How to Romance Shane in Stardew Valley


Melizza Jane Tacang

Writer and Storywriter

Melizza is a part-time writer for PlayerAssist and a full-time mom. When she's not fussing over her kids, she writes game guides on cozy simulation games like Stardew Valley and The Sims 4. She's mostly seen playing cute indie games on her laptop and Nintendo Switch. Melizza also likes revisiting her childhood survival horror games and classic RPGs because she's a sucker for nostalgia. Aside from video games, Melizza is also into anime, philosophy, true crime, and Pedro Pascal.


Learn how to romance Shane in Stardew Valley!

How to Romance Shane in Stardew Valley

Shane is a villager who may seem gruff and unfriendly, but he gets a lot of love in the Stardew Valley community.

There are twelve marriageable candidates for you to choose from in Pelican Town. If you think marrying Shane takes the cake, this guide will help you win him.

All about Shane

Shane Neutral

Birthday: 20th of Spring;

Address: Marnie’s Ranch, Cindersap Forest;

Relatives: Marnie and Jaz;

Occupation: Jojamart Employee;

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Shane likes to hang out in the pub, and he always has a can of beer in his hand. At a glance, Shane might seem like he is the type who likes to party, but no, he honestly does not.

Shane is content with just standing in the pub’s corner and not trying to interact with everyone.

Once you slowly get to know him, you’ll find out that he has crippling depression and is severely alcoholic. Shane has a day job that he utterly hates but still unironically supports the corporation’s products he despises. 

Despite putting up a rough exterior, Shane is quite fond of chickens. He also likes to stuff his mouth with unhealthy food and fiddle around his house when he has nothing better.

He lives on a ranch with his Aunt Marnie and Jaz, his goddaughter.

Reasons why you should Romance Shane in Stardew Valley:

Shane may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there are benefits to building a relationship with him in this game.

Blue Chicken
  • Blue Chickens – If you become good friends with Shane, you will have a ¼ chance of owning a blue chicken. You may be able to purchase one from Marnie’s Ranch or hatch a blue chicken in the incubator.
Pepper Poppers
  • Recipe – You can get the recipe for Pepper Poppers.
  • His heart events – His character progression is arguably one of the game’s most interesting and realistic. Many of his fans find him relatable because of this. His story details the effects of his depressive episodes and destructive habits, like how he steadily began to cope after being friends with the player.

First Encounters with Shane

When you are not watering your crops or clearing out all the debris on your farm, introducing yourself to the villagers around Pelican Town is mandatory during your first few days as a farmer.

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If you come across a guy with short black hair and a ragged blue jacket, he will only give you a rude response.

Meeting an NPC for the first time will unlock their character profile on your Relationship tab. You can now see Shane’s birthday, favorite gifts, relationship status, etc. 

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The more gifts you give Shane, the more items you will discover in the Gift Log section of his character profile.


Winning Shane’s affection using gifts is easy since most of his favorites can be bought in the Stardrop Saloon, where he frequently hangs about. 

Shane will also appreciate getting a gift from you on his birthday. You can offer him gifts twice a week. Whether he loves the gift or not, the friendship points you will get will be multiplied by eight.


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Giving him his favorite things will earn you +80 friendship points.


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If you give him one of these things, you will receive +45 friendship points.


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If you have no choice but to give Shane these gifts, +20 will be added to your friendship meter.


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Giving him these will lower your friendship to -20 points.


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If you offer him things he hates, -40 points will be deducted from your friendship meter.

When in doubt, always check his profile in your Relationship tab before giving him a gift. You can also refer to the list that we have for you below.

LovesWhere/How to Obtain
All Universal Loves: Sgen2P66vfQ1tDEQxS Lh6lLCCUBTmgE hv9sRfPAFbTg pEgTshGXZXaXrg5bbVQLXV vhy JVlr6CzyDz9dMoxtkX4JXwdP3YCAfptPQw3hQgmxo9AE0UDS8yy0A5 c5w5sqwp=s0Golden Pumpkin,XI0aPY15i8fK RTl9ASwiZ9PlZo4orteRqJ Magic Rock Candy,  M3TAbk0P1ZOjo7cfMv32gUOqvdagAI5NOz3Rc16SObZREo49r6oOt9dut3t vTAhaXCkAJnb zwWp KHsk CEeVJBth AmnnPuNYvTUjfhyyUfMjxUecKeBXHaNwrx pMtukvdZy=s0Pearl, uP5cGgOMhLQ6Vv26HnTwJzVZatlzoWVjFDsCI 2KnBb1dqpWw347rnnyoOzutZaG2HHEURvFkyyfqtPl2U LyQZ9eng1OxCq7R4B6nLMines, 8zFwRpVrxDl1IKWo1ospZ7VRm5 lnInVP2GcBNFx5RmZx f9gBbPNvO8y 6 rB4qV4JBimYt9Rdb1t4O813qDBgWalZ1unAIj hh3CVV62RPXi QBiAeLvBC6QTItZt1U8KoShhp=s0Rabbit’s Foot Sgen2P66vfQ1tDEQxS Lh6lLCCUBTmgE hv9sRfPAFbTg pEgTshGXZXaXrg5bbVQLXV vhy JVlr6CzyDz9dMoxtkX4JXwdP3YCAfptPQw3hQgmxo9AE0UDS8yy0A5 c5w5sqwp=s0 Spirit’s Eve Festival, XI0aPY15i8fK RTl9ASwiZ9PlZo4orteRqJThe Desert Trader, M3TAbk0P1ZOjo7cfMv32gUOqvdagAI5NOz3Rc16SObZREo49r6oOt9dut3t vTAhaXCkAJnb zwWp KHsk CEeVJBth AmnnPuNYvTUjfhyyUfMjxUecKeBXHaNwrx pMtukvdZy=s0Night Market Festival, uP5cGgOMhLQ6Vv26HnTwJzVZatlzoWVjFDsCI 2KnBb1dqpWw347rnnyoOzutZaG2HHEURvFkyyfqtPl2U LyQZ9eng1OxCq7R4B6nLMines, 8zFwRpVrxDl1IKWo1ospZ7VRm5 lnInVP2GcBNFx5RmZx f9gBbPNvO8y 6 rB4qV4JBimYt9Rdb1t4O813qDBgWalZ1unAIj hh3CVV62RPXi QBiAeLvBC6QTItZt1U8KoShhp=s0Rabbit
BeerKeg (Wheat), The Stardrop Saloon
Hot PeppersFarming (Summer)
Pepper PoppersCooking, The Stardrop Saloon
PizzaCooking, The Stardrop Saloon
LikesWhere/How to Obtain
All Eggs (Except Void eggs)Chickens, Ducks
AppleApple Tree (Fall)
BlackberryForaging (Fall)
BlueberryFarming (Summer)
CheeseCheese Press (Milk)
Chocolate CakeCooking
ClothLoom (Wool)
CoconutCalico Desert
CoffeeThe Stardrop Saloon, The Night Market, Keg (Coffee Beans)
CornFarming (Summer)
CranberryFarming (Fall)
Cranberry SauceCooking, The Stardrop Saloon
CrocusForaging (Winter)
DiamondMines, Fishing
Earth CrystalMines, Geodes
EggplantFarming (Fall)
EmeraldMines, Quarry, Geodes
Fried CalamariCooking
GrapeForaging (Summer), Farming (Fall)
Green BeanFarming (Spring)
JadeMines, Blue Slimes, The Dwarvish Sentry
Jelly Preserves Jar (Blackberry, Blueberry, Hot Pepper)
KaleFarming (Spring)
Mayonnaise (All)Mayonnaise Machine (Egg)
Pale AleKeg (Hops)
ParsnipFarming (Spring)
PotatoPotato (Spring)
SalmonberryForaging (Spring)
SpaghettiCooking, The Stardrop Saloon
Spice BerryForaging (Summer)
SunflowerFarming (Summer & Fall)
StrawberryFarming (Spring)
Sweet PeaForaging (Summer)
TomatoFarming (Summer)
Trout SoupCooking
TulipFarming (Spring)
Wild HoneyBee House
Wine Keg (Blackberry, Cranberry, Hot Pepper, Strawberry)
NeutralWhere/How to Obtain
All MilkCows, Goats
ClamForaging (Any Season), Fishing, Crab Pot
CoralForaging (Any Season)
Duck FeatherDucks, Traveling Cart
Fried EggCooking 
HopsFarming (Summer)
Nautilus ShellForaging (Winter)
Rainbow ShellForaging (Summer)
RoeFish Pond
Squid InkForaging (Any Season), Fish Pond, Squid Kids
Sweet Gem BerryFarming (Fall)
Tea leavesTea Bushes
WheatFarming (Summer & Fall)
WoolSheep, Rabbits

Note: Avoid giving Shane these if you do not want to lower your friendship.

GingerAll Universal Hates
Common Mushroom
Snow Yam
Purple Mushroom
Winter Root
Magma Cap
Wild Horseradish
All Universal Dislikes

Shane’s Schedule

Compared to the other eligible villagers, it is easy to memorize Shane’s schedule. He follows a strict daily routine, probably because of his withdrawn demeanor. He does not seem to loiter beside Gus’ pub or Pierre’s shop. His daily routine will also not be affected even if it rains. 

Warning: Spoilers if you have not completed the Community Center bundles yet. Shane’s schedule will not change unless you have decided to revive the Community Center instead of funding the Jojamart Warehouse. If you choose the former, Jojamart will eventually close down, and Shane will become unemployed.

Before the restoration of the Community Center:

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7:10 AM to 9:30 AMOn his way to Jojamart
9:30 AM to 5:30 PMInside Jojamart (You can’t interact with him during this time)
5:30 PM to 6:30 PMOn his way to The Stardrop Saloon
6:30 PM to 11:00 PMAt the Stardrop Saloon
11:00 PM to 12:30 AMHeads home
12:30 AMInside Marnie’s Ranch


9:00 AM to 12:00 PMInside Marnie’s Kitchen
12:00 PM to 1:30 PMOn his way to Pierre’s General Store
1:30 PM to 5:00 PMAt Pierre’s General Store
5:00 PM to 5:30 PMOn his way to the Stardrop Saloon
5:30 PM to 11:00 PMAt the Stardrop Saloon
11:00 PM to 12:30 AMHeads home
12:30 AMInside Marnie’s Ranch

SUNDAY (Spring, Fall, and Winter)

6:00 AM to 2:00 AMInside Marnie’s Ranch

SUNDAY (Summer)

6:00 AM to 9:00 AMInside his room
9:00 AM to 11:00 AMIn Marnie’s kitchen
11:00 AM to 3:00 PMInside his room
3:00 PM to 6:00 PMIn Marnie’s shop
6:00 PM to 7:30 PMOn his way to the Stardrop Saloon
7:30 PM to 12:00 AMAt Stardrop Saloon
12:00 AM to 1:30 PMHeads home
1:30 PMInside Marnie’s Ranch

Note: On rainy weekends, Shane goes to work at Jojamart. On Winter 18, he leaves Marnie’s Ranch at 3:00 PM, goes to the Night Market, and stays there until 11 PM.

After the restoration of the Community Center:


6:00 AM to 9:00 AMInside his room
9:00 AM to 11:00 AMIn Marnie’s Kitchen
11:00 AM to 12:00 PMInside his room
12:00 PM to 2:00 PMBy the fireplace at Marnie’s Ranch
2:00 PM to 3:30 PMOn his way to The Stardrop Saloon
3:30 PM to 11:00 PMAt the Stardrop Saloon
11:00 PM to 12:30 AMHeads home to Marnie’s Ranch
12:30 AMInside Marnie’s Ranch


6:00 AM to 9:00 AMInside his room
9:00 AM to 12:00 PMIn Marnie’s Kitchen
12:00 PM to 1:30 PMOn his way to Pierre’s General Store
1:30 PM to 5:00 PMAt Pierre’s General Store
5:00 PM to 5:30 PMOn his way to the Stardrop Saloon
5:30 PM to 11:00 PMAt the Stardrop Saloon
11:00 PM to 12:30 PMHeads home to Marnie’s Ranch
12:30 PMInside Marnie’s Ranch

Note: His Sunday schedule is the same as before Jojamart closes for good. On Winter 18, he leaves Marnie’s Ranch at 3:00 PM, goes to the Night Market, and stays there until 11 PM.

Romance Interactions with Shane in Stardew Valley

As your friendship progresses, you can witness cutscenes revolving around Shane. Some of these scenarios can be heavy and depressing, so be warned.

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Two hearts event

8:00 PM to 12:00 AMCindersap ForestShane shares a beer with the player while opening up about his depression.

Four hearts event

AnytimeMarnie’s RanchMarnie asks Shane about his plans for the future. Shane says, “I won’t be around long enough to need a plan.”

Six hearts event

9:00 AM to 8:00 PMCindersap Forest (While raining)The player finds Shane at the edge of the cliffs, downright inebriated. He asks, “Tell me, why I shouldn’t roll off this cliff right now?”

You can respond: “Because you have so much to live for!” (0 friendship points). “Jas needs you. You’re like a father to her.” (0 friendship points). “It would be a sin.” (0 friendship points). “The decision is your own. Just know that I’m here for you.” (0 friendship points)

He then asks the player if he can be taken to the hospital. Shane visits the player’s farm the next day and apologizes for the trouble he caused.

You may respond with: “I’m glad I was there to help.” (+10 friendship points), “You needed a serious wake-up call.” (-10 friendship points), or “I’m just happy you’re still here.” (+10 friendship points)

Seven Hearts Event (Part 1)

When Shane is at homeMarnie’s RanchShane tells the player that he has been happier than usual, implying that he is reducing his drinking habits. He then gives Jas a present that she loves.

Seven hearts event (Part 2) (Will be triggered after you earn at least two hearts for Emily and Clint)

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10:00 AM to 4:00 PMPelican Town (Sunny Day)The player watches Shane filming an advertisement scene starring Emily and Clint.

Eight hearts event

When Shane is at homeMarnie’s RanchShane looks happy holding his favorite chicken, “Charlie.” He hints about his dreams for the future involving breeding chickens and selling eggs.

Ten hearts event (Will be triggered after you give him a flower bouquet)

6:30 PMOutside your houseShane invites the player to go to the Zuzu City Stadium, where they share a moment there together.

Fourteen hearts event (Will be triggered after you marry Shane)

-8:00 AM to 5:00 PM-Anytime for the next two daysPelican TownMarnie and the player suspect Shane of having an alcohol relapse, so the player spends the next few days trying to catch Shane in the act.

Movie preferences

You can invite Shane on a movie date whenever he is free. The Movie Theatre can only be unlocked after completing all the Community Center and Jojamart bundles.

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It Howls In The RainJourney Of The Prairie King: The Motion PictureThe Brave Little Sapling
WumbusMysteriumThe Miracle At Coldstar Ranch
Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant WorldThe Zuzu City Express

If you buy Shane snacks at the concessions counter, he will love one of these: Hummus Snack Pack, Joja Cola, Jojacorn, Nachos, Personal Pizza, Stardrop Sherbet.

Meanwhile, he dislikes snacking on these: Apple Slices, Black Licorice, Cappuccino Mousse Cake, Kale Smoothie, Panzanella Salad, and Truffle Popcorn.

Shane Romance Do’s and Don’ts in Stardew Valley

Some of these additional tips may be useful in warming up Shane’s heart. These tips can also be applied when befriending or romancing any NPCs. 

Friendship decay or decreasing of friendship exists in this game. Decaying can happen if you do not talk to the villagers for a while after establishing a good relationship with them.


  • Give Shane two of his favorite gifts once a week.
  • Talk to Shane at least once a day. 
  • Do not forget to interact with him at festivals. You’ll get bonus friendship points if you ask Shane to be your partner in the Flower Dance festival.
  • Complete his delivery requests.
  • Take him to the movies. You will get bonus points for treating him to some snacks.
  • Give him a birthday present.
  • Choose the right dialogues in his heart events.
  • (If you married him) Kiss Shane every day.

Do not:

  • Ignore Shane. To prevent friendship decay, interact with him daily and give him gifts even if you have already maxed out your friendship.
  • Give him the things he hates and dislikes.
  • Rummage in the trash can whenever Shane is around. (Linus does not seem to mind this, though)
  • Hit him with a slingshot.
  • (If you married him) Give presents to other bachelors or bachelorettes, except for their birthday.

Shane, as a spouse

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Shane will move into your house and set up his chicken coop behind your farm. He will help you around the farm, like watering your crops, feeding your chickens, and fixing broken fences.

Shane will sometimes give you a beer, large egg, void egg, pale ale, or pepper poppers on rainy days. He may also offer you an omelet, pepper poppers, or a pizza when he stays all day on the farm.

Marrying Shane does not automatically heal him of his depression. He still makes a mess in his room, mopes around the farmhouse all day, and occasionally falls back into the same routine he has had for so many years — hanging out in Gus’ pub (despite just drinking Joja Cola.)

Some of his fans like to point out that Shane’s most realistic feature is that he will not change his personality overnight after marriage, but he still tries to hang in there, thanks to the player.

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