite Four members are found northwest of Mesagoza in the Pokemon League (or southwest of the Great Crater of Paldea).
To reach the Pokemon League, head to Mesagoza in the southern part of the Great Crater of Paldea, head to the northwest corner from the Mesagoza (West) Pokemon Center, head up the stairs next to the sandwich shop, enter the cave with a gate, and follow the path that leads northwest until it ends at the Pokemon League building and a Pokemon Center.
Before meeting Hassel and the other Elite Four members in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, the player must first defeat and conquer all eight Pokemon Gyms in the Paldea Region.
Proceed to the Pokemon League after beating all of the Pokemon Gyms; a cutscene will play as you approach the Pokemon League building’s door, in which Champion Geeta stands near the entrance and tells the player that the Pokemon League, the final challenge required to become a Champion, will be held there.
Approach the Pokemon League Staff in front of the entrance when you’re ready, and they will ask whether you’re ready to take the Pokemon League’s Champion Assessment.
Answer ‘Yes’ on the prompt; the Pokemon League Staff will check to see if you have gathered all eight Gym Badges from the Pokemon Gym Leaders throughout the Paldea region. The Pokemon League Staff will admit you inside the building if you have.
Rika will ask the player questions before meeting Elite Four, which the player must correctly answer to progress.
After correctly answering the questions, choose the Pokemon you wish to use against all of the Elite Four, stock up on healing goods, and then proceed to the door directly behind Rika, where the player will now fight the Elite Four, beginning with Rika. The player must then beat Rika, Poppy, and Larry before encountering Hassel.
After defeating Rika, Poppy, and Larry, Larry will comment that the player is much stronger than he remembers and then call out the final member of the Elite Four, who will not hear Larry at first, prompting Rika to shout even louder. Then, Hassel will walk into the room.
Make sure to heal your Pokemon before beginning the battle with Hassel in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, then approach Hassel, choose ‘Yes’ on the prompt when asked if the player is ready to face Hassel of the Elite Four. The battle with Hassel, the final member of the Elite Four, will begin!
Hassel will use five Dragon-type Pokemon: a Level 60 Noivern, a Level 60 Dragalge, a Level 60 Flapple, a Level 60 Haxorus, and a Level 61 Baxcalibur.
Noivern is a Dragon and Flying-type Pokemon. Hence, it has weak (super effective) to Dragon-type, Fairy-type, Rock-type, and especially Ice-type moves, resistant (not very effective) to the Bug-type, Fighting-type, Fire-type, Water-type, and especially Grass-type moves, and immune (no effect) to Ground-type moves.
Hassel’s Noivern will use the following moves:
- Air Slash is a flying-type special move with 75 power and 95 accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, has a 30% chance of making the enemy Pokemon flinch.
- Dragon Pulse is a special Dragon-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Hyper Voice is a special Normal-type move with 90 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Super Fang is a physical Normal-type move with 90 Accuracy that reduces the HP of the opposing Pokemon in half.
Dragalge is a Dragon and Poison-type Pokemon. Hence, it is weak (super effective) to Dragon-type, Ground-type, Ice-type, and Psychic-type moves and resistant (not very effective) to the Bug-type, Electric-type, Fighting-type, Fire-type, Poison-type, Water-type, and especially Grass-type moves.
Hassel’s Dragalge will use the following moves:
- Dragon Pulse is a special Dragon-type move with 85 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Sludge Bomb is a Poison-type move with 90 power and 100 accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 30% chance of poisoning the opposing Pokemon.
- Thunderbolt is a special Electric-type move with 90 power and 100 accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 10% chance of paralyzing the opposing Pokemon.
- Hydro Pump is a special Water-type move with 110 Power and 80 Accuracy.
Flapple is a Dragon and Grass-type Pokemon. Hence, it is weak (super effective) to the Bug-type, Dragon-type, Fairy-type, Flying-type, Poison-type, and especially Ice-type moves and resistant (not very effective) to Ground-type, especially Electric-type, Grass-type, and Water-type moves.
Hassel’s Flapple will use the following moves:
- Aerial Ace is a physical Flying-type move with 60 power that never misses unless the opposing Pokemon uses a few specific moves.
- Seed Bomb is a physical Grass-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Leech Seed is a Grass-type status move with 90 Accuracy that steals an eighth of the target Pokemon’s HP to regain the user’s HP.
- Dragon Rush is a physical Dragon-type move with 100 Power and 75 Accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, has a 20% chance of making the enemy Pokemon flinch.
Haxorus is a Dragon-type Pokemon, so it is weak (super effective) to Dragon-type, Fairy-type, and Ice-type moves and resistant (not very effective) to Electric-type, Fire-type, Grass-type, and Water-type moves.
Hassel’s Haxorus will use the following moves:
- Rock Tomb is a physical Rock-type move with 60 Power and 95 Accuracy that deals damage while decreasing the opposing Pokemon’s Speed stat by one stage.
- Crunch a physical Dark type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, has a 20% chance of decreasing the opposing Pokemon’s Defense stat by one stage.
- Dragon Claw is a physical Dragon-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy.
- Iron Head is a physical Steel-type move with 80 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to delivering damage, has a 30% chance of making the enemy Pokemon flinch.
Baxcalibur is a Dragon and Ice-type Pokemon. Still, Hassel will terastallize Baxcalibur, which will change it into a pure Dragon-type because of its Tera type, which means it is weak (super effective) to Dragon-type, Fairy-type, and Ice-type moves and resistant (not very effective) to Electric-type, Fire-type, Grass-type, and Water-type moves.
Hassel’s Baxcalibur will use the following moves:
- Ice Shard, a physical Ice-type move with 40 Power and 100 Accuracy with a Speed priority of one, allows it to go faster than most.
- Brick Break is a physical Fighting type move with 75 Power and 100 Accuracy that, in addition to causing damage, destroys the defensive barriers active in the battle.
- Icicle Crash is a physical Ice-type move with 85 Power and 90 Accuracy that has a 30% chance of causing the enemy Pokemon to flinch and deal damage.
- Glaive Rush is a physical Dragon-type move with 120 Power and 100 Accuracy that, aside from dealing damage, ensures that the Pokemon using the next move will not miss and deal twice the damage.
Because Hassel’s Pokemon range from Level 60 to 61, it is recommended that the player use Pokemon that are Level 62 and higher.
It is recommended that the player’s Pokemon have Fairy-type and Ice-type moves to easily defeat Hassel and his Pokemon, as all of Hassel’s Pokemon are weak against these moves, especially Hassel’s Noivern and Flapple, as they take 4x damage when hit with Ice-type moves. Hassel’s Pokemon are also weak against Dragon-type moves, but Dragon-type Pokemon, who usually have Dragon-type moves, are also weak against Dragon-type moves that Hassel has.
Because of that, Pokemon like Tinkaton is great to use against Hassel’s Pokemon as it can learn a lot of different Fairy-type moves and one Ice-type move (Ice Hammer, which can be learned via Egg Moves) to deal super effective damage to Hassel’s Pokemon and Tinkaton is resistant to Dark-type, Flying-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, Normal-type, Rock-type moves and immunity to Dragon-type and Poison-type moves which Hassel’s Pokemon will use.
After defeating Hassel and all his Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, the player is one step closer to completing the Pokemon League and becoming a Champion in the Paldea Region!